IMPORTANT: Students in the master programme cannot follow courses in other languages than those studied in the bachelor.
Model Path
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Translation and Interpreting Studies: Capita selecta Interpreting
Dutch Communication Skills
Speech-to-Text Interpreting
Interpreting Techniques
Interpreting Practice and Job Shadowing
English: compulsory courses
English: Area Studies
English: Consecutive Interpreting
Italian: compulsory courses
Italian: Area Studies
Italian: Consecutive Interpreting
Free-choice electives
Each student has to select electives counting for 6 ECTS-credits.
Introduction to the European, Belgian and Dutch Institutions
Simultaneous Interpreting English > Dutch
Simultaneous Interpreting French > Dutch
Simultaneous Interpreting German > Dutch
German: Society and German Film
Language and Gender in German Language
New York City 1880-2020: Cultural History
French: Culture of the Francophone World
Culture, Art and Aesthetics within the China Belt and Road Initiative
Chinese: Language Acquisition in China
Italian: History of the Italian Movie and Music
Gender in Contemporary Spanish Literature and Culture
Master thesis
Master's Thesis
IMPORTANT: Students in the master programme cannot follow courses in other languages than those studied in the bachelor.
Model Path
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Interpreting Studies
Dutch Communication Skills
Speech-to-Text Interpreting
Interpreting Techniques
Interpreting Practice and Job Shadowing
English: compulsory courses
English: Area Studies
English: Consecutive Interpreting
Italian: compulsory courses
Italian: Area Studies
Italian: Consecutive Interpreting
Free-choice electives
Each student has to select electives counting for 6 ECTS-credits.
Introduction to the European, Belgian and Dutch Institutions
Simultaneous Interpreting English > Dutch
Simultaneous Interpreting French > Dutch
Simultaneous Interpreting German > Dutch
German: Society and German Film
Language and Gender in German Language
Highlights from English and American Art: Music, Poetry, Visual Arts & Architecture
French: Culture of the Francophone World
Culture, Art and Aesthetics within the China Belt and Road Initiative
Chinese: Language Acquisition in China
Italian: History of the Italian Movie and Music
Gender in Contemporary Spanish Literature and Culture
Master thesis
Master's Thesis
IMPORTANT: Students in the master programme cannot follow courses in other languages than those studied in the bachelor.
Model Path
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Interpreting Studies
Dutch Communication Skills
Speech-to-Text Interpreting
Interpreting Techniques
Interpreting Areas
English: compulsory courses
English: Area Studies
English: Consecutive Interpreting
Italian: compulsory courses
Italian: Area Studies
Italian: Consecutive Interpreting
- Alessandra Eleonora Marconi
- Laura Vermeylen
Free-choice electives
Each student has to select electives counting for 6 ECTS-credits.
German: Society and German Film
Highlights from English and American Art: Music, Poetry, Visual Arts & Architecture
French: Culture of the Francophone World
Culture, Art and Aesthetics within the China Belt and Road Initiative
Italian: History of the Italian Movie and Music
Latin America and Spain in the 21st Century: Human Rights and Historical Memory
Introduction to the European, Belgian and Dutch institutions
Simultaneous Interpreting English > Dutch
- Nina Reviers
- Sandrijn Van Den Noortgate
Simultaneous Interpreting French > Dutch
Simultaneous Interpreting German > Dutch
Chinese: Language Acquisition in China
Master thesis
Master's Thesis
IMPORTANT: Students in the master programme cannot follow courses in other languages than those studied in the bachelor.
Model Path
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Speechmaking, Interpreting and Peer Assessment
Interpreting Studies
Dutch Communication Skills
Speech-to-Text Interpreting
Interpreting Techniques
Interpreting Areas
English: compulsory courses
English: Area Studies
English: Consecutive Interpreting
Italian: compulsory courses
Italian: Area Studies
Italian: Consecutive Interpreting
Free-choice electives
Each student has to select electives counting for 6 ECTS-credits.
German: Society and German Film
Highlights from English and American Art: Music, Poetry, Visual Arts & Architecture
French: Culture of the Francophone World
Culture, Art and Aesthetics within the China Belt and Road Initiative
Italian: History of the Italian Movie and Music
Latin America and Spain in the 21st Century: Human Rights and Historical Memory
Introduction to the European, Belgian and Dutch institutions
- Peter Groeninck
- Bart Defrancq
Simultaneous Interpreting English > Dutch
Simultaneous Interpreting French > Dutch
Simultaneous Interpreting German > Dutch
Chinese: Language Acquisition in China
Master thesis
Master's Thesis
IMPORTANT: Students in the master programme cannot follow courses in other languages than those studied in the bachelor.
Model Path
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Speechmaking, Interpreting and Peer Assessment
Interpreting Studies
Dutch Communication Skills
Speech-to-Text Interpreting
Interpreting Techniques
Interpreting Areas
English: compulsory courses
English: Area Studies
English: Consecutive Interpreting
Italian: compulsory courses
Italian: Area Studies
Italian: Consecutive Interpreting
Free-choice electives
Each student has to select electives counting for 6 ECTS-credits.
Introduction to the European, Belgian and Dutch institutions
- Peter Groeninck
- Bart Defrancq
German: Society and German Film
Highlights from English and American Art: Music, Poetry, Visual Arts & Architecture
French: Culture of the Francophone World
Culture, Art and Aesthetics within the China Belt and Road Initiative
Italian: History of the Italian Movie and Music
Portuguese: Portuguese Literature: Brasil and Lusophone Africa
Latin America and Spain in the 21st Century: Human Rights and Historical Memory
Simultaneous Interpreting English > Dutch
Simultaneous Interpreting French > Dutch
Simultaneous Interpreting German > Dutch
Chinese: Internship in China
Chinese: Language Proficiency in China
Master thesis
Master's Thesis
IMPORTANT: Students in the master programme cannot follow courses in other languages than those studied in the bachelor.
Model Path
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Speechmaking, Interpreting and Peer Assessment
Interpreting Studies
Dutch Communication Skills
Interpreting Techniques
Interpreting Areas
English: compulsory courses
English: Area Studies
English: Consecutive Interpreting
Italian: compulsory courses
Italian: Area Studies
Italian: Consecutive Interpreting
Free-choice electives
Each student has to select electives counting for 6 ECTS-credits.
Introduction to the European, Belgian and Dutch institutions
- Peter Groeninck
- Bart Defrancq
German: Society and German Film
Highlights from English and American Art: Music, Poetry, Visual Arts & Architecture
French: Culture of the Francophone World
Portuguese: Portuguese Literature: Brasil and Lusophone Africa
- Gert Vercauteren
- - NNB
Italian: History of the Italian Movie and Music
Latin America and Spain in the 21st Century: Human Rights and Historical Memory
Simultaneous Interpreting English > Dutch
Simultaneous Interpreting French > Dutch
Simultaneous Interpreting German > Dutch
Chinese: Consecutive Interpreting
Master thesis