Johan Wens is a general practitioner in Ekeren (Antwerp North) where he works part-time in a duo practice together with his wife Annick De Strooper. He is a professor at the Department of "Family Medicine and Population Health" (FAMPOP) and is head of the Center for General Practice Medicine. As 'Palliative Care' discipline manager, he coordinates research and medical education in the field of palliative care. His interests are mainly in palliative care (advance care planning, palliative care to vulnerable people, …), chronic care, guideline development and medical education (assessment).
Statute & functions
Zelfstandig academisch pers.
- professor
Internal mandates
expertenorgaan expertenmandaat
- Academische Werkgroep Universitaire Stichting Armoedebestrijding (effectief stemgerechtigd lid)
- Commissie Bijzonder Academisch Personeel Faculteit GGW (effectief stemgerechtigd lid)
- Doctoraatsevaluatiecommissie Volksgezondheid (ondervoorzitter)
- Onderwijscommissie Master Huisartsgeneeskunde (effectief stemgerechtigd lid)