Business and Economics

PhD Workshop FBE: Research Data Management

Thursday, 13 March 2025 - 10:00 until 12:30 - City Campus, Cloister of the Grauwzusters, S.S004

The FBE Research Committee organizes a hands-on workshop regarding research data management, specifically for FBE PhD students. 

Linde Tuybens from the UAntwerp RDM team (RIVA) will give this workshop. Different from the information session about research data management during the FBE Doctoral Day (15 October 2024), this workshop will be based on concrete questions or specific issues that FBE PhD students are confronted with during their research.

Location: City Campus, Cloister of the Grauwzusters, S.S004 (Barokzaal) – Lange Sint-Annastraat 7, 2000 Antwerp

Timing: from 10:00 until 12:30

Please register before 20 February 2025.

In the registration form, you will be asked to describe a concrete question or specific issue regarding research data management that you encountered or expect to encounter.

Places are limited (max. 25): first come, first served.