Doctoral research
Research conducted at the Faculty of Law results in numerous publications and defended PhDs
Are you bitten by the research bug?
After obtaining your master’s degree, you can pursue a PhD. A career as PhD student gives you the chance to independently dig deep into a scientific problem. The doctoral study programme ensures a broad development of your talents and skills.
Interested in writing a PhD? Read more about doing a PhD in Law.
Want to know more about research at the Faculty of Law? Check our ongoing and finalised doctoral research.
Upcoming PhD Defences
Abortion Beyond Limits: Rights, Restrictions, and Reform in Belgium
PhD defence Fien De Meyer - Faculty of Law
De (rechts)positie van de vreemdeling in de strafrechtsketen
Doctoraatsverdediging Ellen Vandennieuwenhuysen - Faculteit Rechten
Het bestaan en de schadeloosstelling van morele schade
Doctoraatsverdediging Victor Schollaert