Luuk Van Waes is professor emeritus in Professional Communication at the University of Antwerp. He has been involved in different types of writing research, with a focus on digital media and(professional) writing processes. To observe the writing process a logging program was developed, called Inputlog.
He published papers in several international peer reviewed journals like: Reading and Writing; Written Communication; IEEE Transactions in Professional Communication, Journal of Pragmatics, Journal of Sociolinguistics, Interacting with Computers, Computers and Composition. He is also the (founding) editor of the ‘Journal of Writing Research'.
My personal webpages provide more information about my research interests, publications, presentations,research projects, phd-projects and teaching activities.
Inputlog is a logging tool that is used in writing research. It logs all input modes: keyboard, mouse & speech recognition. Researchers make frequent use of keystroke logging tools to describe online writing processes in detail.
The Journal of Writing Research is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes theoretical and applied papers covering the broad spectrum of writing research. The journal is inherently interdisciplinary, publishing original research in the different domains of writing research.
WritingPro is a knowledge center for writing process research. Its main is to: bring together expertise, share expertise, develop expertise, make expertise more visible, and establish writing research methods.
Calliope is a multilingual online writing center with a focus on business and technical communication. All modules consist of theory, practice and a case and are designed to encourage self-guided learning.
The master in Professional Communication offers an academic program in Communication and Management. The master is organised by the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Business and Economics | Dutch.
The Antwerp Humanities Lab (AnHuLab) creates an environment for master students and researchers to conduct experimental studies in which eyetracking is used.
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