Study programme
Dutch-taught Master of Biochemical Engineering Technology
Model Path
You take the compulsory courses and the Master's Project.
Additionally, you choose optional courses in biochemistry for 6 ECTS.
You also choose one of the optional packages.
Compulsory Courses
27 ECTS-credits
I-Biochemical Separation Techniques
I-Bioprocess Control
I-Environmental Engineering
I-Food Processing
- Nathalie Bernaert
- Paulien Leemans
- Marc Wijnants
I-Industrial Biotechnology
I-Project Bioprocess Engineering
Optional Courses in Biochemistry
6 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below.
(International courses only for outgoing exchange students)
Provided you have permission of the Education Committee you can take a course from another programme at the University of Antwerp or at another university as an optional course.
II-Circular Water
II-Simulation of Biochemical Processes
Master's Project
You choose one of the courses below.
21 ECTS-credits
II-Master's Project Biochemistry including Internship
II-Master's Project Biochemistry including Internship
Optional package 1
You take both courses.
2001FTICOM: only for outgoing exchange students
Provided you have permission of the Education Committee you can take a course from another programme at the University of Antwerp or at another university as an optional course.
6 ECTS-credits
I-The Company
II-The Company
II-The Company for Outgoing Exchange Students
Optional package 2
You take both courses.
2061FTIMBD: only for outgoing exchange students
Provided you have permission of the Education Committee you can take a course from another programme at the University of Antwerp or at another university as an optional course.
6 ECTS-credits
I-Advanced Wastewater Engineering
II-Management through blended Distance Learning
Model Path
You take the compulsory courses and the Master's Project.
Additionally, you choose optional courses in biochemistry for 6 ECTS.
You also choose one of the optional packages.
Compulsory Courses
27 ECTS-credits
I-Biochemical Separation Techniques
I-Bioprocess Control
I-Industrial Biotechnology
I-Environmental Engineering
I-Project Bioprocess Engineering
I-Food Processing
- Nathalie Bernaert
- Paulien Leemans
- Marc Wijnants
Optional Courses in Biochemistry
6 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below.
II-Simulation of Biochemical Processes will not be offered in 2023-2024
(International courses only for outgoing exchange students)
Provided you have permission of the Education Committee you can take a course from another programme at the University of Antwerp or at another university as an optional course.
II-Circular Water
II-Simulation of Biochemical Processes
II-Sustainable Material Recycling
Master's Project
You choose one of the courses below.
21 ECTS-credits
II-Master's Project Biochemistry including Internship
II-Master's Project Biochemistry including Internship
Optional package 1
You take both courses.
2001FTICOM: only for outgoing exchange students
Provided you have permission of the Education Committee you can take a course from another programme at the University of Antwerp or at another university as an optional course.
6 ECTS-credits
I-The Company
II-The Company
II-The Company for Outgoing Exchange Students
Optional package 2
You take both courses.
2061FTIMBD: only for outgoing exchange students
Provided you have permission of the Education Committee you can take a course from another programme at the University of Antwerp or at another university as an optional course.
6 ECTS-credits
I-Advanced Wastewater Engineering
II-Management through blended Distance Learning
Model Path
You take the compulsory courses and the Master's Project.
Additionally, you choose optional courses in biochemistry for 6 ECTS.
You also choose one of the optional packages.
Compulsory Courses
I-Biochemical Separation Techniques
I-Bioprocess Control
- Dominique Daens
- Koen Goossens
I-Industrial Biotechnology
I-Environmental Engineering
I-Project Bioprocess Engineering
I-Food Processing
- Nathalie Bernaert
- Paulien Leemans
- Marc Wijnants
Optional Courses in Biochemistry
6 ECTS to choose from the list below.
II-Simulation of Biochemical Processes will not be offered in 2022-2023
(International courses only for outgoing exchange students)
Provided you have permission of the Education Committee you can take a course from another programme at the University of Antwerp or at another university as an optional course.
II-Circular Water
II-Simulation of Biochemical Processes
- - NNB
II-Sustainable Material Recycling
Master's Project
You choose one of the courses below.
II-Master's Project Biochemistry including Internship
II-Master's Project Biochemistry including Internship
Optional package 1
You take both courses.
2001FTICOM: only for outgoing exchange students
I-The Company
II-The Company
II-The Company for Outgoing Exchange Students
Optional package 2
You take both courses.
2061FTIMBD: only for outgoing exchange students
I-Advanced Wastewater Engineering
II-Management through blended Distance Learning
Model Path
You take the compulsory courses and the Master's Project.
Additionally, you choose optional courses in biochemistry for 6 ECTS-credits.
You also choose one of the optional packages.
Compulsory Courses
27 ECTS-credits
I-Biochemical Separation Techniques
I-Bioprocess Control
- Dominique Daens
- Michel Caluwé
I-Industrial Biotechnology
I-Environmental Engineering
- Jan Dries
- Eirini Tsertou
I-Food Processing
- Nathalie Bernaert
- Marc Wijnants
I-Project Bioprocess Engineering
- Iris Cornet
- Waut Broos
- Jordi Geerts
- Nikolett Wittner
Optional Courses in Biochemistry
6 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below.
(International courses only for outgoing exchange students)
Provided you have permission of the Education Committee you can take a course from another programme at the University of Antwerp or at another university as an optional course.
II-Advanced Wastewater Engineering
- Jan Dries
- Karina Seguel Suazo
II-Simulation of Biochemical Processes
- Michel Caluwé
II-Sustainable Material Recycling
Master's Project
You choose one of the courses below.
21 ECTS-credits
II-Master's Project Biochemistry including Internship
II-Master's Project Biochemistry including Internship
Optional package 1
You take both courses.
2001FTICOM: only for outgoing exchange students
6 ECTS-credits
I-The Company
II-The Company
II-The Company for Outgoing Exchange Students
Optional package 2
You take both courses.
2061FTIMBD: only for outgoing exchange students
6 ECTS-credits
I-Electrochemistry and Corrosion
- Pieter Levecque
II-Management through blended Distance Learning
Model Path
You take the compulsory courses and the Master's Project.
Additionally, you choose optional courses in biochemistry for 6 ECTS-credits.
You also choose one of the optional packages.
Compulsory Courses
27 ECTS-credits
I-Biochemical Separation Techniques
- Iris Cornet
- Waut Broos
- Nikolett Wittner
I-Bioprocess Control
- Dominique Daens
- Michel Caluwé
- Jan Dries
- Iris Cornet
- Marc Wijnants
I-Gene Technology
- Jan Dries
- Thomas Dobbeleers
- Lennert Dockx
I-Industrial Biotechnology
I-Environmental Engineering
- Jan Dries
- Flinn De Vleeschauwer
I-Food Processing
- Marc Wijnants
Optional Courses in Biochemistry
6 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below.
(International courses only for outgoing exchange students)
Provided you have permission of the Education Committee you can take a course from another programme at the University of Antwerp or at another university as an optional course.
II-Advanced Wastewater Engineering
- Jan Dries
- Karina Seguel Suazo
II-Project Industrial Biotechnology
- Iris Cornet
- Waut Broos
- Nikolett Wittner
II-Simulation of Biochemical Processes
- Marc Wijnants
II-Sustainable Material Recycling
Master's Project
You choose one of the courses below.
21 ECTS-credits
II-Master's Project Biochemistry including Internship
II-Master's Project Biochemistry including Internship
Optional package 1
You take both courses.
2001FTICOM: only for outgoing exchange students
6 ECTS-credits
I-The Company
II-The Company
II-The Company for Outgoing Exchange Students
Optional package 2
You take both courses.
2060FTIMAN: only for outgoing exchange students
6 ECTS-credits
I-Electrochemistry, Corrosion
- Elsje Pauwels
- Tom Breugelmans
II-Management for Outgoing Exchange Students
Model Path
You take the compulsory courses and the Master's Project.
Additionally, you choose optional courses in biochemistry for 6 ECTS-credits.
You also choose one of the optional packages.
Compulsory Courses
27 ECTS-credits
I-Biochemical Separation Techniques
- Iris Cornet
- Waut Broos
- Nikolett Wittner
I-Chemical Process Control
I-Gene Technology
- Jan Dries
- Thomas Dobbeleers
- Ruben Verstraete
I-Industrial Biotechnology
I-Environmental Engineering
- Jan Dries
- Flinn De Vleeschauwer
I-Food Processing
- Marc Wijnants
Optional Courses in Biochemistry
6 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below.
(International courses only for outgoing exchange students)
Provided you have permission of the Education Committee you can take a course from another programme at the University of Antwerp or at another university as an optional course.
II-Bioprocess Control
- Dominique Daens
II-Electrochemical Engineering
II-Powder and Colloid Technology
II-Project Industrial Biotechnology
- Iris Cornet
- Waut Broos
- Nikolett Wittner
II-Simulation of Biochemical Processes
- Marc Wijnants
II-Advanced Waste Water Engineering
II-Sustainable Material Recycling
Master's Project
You choose one of the courses below.
21 ECTS-credits
II-Master's Project Biochemistry including Internship
II-Master's Project Biochemistry including Internship
Optional package 1
You take both courses.
2001FTICOM: only for outgoing exchange students
6 ECTS-credits
I-The Company
II-The Company
II-The Company for Outgoing Exchange Students
Optional package 2
You take both courses.
2060FTIMAN: only for outgoing exchange students
6 ECTS-credits
I-Electrochemistry, Corrosion
- Elsje Pauwels
- Tom Breugelmans