Marc De Ceuster

Marc De Ceuster (°1962) obtained a PhD in Applied Economics and a Master ("Licentiaat") in Law. He is appointed as professor of finance at the University of Antwerp. Professor De Ceuster is also academic director of the Master in Real Estate Management at the Antwerp Management School.
In the past, Marc De Ceuster took a position of part-time Director at Deloitte. On behalve of the Flemish Government, he served for six years on the Board of Directors of the KBC Group. He also was a member of the Audit Commitee, and the Risk and Compliance Comitee. He was observer in the Remuneration Committee. Marc acquired international experience in corporate governance by serving on the Conseil de Surveillance of Arkea Direct Bank (FR, Brest).
Since 2019 Marc De Ceuster serves as an independent director in the Board of Directors of AlmancoraBeheersmaatschappij (KBC Ancora). He is also the chairman of the Audit Commitee and a member of the Remuneration and Nomination Committees.
Professor De Ceuster lectures and takes on consulting activities within the domains of financial economics, derivatives and risk management. He published in international Journals including the Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of International Money and Finance, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Journal of Empirical Finance, European Journal of Finance en European Financial Management. He is Associate Editor of Studies in Economics and Finance.
Professor De Ceuster has always been appreciated by his students for his pedagogical approach to teaching. He was rewarded five times with "het Gobelijntje" as "Best Prof of the Year". In 2017 he also was rewarded with the Best Teacher Award of Febelfin Academy and of the Antwerp Management School.