Charris De Smet

Charris De Smet


Sint-Jacobsmarkt 13
2000 Antwerpen, BEL

Charris De Smet (°1996) is a PhD Fellow at the Centre for Urban History and the Centre for Political History at the History Department of the University of Antwerp. As of November 2020, she is working on her PhD research as a PhD Fellow of the Research Foundation Flanders. Her research proposal “Politicians on the market? Framing French consumerism in an age of regime change (Paris, c. 1780 - c. 1870)” aims to study the political embedding of consumption in nineteenth-century Paris. The project questions how political debates have shaped commercial parlour at the dawn of the modern era.


Statute & functions

Bijzonder academisch personeel

  • senior researcher

Internal mandates

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