Ivan Ashaba

I am a research and teaching assistant, as well as Ph.D candidate at the Institute of Development Policy (IOB), University of Antwerp. I hold an MA in Political Science (2012) and Msc. in Governance & Development (2016).
My doctoral research looks at illegal wildlife trade in Uganda and focusses on different case studies. My interaction is largely with active and former poachers living in communities adjacent to national parks and other protected areas. A variety of theoretical frameworks are applied in my research together with fieldwork in Uganda. Outside my Ph.D work, I follow closely the politics in my home country Uganda and the East African region at large. I have written short pieces on Uganda, Rwanda and Kenya in African Arguments, Democracy in Africa and Ugandan newspapers.
As a research and teaching assistant, I am actively involved in tutoring, assessing End of Module Papers and dissertations. Directly, I am engaged in the Debating Development series of the University and also Qualitative Data Analysis.
Before coming to IOB late 2017, I worked at Uganda Christian University in the department of Public Administration and Governance since 2013. Some of the courses I taught include Introducion to Political Science, Introduction to International Relations, Classical and Modern Political Thought, Government and Politics in Uganda, Government and Politics in Africa, Research Methods, Human Resources Management, Public Service Delivery, Communication and Public Relations Skills, Political Economy of Public Policy, Governance and Politics of Public Policy among others.
Recent Publications
Büscher, K., Komujuni, S. & Ashaba, I. (2019) "Humanitarian urbanism in a post-conflict aid town: aid agencies and urbanization in Gulu, Northern Uganda", in: Büscher, K. (ed.), Urban Africa and Violent Conflict. Understanding Conflict Dynamics in Central and Eastern Africa from an Urban Perspective, London: Routledge, pp. 156-174.
Ashaba, I. & Taodzera, S. (2019). A Political Chronicle of Uganda 2018, in: Reyntjens, F. (Ed.), Political Chronicles of the African Great Lakes, Antwerp, UPA, pp. 91- 117.
Ashaba, I & Agaba, M. (2018). Media Coverage of Child Rights Issues in Uganda: The Case of The New Vision, Journal of African Media Studies, 10(2): pp. 149-168.
Bareebe, G. & Ashaba, I. (2018). A Political Chronicle of Uganda 2017, in: Reyntjens, F. (Ed.), Political Chronicles of the African Great Lakes, Antwerp, UPA, pp. 89-111. https://medialibrary.uantwerpen.be/oldcontent/container49545/files/publications/political%20chronicles%202018%20final.pdf