Ria Janvier

Ria JANVIER (°1960) obtained her PhD with a thesis (1988) titled “Sociale bescherming van het overheidspersoneel” [Social protection of public sector personnel].
At the University of Antwerp she teaches Introduction to law and Social security law in the Faculty of Social Sciences and HRM and labour law in the Faculty of Business and Economics. She is also a guest professor at the Antwerp Management School (AMS).
At the Faculty of Social Sciences, Ria Janvier is a menber of the Research Group Politics and Public Governance. Her research specialisation is located at the intersection of public administration law, social security law and labour law, supplemented with insights from personnel management in the public sector.
As full professor, she was Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences from 2006 to 2012. Afterwards she was representative of the senior academic staff in the Board of Governors of the University of Antwerp (until September 2020). She is also active in diverse forums, including the Academic Counsil (on the pension reform). She is also chief editor of "Tijdschrift voor Sociaal Recht / Revue de droit social".