Institute of Development Policy

Prize Global Research (Province of Antwerp) and graduation ceremony

11 September 2024 | 15.00-18.00 CEST

The Province of Antwerp has awarded the ‘Prize for Global Research’ every year since 1996.

Through this prize, the provincial government wants to stimulate research on global themes. The focus is always on different approaches such as economics, politics, culture, environment, health, medicine, etc.
Development relevance, quality of the graduation project and originality are central evaluation criteria. Students of the ‘Advanced Masters in Development Studies’ at the Institute for Development Policy (IOB, UAntwerpen) and the Institute of Tropical Medicine can apply. This also applies to master's students at the University of Antwerp and students at the AP, Charlemagne and Thomas More colleges. Only graduation projects are eligible. Each winner receives a sum of money, medal and certificate.

The presentation of the ‘Prize for Global Research’ is linked to the proclamation and the start of the new academic year of the Institute for Development Policy.

The ceremony will be livestreamed, and the link will be available on this page on the day of the graduation.