
Studying and education

Studying at the Faculty of Law of the University of Antwerp

The Faculty of Law organises programmes in the fields of law and safety sciences. There are about 2,000 students in our faculty, which is situated on the Stadscampus in the centre of Antwerp.

Student-oriented and practical law studies, in Antwerp and abroad

When you start your law studies, you will receive personal support. First-year students can work with a mentor who will monitor your transition from secondary school to higher education and who will be there to answer any questions you may have about study methods and study progress made during the first year. Revision seminars and exercises in small groups are also organised. We pay close attention to honing students' verbal and written legal skills.

The pleading room and our well-equipped library offer a modern learning environment. In the Master programme in Law, you will also have the opportunity to do a traineeship at a court, in a law firm, a legal and corporate affairs service or public service. The University of Antwerp was the first university in Flanders to introduce the traineeship concept in its law programme.

Almost a quarter of our law students study abroad as part of an Erasmus programme or other exchange programme for one or two semesters.

An interdisciplinary safety sciences programme

The Master in safety sciences is new and unique in Flanders. The programme gathers safety knowledge from a range of technical, legal, economic, sociological and psychological disciplines. While carrying out group assignments, you are challenged to work together with students from different academic backgrounds. During the programme you will maintain regular contact with the field and focus on real safety issues.

In-service training and refresher courses

The faculty is also closely involved in in-service training and post-academic programmes. These are shorter courses which aim to refresh participants' knowledge and contribute to a climate of continuing education among academics and practising lawyers alike.