Stef Vandeginste

I am an associate professor and programme director at the institute of Development Policy (IOB), University of Antwerp.
I teach in the Advanced Master Governance and Development on Law and Development and on Conflit, Peace and State Reconstruction. I also teach some introductory units on research methods in all IOB Advanced Master programmes.
My research focuses on politics, peace, power and law with a particular interest in the Central African Great Lakes Region in general and Burundi more specifically.
I supervise(d) doctoral research on a variety of topics including: rebel movement to political party transitions; the promotion of constitutional governance by the African Union; electoral dispute settlement in DRC and Burundi; the contemporary salience of ethnicity in Burundi; elections, donors and legitimacy; power-sharing in Burundi; Burundi's constitutional court and the rule of law.
Since 2016, I am the coordinator of the institutional inter-university cooperation programme between the Université du Burundi (in Bujumbura) and the Belgian Flemish University (VLIR-UOS).
For my research on Burundi, please also visit my website 'Droit, Pouvoir et Paix au Burundi':