Julie De Groot

Julie De Groot


Gratiekapelstraat 10
2000 Antwerpen, BEL
Julie De Groot is part-time projectcoordinator of two EU consortium projects, Tracks4Crafts (Horizon Europe) and BorderSens (Horizon 2020), and part-time postdoctoral researcher and guest professor. As projectcoordinator, Julie supports the UAntwerp coordinators of consortium projects in the day-to-day organisation of the project. She is the first point of contact for consortium members and for the European Commission. As researcher and guest professor, Julie is affiliated with ARCHES (Heritage Studies) and the Center for Urban History. She is an expert in material culture studies.


Statute & functions

Bijzonder academisch personeel

  • academic interim staff postdoc

Bijzonder academisch personeel

  • guest professor

Bijzonder academisch personeel

  • senior researcher