Study programme
Model Path
Master thesis
Master Thesis
Compulsory courses
Corpus Studies
Humanities Data Analysis
Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing
Computational Literary Studies
Text as Data
Free space
6 ECTS-credits to choose
Text Mining
Model Path
Master thesis
Master Thesis
Compulsory courses
Text as Data
Corpus Studies
Humanities Data Analysis
Machine Learning
Text as Data II
Natural Language Processing
- Walter Daelemans
- Luna De Bruyne
- Nicolae Banari
- Maxime De Bruyn
Computational Literary Studies
Free space
6 ECTS-credits to choose
Text Mining
Model Path
Master thesis
Master thesis
- Mike Kestemont
- Benjamin Burtenshaw
- Walter Daelemans
- Ilia Markov
- Peter Petré
Compulsory courses
Text as Data
Corpus Studies
Humanities Data Analysis
Machine Learning
Information Science
- Tom Deneire
Natural Language Processing
- Walter Daelemans
- Nicolae Banari
- Maxime De Bruyn
Computational Literary Studies
Free space
12 ECTS-credits to choose: Internship or two courses from Literature in the masters Linguistics and Literature in a language that has already been followed in the bachelor.
Model Path
Master thesis
Master thesis
- Mike Kestemont
- Benjamin Burtenshaw
- Walter Daelemans
- Ilia Markov
- Peter Petré
Compulsory courses
- Walter Daelemans
- Mike Kestemont
- Joshua Schäuble
- Benjamin Burtenshaw
Text as Data
- Dirk Van Hulle
- Lamyk Bekius
- Joshua Schäuble
Corpus Studies
Humanities Data Analysis
Machine Learning I
Information Science
- Tom Deneire
Machine Learning II
Natural Language Processing
Computational Literary Studies
Free space
12 ECTS-credits to choose: Internship or two courses from Literature in the masters Linguistics and Literature in a language that has already been followed in the bachelor.