The students choose courses for 36 ECTS-credits from two languages: select for each language 18 ECTS-credits and for each language at least one course on literature and one course on linguistics.
Master's thesis
Master's Thesis
German: linguistics and literature
Select courses for 18 ECTS-credits, of which at lease one course on linguistics and one course on literature
Literature and Politics
Literature and Philosophy as from the Enlightenment
- Bart Philipsen
Identity and Alterity as from the Enlightenment
- Anke Gilleir
Literature and Friendship: Negotiating Alterity, Gender, and Community
Language Dynamics: Regional Language Research of Modern Sociology and German Dialect
German Linguistics: Change and Variation
- Kurt Feyaerts
German Linguistics: Theory and Description
- Kurt Feyaerts
Language and Gender
Dutch: linguistics and literature
Select courses for 18 ECTS-credits, of which at least one course on linguistics and one course on literature:
The Sociolinguistics of Online Communication
Dutch corpus linguistics
Middle Dutch medical texts through a linguistic microscope
Chivalric Romance in Middle Dutch
Religious Literature in the Middle Ages and in the Early Modern Period
Mystical Authors
Renaissance Literature and Culture
Contemporary Dutch Literature
Buitengaats: Contemporary African Literature
- Ilse de Korte
- Valerie Rousseau
Dutch-language Drama in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period
Free-choice electives
Students choose 6 ECTS-credits from the courses belonging to the Master's programme in Linguistics and Literature on the condition that these courses are related to their Bachelor's language combinations.
Courses that belong to a different master's programme than "Linguistics and Literature", including master's programmes organised by another Faculty, will first have to be approved by the Education Board.
Scientific Internship
Professional Communication (German)
German: Area Studies
German: Translation and Revision
German as a Foreign Language
German: Society and German Film
Dutch Language Proficiency: Writing and Speaking in a Changing Society
The students choose courses for 36 ECTS-credits from two languages: select for each language 18 ECTS-credits and for each language at least one course on literature and one course on linguistics.
Master's thesis
Master's Thesis
German: linguistics and literature
Select courses for 18 ECTS-credits, of which at lease one course on linguistics and one course on literature
Literature and Politics
Literature and Philosophy as from the Enlightenment
- Bart Philipsen
Identity and Alterity as from the Enlightenment
- Anke Gilleir
Theatre and Gender
Language Dynamics: Regional Language Research of Modern Sociology and German Dialect
German Linguistics: Change and Variation
- Kurt Feyaerts
German Linguistics: Theory and Description
- Kurt Feyaerts
Language and Gender
Dutch: linguistics and literature
Select courses for 18 ECTS-credits, of which at least one course on linguistics and one course on literature:
Sense and Meaning
Language Contact and Language Dynamics
The Sociolinguistics of Online Communication
Chivalric Romance in Middle Dutch
Religious Literature in the Middle Ages and in the Early Modern Period
Mystical Authors
Renaissance Literature and Culture
Broken Time: Dutch Literature during World War II
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
Contemporary Dutch Literature
Buitengaats: Contemporary African Literature
- Kris Humbeeck
- Ilse de Korte
- Valerie Rousseau
Dutch-language Drama in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period
A Crumbling Evening Country? The Image of Europe in Dutch Literature
Free-choice electives
Students choose 6 ECTS-credits from the courses belonging to the Master's programme in Linguistics and Literature on the condition that these courses are related to their Bachelor's language combinations.
Courses that belong to a different master's programme than "Linguistics and Literature", including master's programmes organised by another Faculty, will first have to be approved by the Education Board.
Scientific Internship
Professional Communication (German)
German: Area Studies
German: Translation and Revision
German as a Foreign Language
German: Society and German Film
Dutch Language Proficiency: Writing and Speaking in a Changing Society
The students choose courses for 36 ECTS-credits from two languages: select for each language 18 ECTS-credits and for each language at least one course on literature and one course on linguistics.
Master's thesis
Master project
German: linguistics and literature
Select courses for 18 ECTS-credits, of which at lease one course on linguistics and one course on literature
Literature and politics
Literature and philosophy as from the Enlightenment
- Bart Philipsen
Identity and alterity as from the Enlightenment
- Anke Gilleir
Literary Productivity: concepts and practices
- Jana Vijayakumaran
Language Dynamics: regional language research of modern sociology and German dialect
German linguistics: change and variation
- Kurt Feyaerts
German linguistics: theory and description
- Kurt Feyaerts
Language and gender
Dutch: linguistics and literature
Select courses for 18 ECTS-credits, of which at least one course on linguistics and one course on literature:
Speaking and hearing
Sense and meaning
Language contact and language dynamics
The sociolinguistics of online communication
Chivalric Rom. in Middle Dutch
Religious literature in the Middle Ages and in the early modern period
Mystical authors
Renaissance literature and culture
Broken time: Dutch Literature during World War II
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
Contemporary Dutch literature
Buitengaats: Contemporary African Literature
- Kris Humbeeck
- Ilse de Korte
- Valerie Rousseau
Dutch-language drama in the Middle Ages and early modern period
A crumbling evening country? The image of Europe in Dutch literature
Free-choice electives
Students choose 6 ECTS-credits from the courses belonging to the Master¹s programme in Linguistics and Literature on the condition that these courses are related to their Bachelor¹s language combinations.
Courses that belong to a different master¹s programme than ³Linguistics and Literature", including master¹s programmes organised by another Faculty, will first have to be approved by the Education Board.
Scientific internship
Professional Communication (German)
- Griet Boone
- Ingeborg Dusar
German: Area Studies
German: Translation and Revision
German as a foreign language
German: Society and German Film
Dutch language proficiency: Writing and speaking in a changing society
The students choose courses for 36 ECTS-credits from two languages: select for each language 18 ECTS-credits and for each language at least one course on literature and one course on linguistics.
Master's thesis
Master project
German: linguistics and literature
Select courses for 18 ECTS-credits, of which at lease one course on linguistics and one course on literature
Literature 1: literature and politics
Literature and philosophy as from the Enlightenment
- Bart Philipsen
Identity and alterity as from the Enlightenment
- Anke Gilleir
Deutsch-jüdische Selbstzeugnisse während des Holocaust und danach
Language Dynamics: regional language research of modern sociology and German dialect
German linguistics: change and variation
- Kurt Feyaerts
German linguistics: theory and description
- Kurt Feyaerts
Language and gender
Dutch: linguistics and literature
Select courses for 18 ECTS-credits, of which at least one course on linguistics and one course on literature:
Speaking and hearing
- Jolien Faes
- Steven Gillis
- Jo Verhoeven
Sense and meaning
Language contact and language dynamics
Language acquisition
- Jolien Faes
- Steven Gillis
The sociolinguistics of online communication
Chivalric Rom. in Middle Dutch
Religious literature in the Middle Ages and in the early modern period
Mystical authors
Renaissance literature and culture
Broken time: Dutch Literature during World War II
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
Contemporary Dutch literature
Buitengaats: Contemporary African Literature
- Kris Humbeeck
- Ilse de Korte
- Valerie Rousseau
Free-choice electives
Students choose 6 ECTS-credits from the courses belonging to the Master¹s programme in Linguistics and Literature on the condition that these courses are related to their Bachelor¹s language combinations.
Courses that belong to a different master¹s programme than ³Linguistics and Literature", including master¹s programmes organised by another Faculty, will first have to be approved by the Education Board.
Scientific internship
Professional Communication (German)
- Ingeborg Dusar
German: Area Studies
German: Translation and Revision
German as a foreign language
German: Society and German Film
Dutch language proficiency: Writing and speaking in a changing society
The students choose courses for 36 ECTS-credits from two languages: select for each language 18 ECTS-credits and for each language at least one course on literature and one course on linguistics.
Master's thesis
Master project
German: linguistics and literature
Select courses for 18 ECTS-credits, of which at lease one course on linguistics and one course on literature
Literature 1: literature and politics
Austrian 20th century literature
- Vivian Liska
- Geert Crauwels
Literature and philosophy as from the Enlightenment
- Bart Philipsen
Identity and alterity as from the Enlightenment
- Anke Gilleir
Language Dynamics: regional language research of modern sociology and German dialect
German linguistics: change and variation
- Kurt Feyaerts
German linguistics: theory and description
- Kurt Feyaerts
Language and gender
Dutch: linguistics and literature
Select courses for 18 ECTS-credits, of which at least one course on linguistics and one course on literature:
Speaking and hearing
- Jolien Faes
- Steven Gillis
- Jo Verhoeven
Sense and meaning
Language contact and language dynamics
Language acquisition
- Jolien Faes
- Steven Gillis
Chivalric Rom. in Middle Dutch
Religious literature in the Middle Ages and in the early modern period
Mystical authors
Renaissance literature and culture
From scaffold to theatre: theatre in the Low Countries from the 17th till the 20th century
Broken time: Dutch Literature during World War II
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
Contemporary Dutch literature
A crumbling evening country? The image of Europe in Dutch literature
Free-choice electives
Students choose 6 ECTS-credits from the courses belonging to the Master¹s programme in Linguistics and Literature on the condition that these courses are related to their Bachelor¹s language combinations.
Courses that belong to a different master¹s programme than ³Linguistics and Literature", including master¹s programmes organised by another Faculty, will first have to be approved by the Education Board.
Scientific internship
Professional Communication (German)
- Ingeborg Dusar
- Carola Strobl
German: Area Studies
German: Translation and Revision
German as a foreign language
- Tanja Mortelmans
- Tom Smits
- Alex Haider
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German: Society and German Film
Dutch language proficiency: Writing and speaking in a changing society
The students choose courses for 36 ECTS-credits from two languages: select for each language 18 ECTS-credits and for each language at least one course on literature and one course on linguistics.
Master's thesis
Master project
German: linguistics and literature
Select courses for 18 ECTS-credits, of which at lease one course on linguistics and one course on literature
Literature 1: literature and politics
Austrian 20th century literature
- Thorsten Ries
Literature and philosophy as from the Enlightenment
- Bart Philipsen
Identity and alterity as from the Enlightenment
- Anke Gilleir
Language Dynamics: regional language research of modern sociology and German dialect
German linguistics: change and variation
- Kurt Feyaerts
German linguistics: theory and description
- Kurt Feyaerts
Language and gender
Dutch: linguistics and literature
Select courses for 18 ECTS-credits, of which at least one course on linguistics and one course on literature:
Speaking and hearing
- Jolien Faes
- Steven Gillis
- Jo Verhoeven
Sense and meaning
Language contact and language dynamics
Language acquisition
- Jolien Faes
- Steven Gillis
- Hanne Kloots
Chivalric Rom. in Middle Dutch
Religious literature in the Middle Ages and in the early modern period
Mystical authors
Renaissance literature and culture
From scaffold to theatre: theatre in the Low Countries from the 17th till the 20th century
Broken time: Dutch Literature during World War II
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
Contemporary Dutch literature
Buitengaats: Contemporary African Literature
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
A crumbling evening country? The image of Europe in Dutch literature
Free-choice electives
Students choose 6 ECTS-credits from the courses belonging to the Master¹s programme in Linguistics and Literature on the condition that these courses are related to their Bachelor¹s language combinations.
Courses that belong to a different master¹s programme than ³Linguistics and Literature", including master¹s programmes organised by another Faculty, will first have to be approved by the Education Board.
Scientific internship
Professional Communication (German)
- Ingeborg Dusar
German: Area Studies
German: Translation and Revision
German as a foreign language
- Tanja Mortelmans
- Tom Smits
- Alex Haider