Business and Economics

Doctoral research

Ongoing doctoral research (alphabetical order)

Name PhD student
Title research
Evolving Audit Practices: The Impact of AI and Big Data on Audit Quality
Hardies Kris
Abu Dayyeh Fares 
Public and Private Perceptions of Sea Freight intermodal competitiveness
van Hassel Edwin, Vanelslander Thierry
Agapito Luiz
The effect of regional factors and technology characteristics on high-tech farming uptake – evidence from analysis in Brazilian Middle-West
Vanhaverbeke Wim
Akampurira Sarah
Stakeholder collaboration and entrepreneurship education as a moderator on student entrepreneurship behavior in Southwest Uganda and Belgium
Vanhaverbeke Wim, Kazoobac Charles, Manasseh Tumuhimbise
Allam Omnia
Improving the Shipping Industry Through Enhancing the Key Service Providers in Africa
van Hassel Edwin, Rashed Yasmine
Alsalfiti Ahmed
An Analysis of Port Service Quality on B2B Customer Satisfaction: The case of Kuwait.
Notteboom Theo
Gender pension gap in Europe: Determinants and perspectives for the future
Vujić Sunčica, Deschacht Nick
Integration of MooV-model network optimization with first and last-mile distribution modelling
Dewulf Wouter, Gevaers Roel
Asasira Justus
Socioeconomic and environmental impacts of renewable energy uptake by female-headed households in Southwestern Uganda
Compernolle Tine, Van Caneghem Jo, Ogwang Tom, Kemeza Imelda
Stimulating the development and professionalization of high-tech entrerpreneurs 
Albers Sascha, Vanderstraeten Johanna
Autekie Philip
Airports and (air-)logistic eco-systems of the future
Dewulf Wouter, Gevaers Roel
Techno-sustainability assessment of solar Cookers in Kenya
Compernolle Tine, Vanierschot Maarten
Bauer Alexandra 
The Value of Tacit Knowledge in Supply chainsInfluences of Trust, Cultural Imprint and Organizational Culture
Vandenbempt Koen, Van Witteloostuijn Arjen, Kittler Markus
Bauer Danica
Essays on knowledge base decomposability and integration mechanisms 
Albers Sascha
Bedoya Maya Felipe
Spillover Effects from Inland Waterway Transportation Development
Vanelslander Thierry, van Hassel Edwin
Beil Denise
An impact assessment of modal shift policies to foster eco-friendly freight transport modes
Sys Christa
Bejjani Yorgo 
Big Data and Decision Making in Incumbent B2B firms
Vanhaverbeke Wim
Crisis Governance: how boards can prepare for moments of crisis
Albers Sascha
Developing a socio-economic best practices framework for enhanced implementation of district heating and cooling
Van Passel Steven, Peremans Herbert
Discourse, behavior and management strategies in the circular economy
Compernolle Tine, Roussau Sandra, De Jaeger Simon
Borca Bianca
The evaluation of economic benefits of resolving nautical bottlenecks at the Danube
van Hassel Edwin, Putz-Egger Lisa-Maria
Business models and Intellectual Property (IP) Strategies for cra9s in the creative sectors in Flanders
Schramme Annick, Van Zimmeren Ester
Boullauazan Yassin
Drivers of port actor adaptation through digital innovation
Sys Christa, Vanelslander Thierry
New business models in the agrifood system: form theory to practice
Van Passel Steven, Marchand Fleur, Van Meensel Jef
Bulckaert Peter
Key factors in determining the success or failure of start-up airlines
Dewulf Wouter, Van de Voorde Eddy
Explaining Machine Learning Models with Narrative-Based Counterfactual Explanations
Martens David
Innovative traffic management strategies in Antwerp
van Hassel Edwin, Cardenas Barbosa Ivan Dario
Chaara Mohammed
Organizational learning in the age of artifical intelligence
Poelmans Steven
Chaprak Alexander
The effect of the AI use on the competitive advantage of the taxation practices of the CPA firms – a quantitative study
Martens David, Jorissen Ann
Chiadmi Ines
Arbitration between environmental objectives through the study of economic policy instruments in alternative agricultural production systems
Van Passel Steven, Jayet Pierre-Alain
Evaluation of the Inland Waterborne Transport (IWT) container logistics chain from seaport terminals to inland port terminals in Northern and Central European countries against other modes of transport and the importance and application of gamification in freight transportation and in decision making process.
Van Hassel Edwin
Career inaction: towards a comprehensive model
De Vos Ans, Jacobs Sofie
Cobben Arne
​Procedures in flux: exploring operational elasticity for crisis-ready governance
Albers Sascha, Marynissen Hugo
Turning up the heat. Second-round effects of a green energy intervention in Eastern DR Congo.
Verpoorten Marijke
Collins Ngwa Ngwa
Business Regulatory Environment and Microfinance Performance
Van Haverbeke Wim, Zhang Hairui
Corbeels Vicky
Integration of environmental (E-)sustainability of Belgian wine production in a self-assessment plan linked to an improvement process: qualitative and quantitative research with validation in domestic and foreign cases
Van Passel Steven, Van linden Veerle
Cortese Alessandro
Value based radiotherapy in Europe: a configurational approach to increasing patient’s outcomes 
Cambré Bart, Lievens Yolande
Cryns Marie
De impact van ontwikkelde technologieën en het corridor management systeem gecreëerd in functie van CRISTAL op verschillende actoren in de binnenvaartecosystemen in Frankrijk, Italië en Polen
Vanelslander Thierry, Van Hassel Edwin
Cussomba Agostinho
Facilitation of informal financing over street vendors in Luanda Angola
Deloof Marc
Da Fonseca Nunes Marques Carlos
Transition from conventional vehicle taxation models in light of emerging energy and powertrain technologies: a system dynamics approach
Macário Rosário, Van de Voorde Eddy
Structurele analyse van negatieve onderling afhankelijke voorkeuren door middel van gereveleerde voorkeuren
Cosaert Sam
Ex-ante sustainability assessment: the challenge of upscaling and learning
Van Passel Steven, Lizin Sebastien
Deblond Alexander
Characteristics of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and the relation to their International Entry Mode Strategy
Matthyssens Paul, Vanderstraeten Johanna
The promise and perils of diversity and inclusion management for firm performance
De Meulenaere Kim
CITY-MOVE: city based interventions to stimulate active movement for health
Thornton Lukar, Wouters Edwin
Operations research for improved supply chain management. A study of the European aerospace and defense industry
Defryn Christof
The impact of big data and data analytics on external auditors' judgment and decision making
Hardies Kris
Dilger Thomas
Governance in the psycho-social sector: determine success through assessability of performance and conformance in a newly established institution
Cambré Bart
Sustainable Insurance
Van Liedekerke Luc
Duijnisveld Sabrina
Paradoxical Leadership in Cross-Cultural context: The Role of Cultural Intelligence
Poelmans Steven
The impact of personality on the internationalization of SMEs
Vanderstraeten Johanna, van Witteloostuijn Arjen
El Kaddouri Meryaam 
Are family firms more resilient than non-family ones? Ex ante and ex post perspectives
Deloof Marc, González-Zapatero Redondo Carmen, Suárez-González Isabel
STRAUSS project
Sörensen Kenneth
Housing conditions and consumer food practices: Different stakeholders’ perspectives
Thornton Lukar
Erdoǧan Oǧuzhan 
Deep Trade Agreements and Non-Tariff Barriers
Leromain Elsa
Sustainable management of Geological resources
Compernolle Tine, Piessens Kris
Fahl Dina
Zakat and Earnings Management practices in Asian Countries
Jorissen Ann
Farooq Imran
Public Debt, Debt Sustainability, and Economic Growth Nexus: A Case Study of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Participating Countries
Cassimon Danny, Mavrotas George
Research on the economics of implementing innovation in smart ports ecosystems
Vanelslander Thierry, Carlan Valentin
Fierens Janick
The role of entrepreneurial teams in their company's scaling: Evolution and performance implications
Vanderstraeten Johanna, Zabara Tatiana
Climate functionality of food value chains in sub-Saharan Africa
Van Passel Steven, Cools Jan
Accelerating Low Voltage Flexibility Participation in a Grid Safe Manner (ALEXANDER)
Van Passel Steven
Franchi Lorenzo 
Smart and green ports: growth and development of an integrated ecosystem
Vanelslander Thierry, Carlan Valentin
Plant-based versus vegan labels: investigating the impact of stereotypes on consumer perception and sustainable eating
Briers Barbara, Moons Ingrid, Dens Nathalie
Friedl Clemens
Strategic performance in servitization:understanding the interaction between systematic and emergent strategy planning, and implementation procedures and dynamic capabilities
Matthyssens Paul, Van Bockhaven Wouter
Geluk Eva
Intervening for a sustainable return to work after burnout. Work-related factors, stakeholder perspective and effectiveness
Cambré Bart
Investments decisions for new types of ships based on shipping cycle
van Hassel Edwin, Sys Christa
Sustainable collaboRAtive Urban Supply chainS
Beckers Joris
Goetzelmann Céline 
Sustainable Business Model Transformation in Swiss SMEs: defining an adequate Performance Management System for a successful outcome
Moons Ingrid
Goossens Mark
The impact of the implementation of Blockchain on Consumer Trust in the Integrity of a Diamond Supply Chain
Vandenbempt Koen, Lievens Annouk
Gender pension gap in Europe: Determinants and perspectives for the future
Vujić Sunčica, Deschacht Nick
Metaheuristics for lean manufacturing in the automotive industry
Sörensen Kenneth
Gupta Chonchol
The interconnectedness of risk
Gevaers Roel
Hallensleben Christiane 
Coopetition in the aviation maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) industry
Dewulf Wouter, Albers Sascha, Reihlen Markus
He Yifan
Explainable AI through counterfactual explanations and narratives
Martens David
Heise Denis
A clockwork analysis of the macroeconomic value drivers of private equity backed companies
De Ceuster Marc, Annaert Jan
Multimodal Counterfactual Explanations
Martens David
AI-based probabilistic risk management applied on sustainability aspects of industrial processes using internal data flows  
Braet Johan, Springael Johan
Hofer Beat
Understanding the dynamics of combining human and artificial clinical decision structures
De Haes Steven, Laukens Kris
Brexit as a trigger? The impact of Brexit on migration - the causal effects, the specific mechanisms, the future trends and policy implications
Vujić Sunčica, Clifton-Sprigg Joanna
Ibrahim Carole
Diversity and inclusion adoption in the UAE
De Meulenaere Kim
Towards a multi-level approach of entrepreneurial intention and internationalization behavior
Vanderstraeten Johanna, Slabbinck Hendrik
Izdebski Michael
River Marine Transport Model using an Integrated General Systems Framework: an application to Hudson River
van Hassel Edwin, Vanelslander Thierry
Fiscal Policy, Credit Cycles, and the Macroeconomy
Winkler Roland, Vujić Sunčica
Network formation among Belgian hospitals: price, quality and competition effects.
Merlino Luca Paolo, Bouckaert Jan
ALL ON BOARD! But are they really? The paradoxical impact of inclusive leadership on employees' citizenship and withdrawal behavior
De Meulenaere Kim
Jäpölä Juha-Pekka 
A model for inserting climate change adaptation/preparedness/ response criteria into forecast-based funding for humanitarian aid
Van Passel Steven
Jia Xibei
Demonstrating lower polluting solutions for sustainable airports across Europe
Macário Rosário, Buyle Sven
Jiang Hong
The double edged sword of job engagement: resources enrichment at work and depletion at home with multitask competency as moderator
De Vos Ans, De Prins Peggy
Kerckhoffs Ronald 
Governing public networks
Cambré Bart, Raab Jörg
Khan Jehangir
Risk assessment of supply chain management with multi-criteria decision analysis methods; the COVID19 Pandemic case
Gevaers Roel, Ishizaka Alessio 
Khoury Muna 
Exploring Employees’ Unethical Behaviors Towards their Workplace as a Consequence of Job Insecurity: The Hidden Cost of Job Insecurity
De Vos Ans, Jacobs Sofie
Khemiri Khouloud 
Essays on health inequalities and direct health expenditures in Tunisia
Erreygers Guido, Beutels Philippe
Khurana Karan 
The domestic and international expansion of Uzbek fashion enterprises through increasing supply chain performance
Schramme Annick
Minimum wage and labour demand: The role of firm characteristics
Vujić Sunčica
Konstantinou Marina
Identifying the variables of supplier relationship management that add value within the context of supply chain management and understanding their correlation with a company’s performance.
Gevaers Roel
Lambert Bruce
Does the presence of a ‘super-individual’ change the evaluation of potential benefits for public sector participation in multimodal freight (maritime) corridors?
Vanelslander Thierry, van Hassel Edwin
Towards a generic optimization model for CIRCUlar Supply chains by bridging operational research and quantitative sustainability assessments
Nimmegeers Philippe, Defryn Christof
Laurijssen Jan
Choosing standard or alternative work arrangements. Research on the decision-making process and workforce configurations
De Vos Ans
Retail accessibility in the on-demand economy
Beckers Joris
León Y Vélez Avelar Jorge 
The nature, extent and effectiveness of CSR communication using social media in Mexico
Van Liedekerke Luc, Visser Wayne
Restructuring local commercial districts in a digitized and hypermobile society
Verhetsel Ann, Beckers Joris
López Pérez Rosa Paulina
Building upon the “Intuitive Judgement and Intuitive Outcome Framework”: understanding Intuitive Misses
Poelmans Steven
Lu Wenqi
Search behavior in the marriage market, household formation and economic decisions: a revealed preference analysis
Merlino Luca Paolo
The role of the family in explaining gender gaps in the labor market: lessons from economic crises for the COVID-19 pandemic
Merlino Luca Paolo
The multidimensional impact of rural and urban electrification: economic development, security and conservation? Follow-up research in Eastern Congo
Verpoorten Marijke, Stoop Nik
The Financial Drivers of International Entrepreneurship
Deloof Marc, Paeleman Ine
Multi-stakeholder eco-innovation (EI) networks: the impact of stakeholders’ expectations, value-chain complementarity and roles on innovation outcomes
Dens Nathalie, Lievens Annouk
Martins Coelho Danilo
What Behaviors Distinguish Superior Performers from Others at Work
Poelmans Steven
Masroor Syed
MASSIF Project
Compernolle Tine, Welkenhuysen Kris, Thijssen Jacco
Meeûs Joeri 
Defining an industry Integrated Management System standard
Macário Rosário, Dewulf Wouter
Merra Tesfaye 
Curing Post-Covid Public Debt Overhang Problems in Sub-Sahara African Countries: A general Analysis with Particular Application to the Ethiopian case.
Cassimon Danny
Merten James
Disaster Economics: How intermodal connections recover from a marine transportation disruption
Vanelslander Thierry
Meyering Manfred
Digital Deal Souring in the German Private Equity sector - Search and selection of acquisition targets with the support of Artificial Intelligence
Vanhaverbeke Wim
The future of the cross-border e-commerce logistical business models. A view through an Industry Architecture lens
Dewulf Wouter, Gevaers Roel
Mijena Yonas
Freight Transport Infrastructure and Services Criticalities: Optimizing the benefits of the Free Trade Area (FTA)
Vanelslander Thierry
Structural analysis of labor supply with non-pecuniary aspects of market work
Cosaert Sam
Exploring Barriers and Resources for Sustainable Transitions in European Fashion (M)SMEs
Schramme Annick
Munteanu Dorinela
Setting the pace of internationalization in SME’s: A configurational analysis of SME’s internationalization intentions and speed, based on entrepreneur’s personality, firm- and environment-level conditions
Cambré Bart, Vanderstraeten Johanna
Nadew Atalel Wubalem
Economics of Land Degradation to Support Climate Change Adaptation Strategies
Van Passel Steven, Cools Jan, Nigussie Zerihun
Naessens Alexander
Ontwikkelingspaden voor Industrie 4.0: van technologieadoptie naar businessmodeltransformatie. Een industrie-specifieke benadering.
Vandenbempt Koen
Najah Hindou
Sustainable Pharma Logistics: Technologies and Theoretical Frameworks for a Green Future
Dewulf Wouter, Gevaers Roel
Modelling maritime supply chains: an application to innovation and process optimization
Vanelslander Thierry, van Hassel Edwin
Navarro Osvaldo
Innovation in urban industrial waste logistics 
Vanelslander Thierry, Dewulf Wouter, Mendoza Carlos
Nguyen Thi Minh Nguyet
Applying Public Service Motivation Theories in the Asian Context: Public service motivation and job satisfaction in Vietnamese higher education institutions
Wynen Jan, Vandenabeele Wouter
Integration of Heuristic Optimization and Machine Learning for Production Planning
Sörensen Kenneth, Springael Johan
Nkou Mananga Pierre
Systematic Risk and Interconnectedness in the non-banking sector: Evidence from South-Africa
De Vos Ans, Zhang Hairui
Nobre Dias Gabriela
Collaborative development,  tensions and adoption of sustainable innovations
Lievens Annouk, Moons Ingrid, Hamza Kavita Miadaira
Norboev Oybek 
Transition pathways towards climate adaptation in Italian agriculture
Van Passel Steven, Moretti Michele
Nottbrock Claus
Industry 4.0: Business Process Maturity Model for the digitalized interorganizational value chain - developing a research proposal
De Haes Steven, Van Looy Amy
Nwodo Charles 
Entrepreneurs Are Made: Validating the Practice Theory of Entrepreneurship through ethnographic research of an African Apprenticeship Scheme (the Igbo Apprenticeship Scheme-IAS)
Vanhaverbeke Wim
Urbanization, poverty and inequality in Africa
De Weerdt Joachim, Decancq Koen
Omar Sameh
The Impact of Manufacturing Re-shoring on Maritime Trade volume and direction: An application to the East-West trade bound
van Hassel Edwin
O'Neill Emelia
Transferability of inland navigation innovations
Vanelslander Thierry, van Hassel Edwin
op 't Roodt Steven 
Dialectic cognition and Vertical development stage as antecedents of navigating complexity and paradox
Poelmans Steven
Oyenuga Adekola 
“To the landlord and beyond” – Addressing demands for new port authority reforms in the African context
Sys Christa, Dooms Michaël
Pajaro Santander Laura 
Reinforcing public transport with new mobility services
Beckers Joris
Strategische opties voor een duurzame ontwikkeling van regionale luchthavens
Dewulf Wouter, Buyle Sven
Pavelko Oleksandr
A replication of multi-site experimental study on effect of foreign language on rule-breaking behavior. A vignettes study in Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, and Ukraine.
Vandenbempt Koen, van Witteloostuijn Arjen
Peeters Marte
DEER project (Demand side measures to Enhance wellbeing and foster Environmental footprint Reduction)
Compernolle Tine, Thomassen Gwenny,  Anougmar Soukaina
Piot Wim
​Regulatory and tax pathways to price hikes in the residential real estate market between 2010 and 2020 in the OECD member states
Damen Sven
Pirouzrahi Zeynab 
Dynamic simulation of factors affecting rail freight transportation in Iran
Vanelslander Thierry, 
Pratiwi Irine
Dynamic Economic Impact Assessment of Seaweed Biorefineries to Support the Protein Shift
Compernolle Tine
Pulido Guzman Juan
SYTIDAL project
Vanelslander Thierry, Cardenas Ivan 
Automation and Inequality
Leromain Elsa
Puthenpurackal Chakko Joseph 
An Agile Portfolio Framework to Govern Enterprise IT Investments
De Haes Steven, Huygh Tim
Qutbyar Afsoon
An integrated model of SME governance, growth and survival
Laveren Eddy, van Teeffelen Lex
Radhakrishnan Anand
Methods to create innovative multi-asset investment solutions for Retirement investors through stochastic optimization methods and operationalizing it leveraging the e-commerce ecosystem in the United States
Annaert Jan
Rakoma Stephen
Reinforcing public transport with new mobility services
Vanelslander Thierry, Carlan Valentin
Rettig Christina
Exploring Pharma 4.0 adoption in drug manufacturing
Vanhaverbeke Wim
Ritz Sebastian Johannes
Reducing risks and overcoming barriers to family firm internationalisation: German Mittelstand's expansion to Latin America and the possible role of external partners and investors
Laveren Eddy, Bergfeld Marc-Michael
Rodrigues de Jesus Mylena
Vanelslander Thierry, van Hassel Edwin
Rosés Pou Luis
Meeting Behaviors as antecedents of Team Motivation in Cross Functional Teams. A Management of Paradoxical tensions approach.
Poelmans Steven
The microeconomic determinants of climate induced migration
Sterck Olivier
Saragiotis Periklis
Maritime trade regulatory impact analysis
Vanelslander Thierry, Verhoeven Patrick
Scheipers Geert
Perspectives on manager’s use of mental models in strategy management and strategic change
Vandenbempt Koen, Meyer Ron
The ports of the future: the use of hydrogen, green energy container corridors and electric last mile within European ports
Vanelslander Thierry
Schubert Daniel
Predictive models for customized airline offer management
Sys Christa, Macário Rosário
Schumacher Gereon
The evolution of value chains
Albers Sascha, Vandenbempt Koen
Shang Jie
Essays on Income-Related Inequality of Health in China
Erreygers Guido, Kessels Roselinde
Shawer Ola
Towards Air connectivity in the African Continent: An Analysis
Dewulf Wouter, Buyle Sven, Rashed Yasmine
Silva Athos
Strategy, Future, and Innovation: An Ambidextrous Perspective on the Future
Vanhaverbeke Wim, de Miranda Oliveira Júnior Moacir
Sieben Till
Digital transformation in the age of human machine interaction: how cognitive automation impacts organisational sensemaking in cyber security
De Haes Steven
Sinta Azmieti Kurnia
Economies of Scale and Scope for Airport Holding Companies: A Case Study for the Airports of Indonesia operated by Angkasa Pura I and II
Dewulf Wouter, Abdurahman Edi 
Soares Joaquim
Design, implementation and use of effective performance measurement systems for defense and security organizations 
Vallet Nathalie, Letens Geert, Van Bockhaven Wouter
Souaï Hakim
Foreign reserve management in developing countries
Cassimon Danny
The distribution of risks and benefits of offsetting and PES in wetlands
Compernolle Tine, Coppens Tom
Stein Michael
Connecting innovation with sustainability in shipping and ports - A comprehensive study on disruptive technologies for the maritime industry
Vanelslander Thierry, Sys Christa
Steuperaert Dirk
Validity and Value of IT Governance Frameworks, the COBIT case
De Haes Steven, Devos Jan, Poels Geert
Future vision for inland navigation
Vanelslander Thierry, Sys Christa
Stuer David
A multilevel approach of the Job-Demands Resources model
Cambré Bart, De Vos Ans
Sun Xianglin
Housing market responses to flood risk disclosure
Damen Sven
Tahaney Katelyn
Port-based intermodal transport using alternative transport modes: roadmap to embed modal split ambitions
Sys Christa, Vanelslander Thierry
Tan Xinyu
Business Model Integra1ng Innova1ve Urban Air Mobility, Evolu1onary Air Traffic Management, and Transforma1onal Airport Infrastructure
Dewulf Wouter, Buyle Sven
Tarigan Yulinda
Analysis of Supply Chain Risk Mitigation in Seafood Production
Gevaers Roel
Tawitaranond Chonreutai 
Toward Green Digital Marketing: Exploring Motivations, Strategies, and Stakeholder Perspectives
Vanhaverbeke Wim
Tayebi Amirhossein
Efficient Meta heuristics to solve the unimodal and intermodal terminal location problem
Sörensen Kenneth
Taylor Tiffany
Political skill as a component of individual adaptability in organizations.
Poelmans Steven
Connecting rural producers to urban consumers: an empirical study of agricultural value chains in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Van Passel Steven
Toft Flemming
Improvisation as creative leadership - state of mind, being and actions in organizations
Schramme Annick, King Ian
Tögl Daniël
Improving success with inter-team retrospectives in large-scale agile programsImproving success with inter-team retrospectives in large-scale agile programs
De Haes Steven
Torres Velderráin Natalia 
The Unhealthy=Tasty Intuition: Nature or Nurture
Briers Barbara
Tuominen Ville 
A predictive model for successful customer value management in digital transformation by increasing perceived customer value
Matthyssens Paul
Vaferi Mohammad
Establishing an analytical model for optimal solution for conversion from HFO to Dual-Fuel engine 
De Borger Bruno
Van Beirendonck Charlotte
The impact of Family Business Leadership in Flanders on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of its employees. A Social Identity Theory Mediation Model
Cambré Bart
Van Bockstaele Vincent
Dynamic machine learning model of air cargo price forecast and its applications
Dewulf Wouter, Buyle Sven
Higher moments and asset pricing​
Annaert Jan, De Ceuster Marc
Operations research for sustainable urban supply chains
Sörensen Kenneth
Advancing the Circular Economy evaluating and aligning different sustainability assessment frameworks via a case study on wood-based products
Van Passel Steven
Systematic Risk Exposure and Slow Information Dissemination
Annaert Jan, De Ceuster Marc
C-Farms: Climate-neutral agriculture through sustainable C farming
Van Passel Steven, Van Acker Karel
The role of board of directors in governing cyber resilience
De Haes Steven
The impact of a B Corp certification on access to external financing
Paeleman Ine
The effect of energy performance certificates on real estate prices, investments in energy efficiency and energy consumption.
Damen Sven
External certification in the nonprofit sector: An examination of drivers and consequences
Van Caneghem Tom
How to finance such a sustainable maritime ecosystem?
Sys Christa, Vanelslander Thierry
A study on the development of integrated assessment models to determine the environmental impacts of deep subsurface activities in the Campine region in Belgium
Compernolle Tine, Buyle Matthias
Vanlaer Niels
An organizational Perspective on Critical Infrastructure Resilience
Albers Sascha, Guiette Alain
Techno-Economic and environmental assessment of new-generation biofuels
Van Passel Steven, Nimmegeers Philippe, Billen Pieter
Culture, ethics and leadership in corporations  
Deloof Marc, Gijselaers Wim, Vanstraelen Ann
Velayati Rezvan
Crowdsourcing Effectiveness: A Microfoundations Perspective
Vanhaverbeke Wim, Bagherzadeh Mehdi, Gurca Andrei
De impact van organisatiegeschiedenis op de divergentie tussen formele en de facto autonomie in culturele organisaties
Schramme Annick, Wynen Jan, De Meulenaere Kim
Vervliet Stefaan
Strategic Weaving: Understanding Social Fabric Dynamics on M&A Performance
Vandenbempt Koen
De economische haalbaarheid en -duurzaamheid van het ontmantelen en recycleren van offshore windparken voor de Belgische markt
Van Passel Steven, Thomassen Gwenny
Assessing Procurement Practices and Sustainable Partnerships in the Semiconductor Industry: A Framework for Environmental Innovation and Compliance
Vandenbempt Koen, Verheyen Wouter
Assessment of climate change adaptation strategies among small holders: a transition to sustainable agriculture in Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya
Van Passel Steven, Cools Jan
Wendel Lars-Michael 
Winning the race for customer ownership: Strategies and implications of commercial value chain recomposition in the airline industry 
Albers Sascha, Dewulf Wouter
Green ports economic analysis
van Hassel Edwin, Vanelslander Thierry
Xiang Dan
International absorptive capacity by Chinese Multinationals: An absorptive capacity lens on private and public companies
Vanderstraeten Johanna, Matthyssens Paul
Younes Basma
Investigating the Decision-Making Process of Undergraduate Students from the GCC Region when Selecting a Higher Education Institution Abroad
Dens Nathalie
Yu Haoran
Co-benefit analysis of climate change adaptation and mitigation in China: from an urban perspective
Van Passel Steven
Yüksel Serhat
Strategic Growth Analysis of Air Freight Integrators: A Game-Theoretic Approach
Dewulf Wouter, Gevaers Roel
Zambrana Cruz Gilmar
Political institutions and economic development in Latin America. How does political system determine economic success?
van Witteloostuijn Arjen
Zazueta Galarza Jorge Rene 
China’s techno-nationalism - Implications for MNCs
Albers Sascha
Zhang Jia
Logistics-as-a-Service in the last mile
Beckers Joris, Cardenas Barbosa Ivan Dario

Finished doctoral research (chronological order - 1971-2025)

Name PhD student
Date public PhD defence
Title PhD thesis
Godden Elke
Thornton Lukar, Dens Nathalie
Leder Hendrik
Albers Sascha, Reihlen Markus
Van Doninck Dries
Wynen Jan, De Block Christophe, Boon Jan
Ndlovu Patrick
Vujić Sunčica, Winkler Roland 
Mestdagh Björn
Van Liedekerke Luc, Cools Jan, Visser Wayne
Cao Lihong
Deloof Marc
Yurdakul Ekin
Vujić Sunčica, Merlino Luca Paolo 
Bergfeld Alexander
Laveren Eddy, Paeleman Ine, Sharma Pramodita 
Lunanga Elie
Verpoorten Marijke, Stoop Nik
Van Roy Michiel
Jorissen Ann, Martens David, Van de Vijver Anne
Goethals Sofie
Martens David, Sörensen Kenneth
Peng Peng
Cambré Bart, Jacobs Sofie
Fabri Charlotte
Van Passel Steven
Vandennieuwenhuysen Jonas
Hardies Kris, Vandenhaute Marie-Laure
Queiroz Michell
Sörensen Kenneth
Mentens Jo
Hardies Kris
Istanbouli Bassam 
Verelst Jan
Borms Lize
Van Passel Steven, Christis Maarten, Brusselaers Jan
Gkousis Spiros
Compernolle Tine, Welkenhuysen Kris
Berkin Anil
Aerts Walter, Van Caneghem Tom
Braiteh Dima
De Vos Ans
Fallah Niasar Mohammad Saied
Sörensen Kenneth, Sajadifar Mehdi
Perkisas Tyché
Braet Johan, Mees Wim
Ayoub Maysam
Hardies Kris
Verlinden Stéphanie
Wynen Jan, Kleizen Bjorn, Verhoest Koen
Cui Han
Notteboom Theo
Lin Andrew
Zhang Hairui, De Vos Ans
Salehi Sahar
Jorissen Ann, Paeleman Ine, Cools Martine
Suchánek Marek 
Mannaert Herwig, Pergl Robert
​De Blick Tristan
Laveren Eddy, Paeleman Ine
Cadenovic Jovana 
Paeleman Ine
Phan Tung Thanh
Vanderstraeten Johanna, Slabbinck Hendrik
Lamberts-Van Assche Hanne
Compernolle Tine
Moraya Barros Pedro
Jorissen Ann, Van de Vijver Anne
Brughmans Dieter
Martens David, Peeters Bruno
Aerts Babiche
Cornelissens Trijntje, Sörensen Kenneth
Coenegrachts Elnert
Beckers Joris, Coenegrachts Elnert
Van Mencxel Kevin
Deloof Marc, Annaert Jan
Canale Segovia Fernanda
Cambré Bart, Laveren Eddy
Ngoc Duc Nguyen
Erreygers Guido, Mavrotas George
Carr Joel
Vujić Sunčica, James Jonathan G.
Chinchanikar Sameer
Albers Sascha, Vanderstraeten Johanna
Nickl Tracy
Dens Nathalie, Lievens Annouk
Hendricks Leeya
Matthyssens Paul
Shobayo Peter
Vanelslander Thierry, van Hassel Edwin
Galarza Montenegro Bryan
Sörensen Kenneth, Vansteenwegen Pieter
Mazzine Barbosa De Oliveira Raphael 
Martens David
Ananthraman Srinivasan
Cambré Bart, Delcamp Henry
Ketkaew Chavis
Jorissen Ann, Van Wouwe Martine
Allmis Patrick
De Borger Bruno, Merlino Luca Paolo
Gámez Albán Mauricio
Cornelissens Trijntje, Sörensen Kenneth
Ciancio Giuliana
Schramme Annick, Gielen Pascal
Behr Daniel
Van de Voorde Eddy, Vanelslander Thierry
Kolesar Robert
Erreygers Guido, Van Damme Wim
Lian Ying
Sörensen Kenneth, Lucas Flavien
De Rijck Pieter
Laveren Eddy, Jorissen Ann
van den Oord Steven
Cambré Bart, Kenis Patrick
Beyne Jan
Van Liedekerke Luc, Visser Wayne
Vanoorbeek Hans
Laveren Eddy, Meuleman Miguel
Caluwé Laura
De Haes Steven, Huygh Tim
Ramon Yanou
Martens David
De Ceuster Marc, Annaert Jan
Van Passel Steven, Compernolle Tine
Struyf Bieke
Matthyssens Paul
Nduna Sisangile
Vanelslander Thierry
Boukadidi Mounir
Poelmans Steven
Mammadaliyev Farid 
Gilsing Viktor, Vandenbempt Koen
Mohseni Majid (Seyed Abolfazl)
​​Vanelslander Thierry, van Hassel Edwin
Melis Lissa
Sörensen Kenneth 
Esguerra John Laurence
Van Passel Steven, Svensson Nicklas (Linköping University), Krook Joakim (Linköping University) 
Haerens Geert
Mannaert Herwig 
De Keyser Bart
Vandenbempt Koen, Guiette Alain
Peeters Michaël
Van Passel Steven, Compernolle Tine
Stabenow Sebastian 
Albers Sascha, Vandenbempt Koen
Stiller Ingo
Cambré Bart, Van Witteloostuijn Arjen
Moschouli Eleni 
Vanelslander Thierry
Hänle Fabian 
Cambré Bart, Weil Steffi
Luong Thi Cam Tu 
Jorissen Ann, Paeleman Ine
Hua Thanh Xuan 
Erreygers Guido, Kessels Roselinde, Merlino Luca Paolo
Loureiro Lopes Ana Isabel 
De Pelsmacker Patrick, Dens Nathalie
Buzeta Cristian Riquelme 
De Pelsmacker Patrick, Dens Nathalie
Moharami Gargari Masoud 
Vanelslander Thierry, Sörensen Kenneth
Einhäupl Paul 
Van Passel Steven, Van Acker Karel (KU Leuven)
Zewdie Markose Checkol (Markos) 
Van Passel Steven, Nyssen Jan (Ughent), Berihun Daregot (Bahir Dar University)
De Weerdt Loïc 
Van Passel Steven, Compernolle Tine, De Jaeger Bruno (KU Leuven)
Björnavold Amalie Ragnhild
Van Passel Steven 
Praet Stiene 
Martens David, Van Aelst Peter
Admasu Wubante Fetene 
Van Passel Steven, Swenet Amare (Bahir Dar University)
Al-Issa Nermain 
Dens Nathalie
Saviuc Iolanda 
Van Passel Steven, Peremans Herbert
Daelman Ilse 
De Vos Ans, Van Bockhaven Wouter
Pauwels Loren
Boone Christophe, Declerck Carolyn
Handrito Radityo 
Vanderstraeten Johanna, Slabbinck Hendrik (Ughent)
Gkika Despoina
Reniers Genserik, Cool Pegie
De Maere Koen 
De Haes Steven
Van Schoubroeck Sophie 
Van Passel Steven, Malina Robert (Uhasselt), Van Dael Miet (VITO)
Annys Sofie 
Van Passel Steven, Nyssen Jan (Ughent), Dessein Joost (Ughent)
Gerken Fynn 
Hardies Kris, Heirman Wannes
Wuytens Chris 
Cambré Bart, De Vos Ans
Buyle Sven
Meersman Hilde, Dewulf Wouter, Onghena Evy
Van Asch Thomas 
Van de Voorde Eddy, Dewulf Wouter, Kupfer Franziska
Janssen Sanne
Vanstraelen Ann, Hardies Kris
Van Andel Walter 
Vandenbempt Koen, Schramme Annick
Sandra Danny 
Vandenbempt Koen, Segers Jesse, Nandram Sharda (Nyenrode Business University)
Bui Thi Kim Thanh
Erreygers Guido 
Alidou Sahawal 
Verpoorten Marijke, Swinnen Johan (KU Leuven)
Peeters Linda
Cassimon Danny, Engelen Peter-Jan
Balliauw Matteo 
Van de Voorde Eddy, Meersman Hilde
Verberght Edwin
Vanelslander Thierry, Van Hassel Edwin
Roosens Bram 
Dens Nathalie, Lievens Annouk
Dinh Thi 
Vandenbempt Koen, Jorissen Ann
Huygh Tim 
De Haes Steven 
Hintjens Joost 
Van de Voorde Eddy, Vanelslander Thierry
Maier Sofia 
Erreygers Guido, Vujić Sunčica 
Carlan Valentin
Sys Christa, Vanelslaner Thierry
Van Nijen Kris 
Van Passel Steven
De Keyzer Freya 
Dens Nathalie, De Pelsmacker Patrick
Oorts Gilles 
Mannaert Herwig 
De Langhe Katrien 
Sys Christa, Van de Voorde Eddy
Chongsombut Ornchanok 
Verelst Jan
Srivastava Aman 
Van Passel Steven, Laes Erik (VITO)
Simen Tchamyou Vanessa 
Erreygers Guido, Cassimon Danny
Cardenas Barbosa Ivan 
Vanelslander Thierry, Dewulf Wouter
Papoutsis Konstantinos
Vanelslander Thierry, Dewulf Wouter, Nathanail Eftihia (University of Thessaly)
Daowadueng Piyada 
Jorissen Ann
Verdickt Gertjan 
Deloof Marc, Annaert Jan
De Waele Lode 
Van Witteloostuijn Arjen 
Verbiest Floor 
Cornelissens Trijntje, Springael Johan
Coreynen Wim 
Matthyssens Paul, Van Witteloostuijn, Vanderstraeten Johanna
Dunia Senga Christian 
Cassimon Danny
Moortgat Leentje 
Deloof Marc, Annaert Jan
Lara Oliveros Carlos 
De Graeve Diana 
Beckers Joris
Verhetsel Ann
Cant Jeroen 
Verhetsel Ann
Zabara Tatiana 
Boone Christophe, van Witteloostuijn Arjen 
Vanhoeyveld Jellis 
Martens David, Peeters Bruno
Turkes Renata 
Sörensen Kenneth
Van de Wal Nino 
Boone Christophe, Gilsing Victor
Meysman Jasmine
Braet Johan, Decleyn Sven
Chasapopoulos Panagiotis 
Boone Christophe, van Witteloostuijn Arjen 
Haque Adyan 
Verelst Jan, De Beukelaer Alain (Ughent)
Milis Kevin 
Peremans Herbert, Van Passel Steven
Sajko Miha
Boone Christophe, Buryl Tine (Tilburg University)
Arnold Florian
Sörensen Kenneth 
Daems Kristien 
Moons Ingrid, De Pelsmacker Patrick
Prasad Jaya Bhaskar 
Martens Rudy, Junni Pauline (Norwegian Business school)
Zhang Ying 
Vanneste Jacques
Vergeylen Nicholas
Sörensen Kenneth
Bobbert Yuri 
De Haes Steven, Proper Erik (Radboud University), Mulder Hans
Paternoster Alexander
Braet Johan, Springael Johan
Van Moer Geert 
Bouckaert Jan
Vazquez Alcocer Alan 
Goos Peter, Schoen Eric
De Martino Marcella 
Meersman Hilde, Van de Voorde Eddy
Bringmann Katja 
Verhetsel Ann, Vanoutrive Thomas
Magalhaes Mucci Daniel 
Jorissen Ann, Frezatti Fabio (Universidade de São Paulo)
De Cnudde Sofie
Martens David 
Van Gestel Raf
De Graeve Diana 
Maes Jochen 
Vanelslander Thierry, Van de Voorde Eddy
Nguyen Canh Lam 
Notteboom Theo
Vermeulen Glen 
Bouckaert Jan, Kort Peter
Van Camp Jelle
Braet Johan
Doomernik Jacobus (Jack) 
Strategies for international High-Speed Rail operators in the European passenger transport market
Vanelslander Thierry, Van de Voorde Eddy
Tobback Ellen 
Advances in data mining for risk and uncertainty using textual and behavioural data   
Martens David 
Megersa Kelbesa 
Government Finances and Financial Shocks in Developing Economies
Cassimon Danny, Houssa Romain (Université de Namur)
Defryn Christof
Models for operational optimisation in a horizontal logistic cooperation. Gain sharing, incentives and multi-level objectives
Sörensen Kenneth
Sobrevinas Alellie 
The Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS): An Investigation of Its Usefulness in Understanding the Relationship Between International Migration and Poverty in the Philippines
Calfat German, Reyes Celia (De La Salle University)
Lemmens Sanne 
Technological innovation in the energy sector: case of the organic Rankine cycle
Verbruggen Aviel, Braet Johan
Lewi Tine (Martine)
Early Diagnosis Messages for Secondary Prevention: Drivers for Awareness, Engagement and Participation. Application to Breast Cancer Screening and Alzheimer’s Disease
De Pelsmacker Patrick, Cauberghe Veroline (Ughent)
Avramova Yana 
Brands in books: The effects of brand placement in written narratives
De Pelsmacker Patrick, Dens Nathalie
Vanthillo Ties 
Shaping conditions for economic development: the role of regional strategies
Verhetsel Ann, Vanelslander Thierry
Jacobs Sofie 
A configurational perspective on succes in small-sized creative organizations
Schramme Annick, Cambré Bart
Struyf Els 
Passengers and cargo? Cost economies at airport level
Meersman Hilde, Van de Voorde Eddy
Ettema Roland 
Using triangulation in lean six sigma to explain quality problems. An enterprise engineering perspective 
Verelst Jan, Mulder Hans, Proper Erik (Radboud University)
Nazemzadeh Goki Marzieh 
The role of port infrastructure for economic development with an application to Belgium and the Port of Antwerp
Meersman Hilde, Vanelslander Thierry
Stankova Marija
Classification within network data with a bipartite structure
Martens David 
Reypens Charlotte
Better together? The pathways and roadblocks to value creation in multi-stakeholder innovation networks
Lievens Annouk, Blazevic Vera (RWTH Aachen)
Zijlstra Toon 
On the Mobility Budget for Company Car Users in Flanders
Verhetsel Ann, Vanoutrive Thomas
Grushevska Kateryna 
Essays on centrality and intermediacy of the Ukrainian transport system. An analysis on evolutionary and institutional change
Notteboom Theo 
Cannaerts Nele 
A multifocal perspective on ambidextrous design
Matthyssens Paul, Segers Jesse
Crucke Saskia 
Governance characteristics as antecedents for organizational performance in social enterprises
Vallet Nathalie, Knockaert Mirjam (Ughent)
Vanhoof Els 
Evolvable Accounting Information Systems: Applying Design Science Methodology and Normalized Systems Theory to Tackle Combinatorial Effects of Multiple GAAP
Aerts Walter, Verelst Jan 
Vo Thanh Nha 
Two-level orthogonal experimental designs in the presence of zero, one or two blocking factors
Goos Peter, Schoen Eric
Vonck Indra 
Resilience in seaports: dealing with turbulent environments
Notteboom Theo, Dooms Michael (VUB)
Madadian Oveis 
Intra-Industry Benchmarking of Discretionary Corporate Disclosure
Aerts Walter 
Pandey Pankaj 
Using Theories from Economics and Finance for Information Security Risk Management
De Haes Steven, Snekkenes Einar
El Ouirdi Mariam
The Use of Social Media in Recruitement and Job Seeking
Henderickx Erik, Segers Jesse
El Ouirdi Asma 
Studies on the Governance, Adoption, and Implications of Social Media in Corporate Settings
Henderickx Erik, Segers Jesse
Janssens Jochen
Design and analysis of models and algorithms for optimisation in networks
Sörensen Kenneth 
De Corte Annelies 
Optimization of water distribution networks using metaheuristics
Sörensen Kenneth, Mertens Luc
Deman Robin 
Corporate governance in Belgian private family firms and SMEs: The impact on entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance
Jorissen Ann , Laveren Eddy
De Meulenaer Sarah
Cross-cultural differences in consumer responses to marketing communications and branding
De Pelsmacker Patrick, Dens Nathalie
Moeyersoms Julie 
De waarde van gedragsdata in voorspellingsmodellen
Martens David 
Rashed Yasmine 
Container Throughput Modelling and Forecasting: An Empirical Dynamic Econometric Time Series Approach
Meersman Hilde, Vanelslander Thierry
Van Oerle Sarah 
Value co-creation in online health communities: The role of participants’ posts, network position and behavioral patterns
Lievens Annouk, Mahr Dominik (Maastricht University)
Vermoesen Veronique 
Corporate governance and corporate finance during crisis periods
Deloof Marc
Aleksandrovs Leonids 
Design and validation of models for media mix investment optimization
Dens Nathalie, Goos Peter
Van Poucke Eline
Climbing the stairs of purchasing maturity: Essays on purchasing development, internal service quality and sourcing outcomes
Matthyssens Paul, van Weele Arjan (TU Eindhoven)
Sellami Sana 
Essays on the match between education and work
Nonneman Walter 
De Meulenaere Kim 
Essays on the implications of organizational age diversity and compensation for firm performance
Boone Christophe, Buyl Tine
Guiette Alain 
Towards a processual perspective on sensemaking during organizational change. Studies on Organizing - Changing – Becoming
 Vandenbempt Koen
Syafitri Utami Dyah 
Optimal Design of Mixture Experiments
Goos Peter
Verstegen Kurt
On the interaction between interest rate risk and credit risk
De Ceuster Marc , Annaert Jan
Vandenbroucke Jurgen 
Essays on Structured Products and Algorithmic Portfolios
De Ceuster Marc , Annaert Jan
Gargalianou Vasiliki 
The role of language in business settings
Van Witteloostuijn Arjen 
Essers Dennis
Essays on Developing Country Vulnerability to External Shocks in Light of the Great Recession
Cassimon Danny 
Verhoeven Patrick
Economic Assessment of Management Reform in European Seaports
Van de Voorde Eddy 
Duangmanee Krittiya 
Van Wouwe Martine 
Palhazi Cuervo Albin Daniel 
Heuristic and metaheuristic algorithms for the generation of optimal experimental designs
Sörensen Kenneth, Goos Peter
Loots Ellen
Performance evaluations in the arts: evidence from the Netherlands and Flanders
Van Witteloostuijn Arjen, Schramme Annick
Thu Trang Doan
STUDIES ON THE M&A PRE-INTEGRATION PROCESS - Organizational Learning, Strategy and Timing
Van Witteloostuijn Arjen
Reynaert Mathias
An economic analysis of environmental policy in the European car market
De Borger Bruno, Verboven Frank
Verhellen Yann
Consumers' Responses to Brand Placement in Online and Offline Media 
De Pelsmacker Patrick, Dens Nathalie
Talarico Luca
Secure Vehicle Routing: Models and algorithms to increase security and reduce costs in the cash-in-transit sector
Sörensen Kenneth, Springael Johan
Castro Contreras Marco 
Models and algorithms for travelling salesperson problems with hotel selection
Sörensen Kenneth, Goos Peter
Van Bockhaven Wouter 
Essays on institutional innovation by business actors
Vandenbempt Koen, Matthyssens Paul
Wang Siyuan 
A Dual Perspective on the LNG Maritime Business: LNG as Shipping Cargo and LNG as a Ship Fuel
Notteboom Theo 
Rogiest Sofie
Change in police organizations. A study of commitment, communication, culture, leadership and participation
Van Witteloostuijn Arjen, Segers Jesse
Li Jinyu 
Institutional Analyses of Regional Inland Waterway Transport Systems
Notteboom Theo 
Herremans Dorien 
Compose≡Compute, Computer Generation And Classification Of Music Through Operations Research Methods
Sörensen Kenneth 
Maes Kim 
The exploration of a process perspective on business cases and its relationship with the perceived success of IT enabled investments
Van Grembergen Wim, De Haes Steven
Ngo My Tran 
Essays on Privatization and Corporate Governance in Vietnam
Nonneman Walter, Jorissen Ann 
De Bruyn Peter 
Generalizing Normalized Systems Theory: Towards a Foundational Theory for Enterprise Engineering
Mannaert Herwig 
Overbergh Ann 
Extended Cinema in Kenya and Tanzania. Technological Innovation and Related Trends in Local Audiovisual Storytelling
Van Witteloostuijn Arjen, Schramme Annick
Dillen Yannick 
High-growth firms in Flanders: an analysis of the determinants of one-shot high-growth and persistent high-growth
Martens Rudy, Laveren Eddy
Busljeta Banks Ivana 
A cross-cultural investigation of probability markers in advertising claims
De Pelsmacker Patrick 
Junque De Fortuny Enric 
Detecting Patterns in Human Behaviour and Operationalization of Protective Models
Martens David 
Kazadi Tshikala Kande
Stakeholder Cocreation During the Innovation Process: The role and impact of capabilities from a firm and customer perspective
Lievens Annouk, Mahr Dominik (Maastricht University)
Essays on financial integration and monetary policy in small open economies
Vanneste Jacques, Van Poeck André
Fraser Darren Ronald
Essays on Southern African Container Port Dynamics
Notteboom Theo 
Yan Beibei
Rhetorical Impression Management in the Letter to Shareholders: Determinants and Consequences
Aerts Walter 
Amonhaemanon Dalina 
Asset Allocation and Inflation Hedging Strategies: Thai Applications
Annaert Jan 
Van der Linden Dirk
Towards adaptive flexibility in automation systems
Peremans Herbert , Mannaert Herwig
De Klerck Steven
Historical Reflections and Empirical Studies on The Effectiveness of Fundamental Analyses 
De Ceuster Marc
Wu Fan
The impact of country and industry diversification on equity portfolios
De Ceuster Marc
Peeters Thomas 
Applications of Industrial Economics to the Professional Sports Industry
Kesenne Stefan, Bouckaert Jan 
Senbeta Sisay Regassa 
Domestic and External Shocks and Macroeconomic Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa
Erreygers Guido 
Dewulf Wouter
The Strategy of Air Cargo Operators - About Carpet Sellers and Cargo Stars
Van de Voorde Eddy 
Rajabi Mahdi 
Cross-Cultural Experiments on the Effectiveness of Advertising Adaptation
De Pelsmacker Patrick, Dens Nathalie
Van der Brempt Olivier
Opening the black box of works council effectiveness: The role of group composition, trust and perceived influence.
Boone Christophe, van Witteloostuijn Arjen 
Pani Claudia 
Managing vessel arrival uncertainty in container terminals: a machine learning approach
Vanelslander Thierry 
Smets Lodewijk
Essays in Aid for Policy Reform
De Borger Bruno, Renard Robrecht
Montalto Fabiola 
Deloof Marc 
Li Jie
CEO Remuneration and Risk Taking: Evidence from U.S. Commercial Banks
De Ceuster Marc 
Vanovermeire Christine 
Horizontal collaboration in logistics: Increasing efficiency trough flexibility, gain sharing and collaborative planning
Sörensen Kenneth 
Polvorosa Narvaez Juan Carlos 
Opportunities and constraints for small and medium-sized farmers in the context of the booming dairy value chains in Nicaragua; Case-study of Matiguás.
Bastiaensen Johan 
A. Purnawirawan Nathalia 
Consumer responses to positive and negative online reviews
De Pelsmacker Patrick, Dens Nathalie
De Maere Jonas
Essays on Corporate Governance in Belgian Private Firms: Determinants of Board and Firm-level Outcomes
Jorissen Ann, Van der Elst Christoph (Ghent University)
Onghena Evy
From Cost Structure to Strategy. The Impact of the Cost Structure on the Strategic Behaviour of Integrators
Van de Voorde Eddy, Meersman Hilde
Marivoet Wim
The Congo Puzzle. Evolving livelihoods and poverty in the Democratic Republic of Congo (1970-2010)
De Herdt Tom
Gevaers Roel 
Evaluation of innovations in B2C last mile, B2C reverse & waste logistics
Van de Voorde Eddy 
Hau Le Long 
The role of Financial Markets for the Vietnamese Economy
De Ceuster Marc, Plasmans J. 
Ganame Maria Cecilia
Endogenous protection within different frameworks of monopolistic competition. Spatial distribution of economic activity and asymmetries in trade costs
Calfat German 
Lardon Andy 
Essays on the Relation between Corporate Governance and Suppliers of Finance
Deloof Marc
El Kasmioui Ouafik
Short rotation woody crops for bio-energy: a financial, energetic and environmental perspective
Verbruggen Aviel, Ceulemans R.
Maneemai Parichart 
Management control systems in family firms: the role of family involvement and family commitment
Jorissen Ann 
Kaselimi Evangelia 
Essays on relationship between terminal scale and port competition
Notteboom Theo 
Vanderstraeten Johanna 
Studies on the Strategy and Performance of Business Incubators
Matthyssens Paul, Van Witteloostuijn Arjen  
Vandenbulcke Roel 
Hydronic Simulation and Optimization - a simulation based study on the energy efficiency and controllability of hydronic heating systems
Verbruggen Aviel, Mertens L.
Ferreira Monteiro Maria Feliciana 
Productivity in the Container Port Business - Focus on the Mediterranean Range
Van de Voorde Eddy, Meersman Hilde
Aronietis Raimonds 
Successful Development and Implementation of Transport Policy Innovations
Van de Voorde Eddy, Vanelslander Thierry
Zhang Harui 
Contributions to Empirical Interest Rate Modeling
De Ceuster Marc 
Zhang Shuyu
Causal reasoning on performance intensity in management's performance commentary: Determinants and consequences
Aerts Walter 
Robbani Golam 
Regional integration and militarized interstate disputes: an empirical analysis.
Cuyvers L. 
Cosimo LISI
From Waste to reusable raw material: the transport optimization within the recycling process of glass and iron
Van de Voorde Eddy, Meersman Hilde
Ramdani Dendi 
Essays on Corporate Governance and Corporate Illegality: Investigations into Firm Performance and Firm Bribery
Boone Christophe, van Witteloostuijn Arjen 
Layaa John Nehemia 
Seaport and International Trade Facilitation: The Case of the Seaport of Dar es Salaam.
Dullaert W. 
H'Madoun Maryam 
Religion and Economic Preferences
Nonneman Walter 
Meijer Elise 
Team performance in R&D alliances: A micro-level perspective
Boone Christophe, Duysters G.M. (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven)
Divarci Anil
Political/Ideological Contestation, Collective Action and Organizational Forms
Boone Christophe, van Witteloostuijn Arjen 
Cristina Alejandra Daniela 
Migration and the Labour Market: An analysis for Argentina
Nonneman Walter 
Vigna Claudia
Employee perceptions of strategic human resource management: Considering hrm content and process
Henderickx Erik, Sanders Karin (University of Groningen)
Kaufmann Wesley 
Rule Ecology, Europeanization, and Red Tape: Four Empirical Studies on Rule Dynamics
Boone Christophe, van Witteloostuijn Arjen 
Truong Huy Huynh 
Economic Perspectives of Internal Migration in Vietnam: a focus on the Mekong River Delta Region
Nonneman Walter 
Nguyen Xuan Quang 
Essays on efficiency and productivity of the Vietnamese financial sector
De Borger Bruno 
Rocher Stijn
Essays on skills and technology: a Task-Based Perspective
Bouckaert Jan 
Kupfer Franziska 
The Airport Choice for Scheduled Freighter Operations in Europe
Verhetsel Ann, Van de Voorde Eddy
Zarzosa Valdivia Fernando Enrique 
Structural Real Exchange Rates, Tradable Goods Share in GDP and Unemployment rates in Argentina
Plasmans J. 
Arnouts Heidi 
Cost-efficient experiments with hard-to-change factors for product and process innovation
Goos Peter
Sartono Bagus
Orthogonal Experimental Designs under Complete and Restricted Randomization
Goos Peter, Schoen Eric
Maya Duque Pablo Andrés 
Optimisation models and algorithms for non-profit logistics and disaster management problems
Goos Peter, Sörensen Kenneth
Stavrevska Vesna 
EŽciency wages, unemployment benefits and union-firm wage bargaining
Meeusen W. 
Van den Bogaerd Machteld 
The role of a firm's media reputation with regard to its credit policy
Aerts Walter 
Granato María Florencia 
Location of economic activities within countries. The case of Argentina and MERCOSUR members
Calfat German 
Van Dyck Michiel 
A biomimetic air flow sensor inspired by the cerci of the cricket. Technological and economic feasability.
Peremans Herbert , Braet Johan
Markianidou Paresa 
The relationship between trade and container ‘ows
Meersman Hilde 
Grosso Monica
Improving the competitiveness of intermodal transport: applications on European corridors.
Meersman Hilde, Midoro Renato (University of Genua)
Beelen Marjan 
Structuring and modelling decision making in the inland navigation sector
Van de Voorde Eddy
Van Hassel Edwin 
Developing a Small Barge Convoy System to reactivate the use of small inland waterway network.
Van de Voorde Eddy
Ndungo Kamavu 
Inter-agir le développement: Fonds social, changement institutionel et réduction de la pauvreté à Kisenso (Kinshasa), 2002-2009.
Marysse S., De Herdt T.
Tshimanga Mbuyi Kaseka Claudine 
Fonds Social Urbain: Pauvreté, capacités et capital social des menages. 
Marysse S., De Herdt T.
Mensah Lord
Cross-sectional predictability of stock returns: pre-world war I evidence
Annaert Jan 
Huysmans Philip 
On the Feasability of Normalized Enterprises: Applying Systems Theory to High-Level Design of Enterprises
Verelst Jan 
buyl Tine 
Exploring the top management team's role in organizational processes and performance: Extensions of the 'upper echelons' research streams
Boone Christophe, Matthyssens Paul
Du Yan 
Formal Control Mechanisms in Multinational Enterprises: Management Control Systems and Subsidiary Boards of Directors
Jorissen Ann, Deloof Marc
Engelen Steve
Essays on Ship Market Modelling
Dullaert W. 
Calli Meltem Kiygi 
Assessing the Effectiveness of Advertising from High Frequency Data
Weverbergh Marcel
Van Nuffel Dieter 
Towards designing Modular and Evolvable Business Processes
De Backer C. 
Ghita Mihaela-Livia 
Business Elites and Corporate Network Structures in 19th and 20th Century Belgium
Deloof Marc, Cuyvers L.
De Cleyn Sven
Model for failure analysis of very early stage innovative projects
Braet Johan
Minh Nhut Quan 
Economic and Efficiency Analysis of Selected Farming Patterns: The Case of Irrigated Systems in the Mekong River Delts
Cuyvers L. 
Segers Jesse 
Exploring 'new career' models and coaching
Vloeberghs D. 
Rivas Ana 
Gender, Wages and Globalisation of Production in Developing Countries
Calfat German 
Sys Christa 
Inside the box: assessing the competitive conditions, the concentration and the market structure of the container liner shipping industry
Van de Voorde Eddy, Omey E. (Ghent University)
Michiels Frederik
Dependence modelling in Economic Applications: towards a more efficient copula approach.
De Schepper An 
Vanoutrive Thomas
From mobility management and multilevel modelling towards modelling mobility and multilevel management
Verhetsel Ann , Witlox F. (Ghent University)
Schittekat Patrick 
Metaheuristics for Planning in Logistics - From Theory to Industrial Applications
Goos Peter, Sörensen Kenneth
Van Dyck Barbara
When the Third Sector builds the City. Browneld Transformation Projects in Marseille and Montréal
Verhetsel Ann 
Ferede Tadele
Economic growth, policy reforms, household livelihoods and environmental degradation in rural Ethiopia: towards an integrated model of economic transformation
Erreygers Guido 
Peluffo Geronazzo Silvia Adriana 
Trade Liberalization and Manufacturing Performance: the Uruguayan case.
Calfat German 
Cavagnero Eleonora 
Measurements, Assessments and Alternatives to improve equity with a focus on Argentina
Carrin G. 
Mahr Dominik 
Customer Co-creation of Knowledge during the Innovation Process
Lievens Annouk 
Nguyen Phu Son 
Socio-economic efficiency and development potential of Artemia production on salt-based area in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Cuyvers L. 
Van der Poel Katrien 
New regulation and financial reporting quality in Europe: three empirical studies on IFRS, corporate governance and public oversight
Vanstraelen Ann 
Lecluyse Ann 
Essays on inequality in health and health care expenditures in Belgium
De Graeve Diana 
Moons Cindy 
Essays on monetary and fiscal policy in the Euro area
Plasmans J. 
Helleboogh David 
The role of the entrepreneur's human capital in start-up companies: Mode of entry, start-up capital and bootstrap financing.
Laveren Eddy 
Antoniou Antonius 
Essays on Financial Market's Independence and Integration
Van Witteloostuijn Arjen
Yap Wei Yim
Shipping services and their impact on container port competitiveness
Notteboom Theo 
Fornero Jorge 
Essays on modeling fiscal and monetary policy in a DSGE framework.
Plasmans J. 
Trojanowska Magdalena 
Strategic investment under uncertainty
Kort Peter 
Teirlinck Peter 
Location of (FDI in) R&D and networking in innovation: Analysis and policy making for the business enterprise sector
Meeusen W. 
Deridder Annemieke 
Essays on Economic Evaluation in Health Economics. Bridging the gap with Health Econometrics
De Graeve Diana 
Wuyts Bart
Essays on Congestion, Transport Taxes, and the Labour Market
De Borger Bruno 
Moons Jan 
Applying learning theory principles in the design of program visualization software
De Backer C. 
Molly Vincent 
The heterogeneity of family business: goal orientation, intergenerational differences and succession
Laveren Eddy
Boytsun Andriy
Institutional determinants of corporate governance: the role of informal rules.
Bostyn F., Matthyssens Paul
Dens Nathalie
Effective advertising and branding strategies for new product introductions
De Pelsmacker Patrick 
Michalak Tomasz
Developing a framework to study strategic interaction of fiscal and monetary authorities in the presence of monetary union
Plasmans J. 
Tu Van Binh
Analysis of Vietnam' Pangasius Industry in Transition
Cuyvers L. 
Lieckens Kris
Reverse Logistics Network Design: The Impact of Lead Times and Stochasticity
Vandaele N. 
Van Osselaer Marijke
Dominant designs and competitive dynamics: critical reflections and contextual enrichment
Bostyn F. 
Barraud Ariel
International trade and development. Effects of trade policies on poverty and inequality in developing countries
Calfat German 
Soeng Reth 
Foreign Direct Investment in Cambodia: Determinants and Impact on Domestic Labour Productivity and international Trade
Cuyvers L. 
Reheul Anne-Mie
The design and use of management control systems: extensions to the conventional contingency-based framework
Jorissen Ann 
Ansoms An
Faces of rural poverty in contemporary Rwanda
Marysse S. 
Lin Lam Siu Jasmine
Managing container shipping supply chains
Van de Voorde Eddy 
Bogaert Sandy
Antecedents and consequences of turnover of professional employees: three empirical studies.
Boone Christophe, van Witteloostuijn Arjen 
Vanhaecht Eve
Essays on competition and funding in the European Higher Education market
Bouckaert Jan, Pauwels W.
Renckens An
Competition policy and the role of communication: decision-making in merger control and the internal organization of cartels
Bouckaert Jan 
Ven Kris
The organizational adoption of open source server software: an information systems innovation perspective.
Verelst Jan 
Boschmans Kris
Selected essays on personnel economics: turnover, promotions and incentives

Cauberghe Veroline
Determinants of the impact of new advertising formats on interactive digital television: advertiser and consumer perspectives
De Pelsmacker Patrick, Geuens Maggie (Ghent University)
Zhang Hao
The impact of economic growth on business negotiating behaviour: theories, evidences and implications
Verluyten P. 
Jones Bradley
Computer aided designs for practical experimentation
Goos Peter 
Rommens An
Empirical studies on business groups in Belgium: interlocking directorates, dividend policy and profitability
Deloof Marc 
Van Overfelt Wouter
An empirical assessment of financial reporting, corporate finance and corporate performance in Belgium during the first era of globalization
Deloof Marc 
Pauwels Tom
Modellering van het Goederenvervoer in België: analyse van de vervoerwijzekeuze, het transitvervoer en de relatie met de economie
Van de Voorde Eddy 
De Haes Steven
The impact of IT governance practices on business/IT alignment in the Belgian financial services sector.
Van Grembergen W. 
Amelinckx Isabelle
What happens after e-sourcing adoption: Antecedent-outcome relationships and the moderating role of supplier-related characteristics

Van Tendeloo Brenda
Empirical studies on the role of regulation and enforcement in constraining earnings management
Vanstraelen A. 
Van Kerckhoven Tony
Corporate internet reporting determinants and effects.
Vanneste Jacques 
De Haes Joeri
Investigating online consumer behaviour: the impact of Internet shopping site design on emotional and cognitive consumer responses
Lievens Annouk 
Okkerse Liesbeth
The impact of immigration on the Belgian labour market
Nonneman Walter 
Reniers Genserik
Shaping an integrated cluster safety culture in the chemical process industry
Soudan Karel 
Janssens Willem
Medium context effects in advertising
De Pelsmacker Patrick 
Lukach Ruslan
Strategic process innovation in firms
Plasmans J. 
Gabriëls Xavier
The influence of enterprise resource planning systems (ERPS) on management accounting
Jorissen Ann 
Goossens Nico
Blocking systems with zero buffer: a kanban-like approach
Vandaele N. 
Claes Anouk
Coping with model risk: empirical applications in bond and stock markets.
De Ceuster Marc   
Vanelslander Thierry
The economics behind co-operation and competition in sea-port container handling
Van de Voorde Eddy 
Suetens Sigrid
R&D cooperation and strategic decision-making in oligopoly: an experimental economics approach
Meeusen W. 
Breugelmans Els
Investigating consumer behavior in an online grocery context: the impact of the adopted stock-out policy and virtual shelf placement
Gijsbrechts E. 
Van Caneghem Tom 
Earnings management induced by cognitive reference points
Aerts Walter 
Foubert Bram
Essays on product and promotional bundling in retailing
Gijsbrechts E. 
Van Ourti Tom
Essays on inequality measurement in health, health care and finance of health care
De Graeve Diana 
Dumont Michel
The impact of international trade with heavy industrialised countries on the wages and employment of low-skilled and high-skilled workers in the European Union 
Cuyvers L. 
Van Nieuwenhuyse Inneke
Lot splitting in single-product flow shops: issues of delivery reliability, production disruptions and flow times
Vandaele N. 
Smet Mike
An empirical analysis of the cost structure, performance measurement and the impact of financial incentives on medical practice in Belgian general care hospitals.
Pauwels W. 
De Wever Sigrid 
Developing capabilities through networks: a social capital perspective
Martens Rudy 
Gabriels Lutgardis
The influence of enterprise resource planning systems (ERPS) on management accounting
Jorissen Ann 
De Beule Filip
Belgian subsidiary management in the People's Republic of China: strategic evolution, host country impact and policy (UFSIA-RUCA)
Van den Bulcke D. 
Van Campenhout Geert 
Analysis of the European mutual fund industry: style breaks and mutual fund flows (UFSIA-RUCA)
Annaert Jan 
Van Uytbergen Steve 
Stock market efficiency with respect to accounting information: an international empirical examination (UFSIA-RUCA)

Sörensen Kenneth 
A framework for robust andflexible optimisation using metaheuristics - with applications in supply chain design (UFSIA-RUCA)
Springael Johan 
Borghijs Alain 
Wage coordination and riddity in the European monetary union (UFSIA-RUCA)
Van Poeck André 
Ghysels Joris
The work and care game: an empirical analysis of household decision making in the European Union (UFSIA-RUCA)
Kesenne Stefan 
De Ridder Isabelle 
De invloed van schermpresentatie op leesvaardigheid en woordenschatverwerving
Van Waes Luuk
De Decker Marc
Juridische aspecten van codificatie en harmonisering van de Europese intenationale rivierenregimes
Somers E. 
Yeh Kuo-Chun
Establishing exchange rate and monetary cooperation in the Chinese economic area based on the analysis of currency crises of the 1990s (UFSIA-RUCA)
Plasmans J. 
De Boeck Liesje 
Performance analysis of assemblies in open queueing systems (UFSIA-RUCA)

Van Woensel Tom
Models for uninterrupted trafic flows: a queueing approach (UFSIA-RUCA)

Van Overtveldt Johan 
The University of Chicago. Its history and place in the development of modern economics (UFSIA-RUCA)
Nonneman Walter 
Dullaert Wout
Scheduling flexibility and pricing in road freight transport (UFSIA-RUCA)
Blauwens A. 
Cools Martine
International transfer pricing: tensions between tax compliance and management control in multinational enterprises (UFSIA-RUCA)
Jorissen Ann 
Van Hooydonk Charlotte 
Measuring and estimating exchange market pressure in the EU (UFSIA-RUCA)
Van Poeck André 
Verbist Gerlinde
An inquiry into the redistributive effect of personal income taxes in Belgium (UFSIA-RUCA)
De Borger Bruno 
Engelen Peter-Jan 
Remedies to informational asymmetrics in stock markets (UFSIA-RUCA)
Deweirdt E. 
Debisschop Kris 
Verfijning van economische analyse van investeringsopportuniteiten: een toepassing in de Vlaamse context (UFSIA-RUCA)
Van de Voorde Eddy 
Van De Wiele Patricia
Voluntary disclosure of sales by small and medium sized enterprises (UFSIA-RUCA)
Reyns C. 
Vaillant Marcel
Limits to Trade Liberalization : a Political Economy Approach (UFSIA)

Vanstraelen Ann
The auditor's going-concern opinion: an economic analysis of the decision-making process (UFSIA)
Jorissen Ann 
De Brucker Klaas
Ontwikkeling van een eclectisch evaluatie-instrument voor de sociaal-economische evaluatie van complexe investeringsprojecten, met een toepassing op het project Seine-Scheldeverbinding (RUCA)

De Herdt Tom
Surviving the Transition. Institutional Aspects of Economic Regress in Congo-Zaïre (UFSIA)

Notteboom Theo
De invloed van ruimtelijke en logistieke ontwikkelingen in het voorland-achterlandcontinuüm op de positie en functie van zeehavens (RUCA)

Pauwels Noël
Precautionary interventions in industrial area's. An optimal stopping approach (UFSIA)
Soudan Karel 
Valckx Nico
Essays on the information value of financial markets form monetary policy (UFSIA)
De Ceuster Marc, Plasmans J. 
Bethuyne Gerrit
The timing of replacement investments and the utilization of capital equipment  (UFSIA)
Claessens E. 
Holvoet Nathalie
Intrahousehold resource allocation: impact of credit and women's groups. A case-study for rural North Tamil Nadu (South India) (RUCA)

Roozen Irene
Milieu en consument. Determinanten van milieuvriendelijk gedrag van consumenten (RUCA)
De Pelsmacker Patrick 
Verelst Jan
De invloed van variabiliteit op de evolueerbaarheid van conceptuele modellen van informatiesystemen (RUCA)

Vandenbempt Koen
Strategische heroriëntatie in context casestudies in de elektrotechnische installatie-industrie (UFSIA)
Martens Rudy, Plasmans J.
Fongsuwan Wanno
International marketing strategies and marketing information systems of multinational companies: a comparative study of Japanese, American and European companies in Thailand (RUCA)
De Pelsmacker Patrick 
Geuens Maggie
De invloed van persoonlijkheid op de effectiviteit van emotionele reclame (RUCA)

Vanhoudt Patrick
Essays on the empirics of economic growth (UFSIA)
Nonneman Walter 
Bruggeman Annick
The Role of Monetary Aggregates in the Monetary Policy Strategy or the European System of Central Banks (UFSIA)

Rayp Glenn
Sociale zekerheid tussen concurrentievermogen en groei. Een onderzoek naar de economische mogelijkheid en wenselijkheid van sociale zekerheid in een open economische ruimte (RUCA)

Van Reeth Daam
Competition Bidding and Pricing in Belgian Treasury Bill Auctions: Experimental and Empirical Evidence on the Optimal Auction Format (UFSIA)

Campo Katia
Variety Seeking and the Sensitivity to In-Store Promotions (UFSIA)

Coeck Chris
Een economische analyse vna het milieuheffingenbeleid in Vlaanderen (RUCA)

D'Haens Patrick
Accounting Information Systems (AIS). Ontwikkeling van een AIS in een vierde-generatietaal. Implementatie en evolutie van het AIS in een bedrijfsomgeving (RUCA)

Asselbergh Margareta
Een onderzoek naar de determinanten van het debiteurenbeheer in ondernemingen: een financieel-economische versus transactiekosten-theoretische benadering, met toetsing op de uitbestedingsbeslissing (RUCA)

Van Gompel Johan
Wage Formations, Exchange Rate Regimes and Macroeconomic Performance (UFSIA)

Lumonansoni Makwala Félix 
Politique de rétention des bénéfices dans les entreprises: évaluation empirique de modèles sélectionnés sur un échantillon de sociétés belges cotées à la Bourse de Bruxelles (RUCA)

Logman Marc
Intrafirm Marketing-Mix Relationships: Analysis of Their Sources and Modeling Implications (UFSIA)

Calfat German
Economic Integration, Trade and Adjustment (UFSIA)

Vandenbussche Hylke
The Economics of European Antidumping Legislation and its Implementation: a Matter of Rent-Seeking or Rent-Shifting? (UFSIA)

Van Breedam Alexis
Een analyse van het gedrag van rittenplanningsheuristieken voor een selektie van planningsproblemen met vrachtwagengebonden, klantgebonden en tijdgebonden randvoorwaarden (RUCA)

Buelens Frans
Van Adam Smith tot Paul Krugman: de evolutie van het 'vrede door vrijhandel'-model in het economisch denken. Een kritiek op de theorie van de 'onzichtbare hand' in de internationale politieke economie met verwijzing naar de GATT (RUCA)

Roodhooft Filip
Responsibility Accounting: A Dynamic Multiple Agent Approach (UFSIA)

Annaert Jan 
The international diversification of bond portfolios. An analysis of the foreign exchange risk and the effectiveness of various hedging strategies (RUCA)

Cassimon Danny
Who Pays the Ferryman? Economic Effects of Debt Reduction Operations by Developing Countries with Their Private Creditors (UFSIA)

Coudere Hugo
Van project tot beleid. Evaluatiemethodes voor niet-gouvernementele ontwikkelingssamenwerking (UFSIA)

Willeme Peter 
Politiek-economische interactie in twee- en meerpartijen systemen: een econometrische studie met betrekking tot de Verenigde Staten en België (RUCA)

Raes Jan
Wijsdom: een kennisboom voor hypothesetoetsen en associatiematen (RUCA)

Boone Christophe 
Onderzoek naar het verband tussen de perceptie van controle van bedrijfsleiders en de strategie en de resultaten van ondernemingen in de meubelindustrie (RUCA)

Heylen Freddy
Labour Market Characteristics and Macroeconomic Performance – An Enquiry into the Economic Effects of Labour Market Structures and Policies in the OECD in the 1980s (UFSIA)

De Ceuster Marc
The Relative Effectiveness of Efficiency Criteria – an Empirical Assessment of the Robustness of Mean-Variance in a Currency Basket Framework (UFSIA)

Vanlommel Géry
Cost Analysis and Pricing Policies of Electricity Generation and Transmission with an Application to Belgium (UFSIA)

Bastiaensen Johan
Peasants and Economic Development: a Case-Study on Nicaragua (UFSIA)

Aerts Walter 
Rekenschap en legitimatie. Studie van het publiek gebruik van boekhoudkundige informatie in verhalende context (RUCA)

Bertels Koen
Qualitative Reasoning in Novice Program Analysis (UFSIA)

Thewys Theo
De vraag naar arbeid volgens scholingsgraden in een kapitaaljaargangmodel (UFSIA)

Laveren Eddy
Interacties tussen investerings- en financieringsbeslissingen – Impact en verwerking van deze interacties in de investeringsanalyse (UFSIA)

Peeters Christian 
Het Belgische overheidsbeleid inzake scheepsbouw en scheepvaart: economische analyse en ontwikkeling van een beleidsalternatief (RUCA)

De Graeve Diana
Economische aspecten van geneesmiddelenconsumptie – empirische modellen van artsen- en patiëntengedrag (UFSIA)

Jorissen Ann
Extra-legale pensioenen in de jaarrekening.  De problematiek van de rapportering door werkgever en pensioenfonds (UFSIA)

Martens Rudy
Strategy Group Formation and Performance Implication : the Case of the Pharmaceutical Industry in five EC-countries (UFSIA)

Meersman Hilde
The disequilibrium macroeconomic model with endogenous prices (UFSIA)

Verbeke Alain 
Het nationaal zeehavenbeleid in België: een procesanalyse van de publieke beleidsvorming (RUCA)

Vanneste Jacques
Positieve en normatieve theorie van budgettaire decentralisatie, met een toepassing op de gemeentefinanciën in België (UFSIA)

Matthyssens Paul
Industrial Marketing Strategies in Context : A Taxonomic Approach (UFSIA)

Van de Voorde Eddy
Een model voor het binnenlandse goederenvervoer in België (UFSIA)

De Borger Bruno
Aggregation Theorems, Commodity Characteristics and the Estimation of the Welfare Implications of Inkind Transfers : The Case of Housing Assistance (UFSIA)

Dilip Kumar Roy
Industrialisation and Employment. Analysis of Manufacturing Industries (UFSIA)

Gijsbrechts Els
Multiproduct Marketing Allocation Problems : an Implementable Hierarchical Approach (UFSIA)

Swinnen Gilbert
Decisions on Product-Mix Changes in Supermarket Chains (UFSIA)

Carlier Ann
Interdependente preferenties en het vraaggedrag van de gezinshuishouding.  Een theoretische en empirische analyse (UFSIA)

De Wachter Marcia
Arbeidsaanbod en gezin (UFSIA)

Limere Arthur
Experiments with Corporate Input-Output Analysis (UFSIA)

Coppieters Pierre
De regionale dimensie van de tertialisering van de werkgelegenheid. Een empirische analyse van de regionale spreiding en de interregionale groeiverschillen van de tertiaire werkgelegenheid in België (UFSIA)

De Groof Christiaan
Efficiency of the Capital Market with Respect to Historical and Macro-Economic Information : a Spectral Analytic Approach (UFSIA)

Embrechts Robert
Onderzoek naar de theoretische validiteit van het argument ter bescherming van de jonge industrie en de toepassing ervan in het kader van de Algemene Overeenkomst inzake Handel en Tarieven (GATT) (UFSIA)

Peeters Willy
De evolutie van de monetaire integratie in de Europese Gemeenschap, geprojecteerd in de toekomst - een analytische benadering (RUCA)

Parys Wilfried
Analytische aspecten van de Sraffa’s werk en van verwante vraagstukken uit de klassieke prijstheorie (UFSIA)

Claessens Evrard
Methods of Applied Railway Economics, the Case of the European Economic Community (UFSIA)

Verbruggen Aviel
g in Belgium (UFSIA)

Fabry Jaak
Efficiency of the Stock Exchange with Respect to Accounting Information (UFSIA)

Plettinck Eddy 
De weerslag van de politiek gevoerd door het Rentenfonds op de geldhoeveelheid en op het peil van de rentevoet. Institutionele aspecten van de beperkingen gesteld aan de Belgische monetaire politiek die het gevolg zijn van de overheidsfinanciering en van de versnippering der beslissingscentra (RUCA)

De Brabander Guido
De regionaal-industriële specialisatie en haar effect op ruimtelijke verschillen in economische groei in België, van 1846 tot 1970 (UFSIA)

Borghers Eddy
Intersectoriële Konjunctuurbinding in België.  Een kwantificering in het frekwentiedomein (UFSIA)

Faucompret erik
Een politiek-economische studie van de relaties tussen de staten van de Europese gemeenschap en de landen van het Middellands Zeegebied en het Nabije Oosten (UFSIA)

Van Waterschoot Walter
Basisdeterminatie van consumentensatisfactie in het koopgedrag en in de marketing conceptie (UFSIA)

Van Grembergen Willy
On the Assessment of the Cost of Capital through Accounting Information (UFSIA)

Weverbergh Marcel
Competitive Bidding-Games, Decision Making and Cost Uncertainty (UFSIA)

De Backer Carlos
De optimalisatie van gecentraliseerde datacommunicatienetwerken (UFSIA)

Cuyvers Ludo
Marxistische en neo-marxistische kenmerken van invloeden in de groeitheorie van Joan Robinson: een analytisch en kritisch onderzoek (RUCA)

Van Berendoncks Luk 
De ontwikkeling van het Belgisch chartervervoer en studie van de seizoeninvloeden (RUCA)

Vermerght Robert 
Wegstations - een economisch onderzoek naar de verantwoording van de inplanting van wegstations in België (RUCA)

Reyns Carl
Gestabiliseerd actueel boekhouden – Een bijdrage ter verhoging van de relevantie van boekhoudkundige informatie (UFSIA)

Nonneman Walter
Port Pricing and Investment : Toward a Common Market Port Policy (UFSIA)

Durinck Edward
De bepaling van de schuldcapaciteit van de onderneming (UFSIA)

Taymans Paul
De Belgische baksteenmarkt 1954-1968. Diagnose van een industrie in verval (RUCA)

Blauwens August
De prijselasticiteit van de vraag naar goederenvervoer (UFSIA)

Tomissen Piet
De revolutie in the economisch denken van Vilfredo Pareto (UFSIA)