
Research at the Faculty of Arts

Departments and research groups

Department of History

Centre for Urban History

    The Centre for Urban History (CSG) focuses on urban societies, structures and processes in historical perspective. It approaches 'urban history' as a part of an inclusive field of 'urban studies', comprising interdisciplinary insights from urban sociology, cultural studies, demography, economic geography, planning and architecture, urban governance and environmental sciences.

    Power in History - Centre for Political History

      The research group uses a broad interpretation of the concept of 'politics', implying all attempts at consciously ordering society, and the conflicts they can arouse. The field of the research unit encompasses the study of political institutions and international relations, as well as that of political theories, ideologies and cultures.

      Department of Linguistics

      Computational Linguistics, Psycholinguistics and Sociolinguistics

        CLiPS (Computational Linguistics, Psycholinguistics and Sociolinguistics) produces internationally recognized top research and resources in (developmental) psycholinguistics, (corpus) linguistics, computational linguistics and sociolinguistics.

        Grammar and Pragmatics (GaP)

          GaP unites research in grammar (in the broad sense), pragmatics and their correlation. The study of (linguistic) meaning is the research group's priority.

          Department of Literature

          Institute for the Study of Literature in the Netherlands

            ISLN conducts scientific research and provides academic education in the field of Literature in the Netherlands, from ca. 1100 to the present. The research focuses on Dutch and foreign literature from the Low Countries, with specific attention to the literature of the Southern Netherlands / Belgium and the literary interaction between Flanders and the Netherlands. ISLN brings together the study and documentation centres dedicated to Guido Gezelle, Louis Paul Boon en Hugo Claus.

            Visual Poetics

              Visual Poetics is a research group in theatre, film and related artistic media at the University of Antwerp, divided in four areas of research: performative poetics, intermedial poetics, artist's poetics, textual poetics.

              Antwerp Centre for Digital Humanities and Literary Criticism

                Building on a long tradition of literary research at the university, ACDC takes the field's more recent developments into account by applying digital tools and methodologies to humanities research.

                Department of Philosophy

                Centre for Philosophical Psychology

                  The Center of Philosophical Psychology focuses on the possibility and the limits of a naturalistic explanation of mental activities and properties.

                  Centre for Ethics

                    The Centre for Ethics organizes research and teaching in moral philosophy, bringing together researchers who specialize in meta-ethics and moral psychology, history of ethics, and applied ethics.

                    Center for European Philosophy

                      The Centre for European Philosophy's main research interest is a philosophical reflection on the relation between reason and culture in modern and contemporary society. The researchers focus on the criticism of metaphysics and post metaphysical thought, religion and secularization, and representation in art and literature.

                      Department of Translators and Interpretors


                        TricS brings together researchers who work in the interdisciplinary fields of translation studies, interpreting studies and intercultural communication. The research group specialises in audiovisual translation and media accessibility, literature and/in translation, social and intercultural communication, and scientific–technical communication (expert/non-expert).

                        Platform Digital Humanities

                        The Platform Digital Humanities is not a research group, but gathers all digitised research in the arts.


                        Institutes and expertise centres

                        OPEN - Expertise Centre for Accessible Media and Culture

                        OPEN aims to raise the visibility of accessibility in all its facets and contribute to the realisation of an inclusive society. The expertise centre gathers knowledge and resources on accessbility and organizes events and training courses.

                        Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts (ARIA)

                        Within the University of Antwerp, ARIA (Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts) is the point of contact with the Schools of Arts of the Antwerp Association, and supports the development of artistic research. More specifically, ARIA is qualified for the doctorate in arts. ARIA also furthers the contacts between University, Schools of Arts and the artistic world.

                        Urban Studies Institute

                        The Urban Studies Institute is a platform and laboratory for the development of interdisciplinary research and education on cities, urban development and urban challenges. The Institute also functions as a contact point and interface for exchanges with non-academic players, such as policy-makers and people from civil society, and for services related to urban development and policy.

                        Institute for Jewish Studies (IJS)

                        The Institute of Jewish Studies focuses on the academic study of Judaism from a variety of cultural disciplines, including history, philology, literary theory, religious studies, law, philosophy and sociology. Each academic year, the Institute organizes more than twenty lectures by national and international experts. The Institute organizes language courses Yiddish and modern Hebrew, as well as reading groups.


                        The Ruusbroec Institute is an interdisciplinary research centre for the academic study of the history of spirituality in the Low Countries. In the course of its 90-year old history, the Institute has built up an expertise in the edition and study of mystical texts, and in the historical study of devotional book culture. The Institute's library hosts an unequalled collection on the history of Christian mysticism and devotion, as well as a unique primary sources such as prayer books and devotional prints.

                        Centre for Mexican Studies

                        The interfacultary Centre for Mexican Studies (CMS) at the University of Antwerp is a study and documentation center that was established in 1990. The CMS is the result of a bilateral agreement between the Mexican government and the Flemish Community. The centre contains a Chair for Mexican Studies and a specialized research library. The CMS' main objective is to contribute to the broader acknowledgement of the Mexican cultural and intellectual patrimony in Flanders, Belgium and Europe.
