Business and Economics

PhD courses

Faculty of Business and Economics

Within the first two years of their PhD studies, FBE doctoral students are required to earn 12 credits for PhD courses. Students can compose their own programme, following the faculty's guidelines for the doctoral study programme.

PhD courses at the Faculty of Business and Economics

In the academic year 2023-2024 following PhD courses are organised at the Faculty of Business and Economics:

First and second semester 2023-2024

  • Organization and Strategy Research (advanced - 6 credits)
    Lecturer: Christophe Boone
    Dates: 04/10/2023 - 22/11/2023  - deadline essay: 31/01/2024
    Consult this pdf for all dates
    Remarks: this course will not be organized online- attendance to all sessions is mandatory!​
    Registrations: closed
  • Port Economics and Business (advanced - 6 credits)
    Lecturers: Thierry Vanelslander, Patrick Verhoeven
    Dates: 11/12/2023 - 22/12/2023
    Remarks: this course will not be organized online - attendance to all sessions is mandatory!
    Registrations: closed 
  • Air Transport Economics and Finance (advanced - 3 credits)
    Lecturer: Wouter Dewulf
    Dates: 11/12/2023 - 22/12/2023
    Remarks: this course will not be organized online- attendance to all sessions is mandatory!
    Registrations: closed
  • Airline Management and Strategy (advanced - 6 credits)
    Lecturer: Wouter Dewulf
    Dates: 15/01/2024 - 26/01/2024  Exam: 31/01/2024
    Remarks: this course will not be organized online - attendance to all sessions is mandatory!
    Registrations: closed 
  • Maritime Chain Cost Analysis’ (advanced - 3 credits)
    Lecturer: Edwin van Hassel
    Dates: 05/02/2024 - 09/02/2024
    Remarks: this course will not be organized online - attendance to all sessions is mandatory!
    Registrations: closed
  • Advanced Marketing (methodological/advanced - 6 credits) (first and second semester)
    Lecturers: Nathalie Dens, Annouk Lievens & Ingrid Moons
    Minimum number of participants: 2
    Dates: starting from 10/02/2024
    Registrations: closed
  • Research Methodology (methodological - 6 credits)
    Lecturer: Rosário Macário
    Dates: 12/02/2024 - 23/02/2024
    Remarks: this course will not be organized online - attendance to all sessions is mandatory!
    Registrations: closed
  • Research Methodology (methodological - 6 credits)
    Lecturer: Christophe Boone
    Dates: 07/02/2024 - 17/04/2024 (consult the PDF for all dates)
    Remarks: this course will not be organized online - attendance to all sessions is mandatory!
    Registrations: closed
  • Optimisation techniques using metaheuristics (methodological/advanced - 6 credits)
    Lecturer: Kenneth Sörensen
    Dates: 01/03/2024 - 29/03/2024 (consult the PDF for all dates)
    Remarks: this course will not be organized online - attendance to all sessions is mandatory!
    Registrations: closed
  • Antwerp Inland Navigation School (advanced - 6 credits)
    Lecturer: Edwin van Hassel & Edwin Verberght
    Dates: 22/04/2024 - 26/04/2024
    Remarks: online registration
  • Summer school on Urban Logistics (advanced - 3 credits)
    Lecturer: Ivan Cardenas
    Dates: the detailed programme will be announced in Spring 2024
    Remarks: online registration

First and second semester ​2024-25: more info soon

Registration and policy


  • For the first and semester courses offered by the Faculty of Business and Economics and the courses offered by C-MAT/AMS, you can register by sending an email to mentioning clearly that you are a PhD student of the Faculty of Business and Economics
    Deadline to register: check our website


Since our faculty is doing the utmost to offer interactive PhD courses in small groups, the faculty is requesting the commitment of our PhD students not to discontinue a course for other than serious circumstances beyond one's control. In that respect it has been decided that from now on, if a PhD student discontinues a course later than after the first class, this course will be considered as taken but failed. A later cancellation (for other than serious circumstances) will not be possible. 

The above courses are all free of charge for the PhD students of the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Antwerp. 

PhD courses KU Leuven

The PhD students of our faculty can as interuniversity student follow the PhD courses at the KU Leuven of following PhD programmes:

Registration occurs per semester by sending an email to Deadline to register is Wednesday 11 September 2024. These courses are free of charge for the PhD students of the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Antwerp.

This procedure only applies to the above Phd programmes. Other PhD courses at KU Leuven are considered as individual courses and will have to be approved by the Faculty Doctoral Committee. Registration for individual courses is not supported by the doctoral administration.

Registration as interuniversity student

If you want to register for one of the offered courses, please follow below steps:

  1. Ask the permission of your supervisor to follow the course.
  2. Send an email to the faculty doctoral administration at before the deadline for each semester.
    Clearly mention following information:
    - Your UA student or work email address (no private email addresses!)
    - Your full name
    - The course you want to follow (course number + title)
  3. We will write a statement in which we declare that the faculty allows you to follow the course.
  4. We will inform the KU Leuven and they will send a certificate to your UA student email address directly, in which they state that you are accepted to follow the course.
  5. With these documents you need to register in person at the Centrale Student administration of the KU Leuven at following address:
    Universiteitshal, Naamsestraat 22, 3000 Leuven. 

When you register, you will have to present:

  1. The statements of both universities
    - Statement from the KU Leuven Faculty of Economics that they allow you to register for a specific course;
    - Statement from the University of Antwerp that we allow you to follow the course.
  2. The proof of registration that you are registered as a PhD student at the University of Antwerp for the academic year 2023-2024.
  3. Please reregister through SisA and print the proof of registration yourself through SisA.

The faculty is requesting the commitment of our PhD students not to discontinue a course for other than serious circumstances beyond one's control. In that respect it has been decided that from now on, if a PhD student discontinues a course later than after the first class, this course will be considered as taken but failed. A later cancellation (for other than serious circumstances) will not be possible. 

ECPR courses

ECPR Methods school offers qualitative and quantitative methodological training in two annual events: ECPR Winter School and ECPR Summer School. Courses can be taken without upfront approval if the post-class assignment is completed (4 ECTS).

External courses

PhD students may also choose to take external PhD courses in consultation with their supervisors and following approval from the FDC-FBE.
If you want to follow an external course, please send an email to with the following information about the course:

  • Title, institution and (link to) course description - this info also has to show the course is part of a doctoral study programme or aimed at PhD students
  • Course credits
  • The form of assessment (courses that do not include an assessment are not accepted)

Below you can find an overview of the external courses that were approved in the last few years. Please bear in mind that this list is only for informative use and does not automatically gives approval to follow these courses. Upfront approval always has to be asked, the FDC-FBE takes the final decision.
For more information, check the guidelines for the doctoral study programme

StatUa accepted courses

StatUa is the officially recognized core facility for statistical data analysis at the University of Antwerp.

The following StatUa courses are accepted in the doctoral study programme of the Faculty of Business and Economics:

Credits are only accepted if the student succeeds in the final test organized by StatUa.