Institute of Development Policy

Research Platform Aid

Welcome to the website of the Research Platform Aid Effectiveness. This is one of three Research Platforms to receive four-year funding for policy advisory research in the field of development coöperation, starting in 2009, from the Flemish Inter-University Council VLIR-UOS, and the only one at Antwerp university. For the team, this is the sequel to a similar Research Platform on Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) that ran between 2005 and 2009 with similar financing and policy advisory scope.


The central topic of Research Platform Aid Effectiveness is the aid architecture proposed in the 2005 DAC Paris Declaration, and in particular its application to the different channels of Belgian development cooperation (bilateral, multilateral, indirect). The topic is studied from three complementary angles:

  • political economy of aid, reform and governance,
  • monitoring & evaluation and gender
  • the macroeconomic and fiscal dimensions of aid


The research team consists of six researchers at the  Institute of Development Policy and Management of the University of Antwerp.

Work Done

On this website we provide information about the work done by the team and share its output, both policy advisory (to the extent that it is in the public domain) and academic. We have documents and presentations that were made.

Regularly, we send around a mail with relevant blogs and articles related to Aid Effectiveness. You can register for this mailing, the Friday Update.

Over time the work of the team has been evaluated twice: the BOS project (7MB) and the O*Platform (1MB)


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