Institute of Development Policy

PhD defence Filippo Grisolia

Tuesday 24 September | 5.00pm

Exploring the sustainability of the collective-level effects of cash transfers: insights from universal unconditional CT programs in rural Western Uganda

  • Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Nathalie Holvoet (IOB) and Dr. Sara Dewachter (IOB)
  • Date: Tuesday 24 September 2024 - 17.00h CET
  • Venue: Promotion Hall IOB, Lange St Annastraat 7, 2000 Antwerpn
  • The ceremony is followed by a reception. Please confirm your presence before 15 September by sending an email to
  • Follow the livestream through this link:


Katleen Van pellicom
Lange St Annastraat 7
2000 Antwerp, België