Business and Economics

The Finance Behind Football

Thursday 20 February 2025

Join this exclusive deepdive into the financial dynamics of football...

In the world of football, the action isn't just on the field. The real game often unfolds behind the scenes, where strategic decisions and financial investments shape the future of clubs and the industry as a whole. 

In our second edition of Business Connect, we invite you to explore the intricate financial landscape of football with us, alongside some of the most influential figures in Belgian football.

Panel discussion

We will tackle pressing questions that resonate beyond the sports industry:

  • What's it like to actually run a football club? How is it different from running a business? 
  • Why do leading corporations choose to sponsor football clubs? What drives them to become shareholders in a football club?
  • What justifies the staggering sums paid in the transfer market?
  • Should football clubs be profitable? And if so, how should they invest their financial gains?
  • How do geopolitical factors and regional economies influence football club ownership and investment?​

These questions cut across multiple disciplines—marketing, economics, financial markets, and accounting - making this event relevant not just to football fans, but to all professionals and students in general.


  • 18:45 – 19:00h: Registration
  • 19:00 - 19:05: Welcome by dean Prof. Dr. Ann De Schepper
  • 19:05 – 19:20h: Welcome and introductory keynote by Prof. Dirk De Corte
  • 19:20 – 20:20h: Panel discussion with Dries Bervoet (DeTijd), Sven Jaecques (RAFC) & Luc Hooybergs (KRC Genk)
  • 20:20 – 20:30h: Concluding remarks by Capitant 
  • 20:30 – 22:00h: Reception with drinks and bites

Practical details

  • Location: Aula Rector Dhanis, Kleine Kauwenberg 14, 2000 Antwerpen
  • Date: 20 February 2025 at 7 PM. 
  • Registration includes the keynotes and drinks/bites:
    • Students: Free entry upon showing their student number
    • UAntwerp and AMS alumni and staff: €20 
    • Other interested professionals: €25