Inge Bertels

Inge Bertels (°1976) is a historian (KULeuven, 1998) and master in Conservation (R. Lemaire Centre for Conservation KULeuven, 2000). Her personal research focuses on the intersection of nineteenth and twentieth century construction history, architectural and urban history.
Simultaneous with her studies in conservation she worked as an architectural historian at the Antwerp Architect’s offices R. Steenmeijer & H. Baksteen (1999-2000). From October 2000 to October 2006 she was related to the R. Lemaire International Centre for Conservation and the research group Architectural History of the Department of Architecture, Urbanism and Planning of the KULeuven. Where, in April 2008 she successfully defended her PhD ‘Building the City, Antwerp 1819-1890’. Later she worked as a postdoctoral fellow of the Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek at the Centre of Urban History at the Department of History of the Universiteit Antwerpen and as a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Art history & Archeology and Architectural Engineering of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Since February 2018 she holds a fulltime position as professor in architectural history and building culture at the Faculty of Design Sciences of the Universiteit Antwerpen.
She is a member of the advisory board or the International Journal of Construction History, member of Le Conseil d’administration of the Association francophone d'histoire de la construction (Paris) and a member of the Board of the Vlaams Architectuurinstituut (VAi) and invited among others to participate in the expert review panels of the FWO and EU ERC research funding programs.
She was (co-)supervisor of the PhD of Bart Tritsmans (UAntwerpen-VUB), Marianne Defossé (VUB), Jelena Dobbels (VUB), Louis Vandenabeele (VUB) and the ongoing PhD’s of Sara Melsens (UAntwerpen-VUB, FWO), Frederik Vandyck (VUB-UAntwerpen), Linsy Raaffels (VUB, Innoviris, Barbara van der Wee architects), Matthijs Degraeve (VUB) and Pieter De Raedt (VUB). Moreover, she collaborates with post-doctoral scholars Heidi Deneweth (VUB-FWO) and Susan Galavan (KULeuven-UAntwerpen, EU Marie Curie).