Research groups
Antwerp Centre for Institutions and Multi-Level Politics (ACIM)
ACIM focuses on the impact of multi-level institutional configurations on changes in government and governance, policies and politics, and state-society relations.

Antwerp Media in Society Centre
The Antwerp Media in Society Centre aims to combine the analysis of media culture (the meanings, uses and interpretations attached to media products), with the analysis of media structure (the layout of the media market with its economic and political dynamics, its stakeholders and government policy).

Didactica conducts scientific research in the field of didactics and teaching methodology.

Edubron aims for providing educational research with impact, both at the national and the international level.

Center for Population, Family and Health
The Centre for Population, Family and Health carries out fundamental and policy supporting research in social demography and sociology of family, well-being and health.

Centre for Social Policy (CSB)
The Centre for Social Policy Herman Deleeck (CSB) studies social inequality and wealth distribution in the welfare state.

Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change (CRESC)
The center focuses on sociological research on environmental and social change, in an urban context and the wider living environment.

Media, Movements & Politics (M²P)
The research group Media, Movements, and Politics (M²P) covers a broad field in empirical political science (political communication, social movements and political participation, public opinion and elections).

Media & ICT in Organisations & Society (MIOS)
MIOS is dedicated to the scientific study of individuals’ uses of media and digital technologies in interpersonal relations and in interaction with organizations, to gain insight into computer-mediated communication, its applications and effects, and to pursue evidence-based communication strategies, instruments and policy.

Political Communication Research Unit
The Political Communication Research Unit studies psychological, linguistic, (new) media, socialization and marketing aspects of political communication.

Politics & Public Governance (P & PG)
P & PG studies political and public governance institutions, their evolution and how institutional mechanisms shape actors’ scope of action, positions, decisions and behaviour.

Research Group on International Politics
The research group International Politics (IP) focuses its research on three principal thematic domains: international security, international diplomacy, and the political economy of international institutions, which form the traditional core of the study and discipline of International Relations.

Visual and Digital Cultures Research Center (ViDi)
The Visual and Digital Cultures Research Center is focused on fundamental and applied research of communication processes and issues with a visual dimension in many areas of society (e.g. scientific data gathering and communication, entertainment, education and news reporting).