Master of Computer Science
The Master’s programme in Computer Science helps students to become competent computer scientists. Via theoretical and practical experiences a strong scientific background is built up in order to respond adequately to new challenges. Students are incorporated in the high-level environments established by the research teams while they work on their master dissertation and the mandatory research internships. Direct interaction with professors, PhD students and other staff members enhances their research competences. Graduates can witness the development of new technological breakthroughs and adopt them before they are widely known.
Why study Computer Science in Antwerp?
Master students Sara and Addis explain why they chose to study at the University of Antwerp. Prof Hans Vangheluwe explains the importance of the research-oriented programme for our graduate's career opportunities.

A high standard in education, excellent student support and great career opportunities are just some of these Master's qualities. Read more about it below.
High standards in education
The University of Antwerp is known for its high standards in education and its internationally competitive research. Its roots go back to 1852. The University has approximately 15 000 students. The University of Antwerp is an international university. International students from all over the world make up 12% of the total student population. The University participates in most European education programmes and has established partnerships with universities around the world.
Competence-driven teaching
The Department of Computer Science provides high-quality, student-centred teaching with an emphasis on project-based activities and autonomous problem-solving. There is ample room for project work and interactive forms of teaching such as seminars, tutorials and small-group teaching.
Excellent student support
The city of Antwerp offers plenty of suitable student accommodation. The University has developed a database of accredited student accommodation. The University of Antwerp also offers a comprehensive reception programme for new students at the start of the academic year as well as regular social and cultural activities throughout the year.
Career opportunities
The choice is yours
Once you obtained a degree in computer science you are almost certain of various job opportunities and interesting career perspectives. It will be much less a matter whether you will find a job, but more whether you will find a job that matches your interests.
All major challenges in science and technology in the current century are multidisciplinary in nature; i.e. several disciplines must bond together to create inspiring environments. Computer scientists play a pivotal role: they collect and organise the data to ensure that the numerous software systems, networks, algorithms can exchange information seamlessly. For instance at the CERN lab, computer scientists mediate between physicists and engineers. Similarly in the human genome project, computer scientists ensure that doctors and biochemists can exchange the complex information encoded in DNA strings.
The modern economy with its emphasis on global competition and sustainable development pose interesting challenges for computer scientists. New industrial systems, implementation and optimisation of specialised software, networks with higher performance and security, faster computation cycles — these all present opportunities for young computer scientists.
Career opportunities
Just a sample of career opportunities.
- In a corporate organisation you can work as a technology consultant, software designer, system developer, software architect, software analyst, web designer and developer, project leader, industrial researcher, …
- Many computer scientists end up in the Research and Development departments of industrial organisations (both large and small) to address technological challenges of all kinds.
- Your background allows you to deal with fast changing environments; which is a necessary prerequisite for project management positions.
- A scientific career in academia where you think about in depth problems of computer science. Together with other scientists and companies you work inside European or international projects on a variety of disciplines.
On top of these sectors there are a number of application areas with great economic significance and technological value where computer scientists can make a difference: alternative energy sources, high performance computing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, wireless communication, self healing materials, superconductors, semi-conductors...
Excellent research environment
Playing a prominent part in international research, the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science works together with universities and research institutions all over the world. The research carried out by its academics is fully integrated into the courses taught within the programme. The Department has a large staff of national and international researchers and lecturers, and offers a strong and stimulating PhD programme.
> Discover the research groups of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.
Masters of Computer Science
Alumni testimonials
Emad Heydari Beni (Iran)
"Labs and classes are taught by researchers using cutting-edge technologies"

Phui San Cheong (Malaysia)
"The lab sessions and programming assignments are very helpfull. It's not just studying from text books."

Gerardo Orellana (Ecuador)
"During two research internships, I'll get in contact with people who do research and create the science, which is a great opportunity for me."