Christophe Boone holds a PhD in Applied Economics of the University of Antwerp (1992) and currently is a full professor of Organization Theory and Behavior at the same university (2001-). Before that he was full-time faculty at the Graduate School of Business and Economics (GSBE) of Maastricht University, The Netherlands (1992-2001). He held a honorary chair in Organization Theory at the University of Groningen (2005-2006). Recently, he was nominated as a fellow extra muros at the GSBE of Maastricht University (2014-2017).  He is co-founder of the Antwerp Centre of Evolutionary demography (ACED), an international and interdisciplinary research institute established at the University of Antwerp in 2007 dedicated to the study of the antecedents and consequences of diversity in the realm of teams, organizations, industries and communities. Together with Victor Gilsing, he currently is director of ACED.

  • Website ACED: click here
  • Book: 'Neuroeconomics of prosocial behavior: The compassionate egoist': click here


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  • gewoon hoogleraar

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