Elien Vissers-Similon

Elien Vissers-Similon


Mutsaardstraat 31
2000 Antwerpen, BEL
Since 2021, Elien Vissers-Similon has been appointed full-time as a mandated assistant at the University of Antwerp. She delves into the topic of "artificial intelligence and digital design tools in architecture" as a PhD student and teaching assistant.

Research: https://www.uantwerpen.be/en/research-groups/henry-van-de-velde/members/elienvisserssimilon/

Education: https://www.uantwerpen.be/nl/studeren/aanbod/alle-opleidingen/architectuur-studeren/team/elien-vissers-similon/


Statute & functions

Assisterend academisch pers.

  • grad. teaching & research ass.

Internal mandates

expertenorgaan expertenmandaat