On the occasion of trainings, seminars and other activities, BOS-staff are invited to present their views. To keep an overview, we grouped the presentations per year and around the three pillars of the project:
- Political Economy of aid, reform and governance
- M&E (Including gender budgeting)
- Fiscal and Macroeconomic aspects of aid
Political Economy of aid, reform and governance
- Molenaers, N. Gaginao, A. and Smets, L. (2013) "Budget support as a sanctioning device. An overview of all BS suspensions 2000-2012", Development Studies Association Conference, 16 november, 2013
- Molenaers, N. and Renard, R. (2013) “Aid effectiveness in the post-Busan era (pdf)”, DGD Brussels, 21 October, 2013
- Molenaers, N., Jacobs, B. and Dellepiane, S. (2013) “NGOs and Aid Fragmentation. The Belgian Case (pdf)”, Conference “Fragmentation or Pluralism? The organization of development cooperation revisited”, Bonn, 10-11 October, 2013
- Molenaers, N. (2013) “The Role of Local Governance in Poverty Reduction. Caught between expectations and constraining environments (pdf)". VVSG partnerdagen, 3 May, 2013
- Molenaers, N. (2013) “Aid. A multi-stakeholder collective action problem (pdf)”, Master of cultures and development studies, Leuven, 28 March, 2013
- Molenaers, N. and Gagiano, A. (2013) "Political conditionalities. The smart approach to carrots and sticks (pdf)", 2013 O*Platform Aid Effectiveness seminar 'Small reflections on big aid questions', Antwerp, March 22, 2013.
- Molenaers, N., Gagiano, A., Smets, L. and Dellepiane, S. (2013) “What determines the suspension of budget support in Sub-Saharan Africa? (pdf)”, Presentation prepared for the European Consortium for Political Research Joint Sessions, 16 March, 2013
M&E (Including gender budgeting)
- Holvoet, N., Gildemayn, M. and Inberg, L. (2013) "Assessment of M&E systems: findings from a study of 20 aid-dependent SSA countries (pdf)", 2013 O*Platform Aid Effectiveness seminar 'Small reflections on big aid questions', Antwerp, March 22, 2013.
Fiscal and Macroeconomic aspects of aid
- Cassimon, D. (2013) "Small Reflections on DAC aid (ODA) accounting", 2013 O*Platform Aid Effectiveness seminar 'Small reflections on big aid questions', Antwerp, March 22, 2013.
Political Economy of aid, reform and governance
- Molenaers, N. (2012) "Zin en onzin van ontwikkelingssamenwerking (pdf)", Lezing Actueel Leven en Denken, December 10, 2012
- Renard, R. (2012) "Development cooperation with middle-income countries (pdf)", DAC Development Debates, June 13, 2012.
- Molenaers, N. and Vanheukelom, J. (2012) "Aid & Political conditionalities (pdf)", Contactdagen Attachés Internationale Samenwerking, DGD, Brussels, 10 May 2012.
- Renard, R. "Improving Policy Coherence for Development In Belgium (pdf)", 5th Stakeholders Meeting of Belgian Development Cooperation, Workshop 3: Which institutional structures for ensuring policy coherence for development, Egmont Palace, Brussel, May 8, 2012.
- Renard, R. and Verbeke K. (2012) "Development cooperation with middle-income countries (pdf)", ITG International Health Policies Cluster Meeting: Perspectives on Busan and EU external action aid instruments, ITG, January 31, 2012
M&E (Including gender budgeting)
- Holvoet, N. and Inberg, L. (2012) "Assessment of sector monitoring and evaluation systems: the education sector M&E system in Uganda (pdf)", debriefing, DGD, December 20, 2012
- Holvoet, N. and Inberg, L. (2012) "Sector monitoring and evaluation systems. A comparison between the M&E systems in the health sectors of Rwanda and Uganda (pdf)", EES Conference Helsinki, October 5, 2012
- Holvoet, N. and Dewachter, S. (2012) "The role of NES in developing national M&E systems. Evidence from a survey in 20 aid-dependent African countries (pdf)", EES Conference Helsinki, October 4, 2012
- Holvoet, N. and Inberg, L. (2012) "Assessment of sector monitoring and evaluation systems. Education sector M&E system in Uganda: debriefing preliminary findings (pdf)", Debriefing, Belgian Embassy Kampala, August 28, 2012
- Holvoet, N. (2012) "Integration of a gender dimension in the Sector Budget Support for Decentralised Agriculture in Rwanda (pdf)", FfGE ILO/ITC Training, Kigali, June 2012. (Briefing (pdf), debriefing (pdf))
- Holvoet, N. and Inberg, L. (2012) "Assessment of sector monitoring and evaluation systems. Findings from health sector M&E systems in Rwanda and Uganda (pdf)", Debriefing for DGD and BTC, DGD, January 19, 2012.
Fiscal and Macroeconomic aspects of aid
- Cassimon, D. (2012) "Overview of the debt issue: debt sustainability and the role of debt relief (pdf)", Conference on Debt Relief in Africa, Brussels, September 26, 2012.
- Cassimon, D. (2012) "Original sin, debt relief and domestic bond market development: the potential role of Debt Conversion Development Bonds (pdf)", African Finance Journal Conference 2012, Nairobi, April 19, 2012.
Political Economy of aid, reform and governance
- Molenaers, N. (2011) "Ontwikkelingsactoren op zoek naar de Heilige Graal. Opportuniteiten en uitdagingen (pdf)", Gemeente Geel, Geel, October 1, 2011
- Molenaers, N. (2011) "The New Aid Approach versus Projects and Technical Assistance? (pdf)", VVOB-seminar, Drongen, September 26, 2011.
- Renard, R. (2011) "The aid effectiveness debate: are donors learning the lessons? (pdf)", Parliament of Estonia, Talinn, May 26, 2011.
- Renard, R. (2011) "On the use of country classifications in making strategic decisions (pdf)", attaché-days, Brussels, May 3, 2011
- Molenaers, N. (2011) "Policy Dialogue and the New Aid Approach: Between principles and practices (pdf)", EC EuropAid Workshop on Policy Dialogue, Brussels, April 4, 2011
- Molenaers, N. (2011) "Budget support and the governance challenge (pdf)", O*Platform Aid Effectiveness Seminar: "The Aid Architecture debate beyond Busan", Egmont Palace, Brussels, March 30 2011.
- Molenaers, N. and Renard, R. (2011) "Policy Dialogue: from discourse to practice (pdf)", Workshop in preparation of Indicative Co-operation Programmes (ISP/PIC) 2011 and 2012. Brussels, February 9, 2011
- Molenaers, N (2011) "Coping with clashes: the political economy (PE) of policy dialogue (PD) (pdf)", GTZ Professional Forum 'the political economy of reform processes in partner countries', Bonn, January 13-14, 2011.
M&E (Including gender budgeting)
- Holvoet, N. and Inberg, L. "Gender Mainstreaming within the context of changing aid modalities: evidence from Tanzania (pdf)", EADI General Conference, York, September 2011.
- Holvoet, N. (2011) "Sector Monitoring and Evaluation Systems in the context of changing aid modalities: The case of Rwanda's and Niger's Health Sector (pdf)", IDEAS Conference, Jordan, April 11-15, 2011
- Holvoet, N. (2011) "M&E and gender (pdf)", O*Platform Aid Effectiveness Seminar: "The Aid Architecture debate: beyond Busan", Egmont Palace, Brussels, March 30, 2011.
- Holvoet, N. (2011) "Gender Mainstreaming in General Budget Support: What to do to enhance a gender-sensitive dialogue? (pdf)", DEVCO, Brussels, March 21-22, 2011
- Holvoet, N. (2011) "Aid Effectiveness and Gender Equality (pdf)", Practitioners' Network for European Development Cooperation Workshop on Strengthening Implementation of the EU Gender Equality Action Plan, Brussels, March 23, 2011
Fiscal and Macroeconomic aspects of aid
- Cassimon, D. (2011) "Debt relief as disguised budget support (pdf)", 2011 Global Development Finance Conference", Dubai, November 9, 2011
- Cassimon, D. (2011) "Debt Relief as Disguised Budget Support (pdf)", O*Platform Aid Effectiveness Seminar: "The Aid Architecture debate: beyond Busan", Egmont Palace, Brussels, March 30, 2011.
- Cassimon, D. (2011) "Een kameleon genaamd schuldverlichting (pdf)", 4x4 Ontwikkelingssamenwerking Anders Bekeken, Antwerpen, 19 April 2011. (only in Dutch)
Political Economy of aid, reform and governance
- Molenaers, N and Renard, R. (2010) "The evolution in aid thinking and practice (pdf)", BTC Staff Straining Seminar, Brussels, September 1, 2010.
- Renard, R. (2010) "Belgian TA and the Paris Declaration (pdf)", BTC TA 2010 Summer Seminar, August 24, 2010
- Huyse, H. (HIVA), Molenaers, N. and Bossuyt, J. (ECDPM) (2010) "Evaluatie van de NGO-partnerschappen op het vlak van capaciteitsversterking (pdf)", "Evaluation des partenariats ONG orientés vers le renforcement de capacités", Seminar, June 16, 2010.
- Molenaers, N. (2010) "The New Aid Approach. The place and role of civil society (pdf)", KUL, CADES, April 22, 2010.
- Renard, R. (2010) "The Implementation of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness: Where do we stand and how to move forward: Is the Paris Declaration desirable (pdf)", Brussels, EADI-IOB Seminar, 15-16 April 2010.
- Molenaers, N. (2010) "The Implementation of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness: Where do we stand and how to move forward: Is the Paris Declaration realistic? The political limits of aid architecture reform (pdf)", Brussels, EADI-IOB Seminar, 15-16 April 2010.
M&E (Including gender budgeting)
- Holvoet, N. and Inberg, L. (2010) "Sector Monitoring and Evaluation Systems in the context of changing aid modalities: The case of Rwanda's Health Sector (pdf)", EES Conference, Prague, October 8, 2010.
- Holvoet, N. and Inberg, L. (2010) "Paris Declaration and Accra Agenda for Action through a gender lens. Case-study Tanzania. Preliminary Findings (pdf)", DPRN Gender On Track, Dar Es Salaam, June 4, 2010.
- Holvoet, N. (2010) "The Implementation of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness: Where do we stand and how to move forward: Monitoring and Evaluation in the context of changing aid modalities: importance, challenges and moving forward (pdf)", Brussels, EADI-IOB Seminar, 15-16 April 2010.
- Holvoet, N. (2010) "Impactevaluatie. Mogelijkheden en aandachtspunten (pdf)", DGOS, April 1, 2010.
- Holvoet, N. (2010) "Integration of the gender dimension in the ICP: general approach and case study for RDC (pdf)", DGOS, Commissie Vrouw en Ontwikkeling, January 28, 2010.
Fiscal and Macroeconomic aspects of aid
Political Economy of the PRSP
- Molenaers, N. (2009) "De Vierde Pijler en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (pdf)", Debat Stad Antwerpen over de Vierde Pijler, October 28, 2009.
- Molenaers, N. en Renard, R. (2009) "The role of policy dialogue in development co-operation (pdf)", Joint DGDC-BTC Indicative Co-operation Programme (ISP/PIC) training, Brussels, September 9, 2009
- Molenaers, N. en Renard, R. (2009) "The evolution in aid thinking and practice (pdf)", BTC Staff Training Seminar, Brussels, September 1, 2009.
- Molenaers, N. en Renard, R. (2009) "Policy Dialogue under the New Aid Approach (pdf)", BTC Budget Support Staff Training Seminar, August 27, 2009.
- Molenaers, N. (2009) "Dealing with governance: the case of the EC Governance Incentive Tranche (pdf)", FRIDE, Madrid, July 6, 2009.
- Nijs, L. en Renard, R. (2009) "Réforme du cofinancement des ONG dans huit pays Européens (pdf)", Presentation for DGOS D3, May 26, 2009.
- Molenaers, N. en Nijs, L. (2009) "New Aid Approach and Challenges for NNGOs. Opportunities and constraints in Belgium (pdf)", 11.11.11/Copogram, March 5, 2009
- Molenaers, N. en Renard, R. (2009) "Policy Dialogue (pdf)", DGCD Training Seminar in preparation of the Mixed Commissions 2009, January 15, 2009
M&E (Including gender budgeting)
- Holvoet, N. en Inberg, L. (2009) "Experiences du S&E dans une époque de modalités de l'aide changeantes. Expériences des Revues Sectorielles Conjointes (RSC) dans le secteur de l'éducation au Burkina Faso, Mali et Niger (pdf)", Joint DGDC-BTC Indicative Co-operation Programme (ISP/PIC) training, Brussels, September 9, 2009
- Holvoet, N. en Inberg, L. (2009) "Integration of the gender dimension in the ICP (pdf)", Joint DGDC-BTC Indicative Co-operation Programme (ISP/PIC) training, Brussels, September 8, 2009
- Holvoet, N. en Inberg, L. (2009) "Evaluation Capacity Development through Joint Sector Reviews (pdf)", IDEAS global Assembly, Johannesburg, March 2009.
- Holvoet, N. en Inberg, L. (2009) "Expériences du S&E dans une époque de modalités de l'aide changeantes. Expériences des Revues Sectorielles Conjointes (RSC) dans le secteur de l'éducation au Burkina Faso, Mali et Niger (pdf)", DGCD Training Seminar in preparation of the Mixed Commissions 2009, January 16, 2009
Fiscal and Macroeconomic aspects of aid
- Cassimon, D. (2009) "The Impact of the Financial and Economic Crisis in Low-income African Countries (pdf)", Session for Daystar University Students, IOB, Antwerp, May 18, 2009
- Cassimon, D. (2009) "Development Cooperation addresses the impact of the financial and economic crisis in low-income african countries, case study Democratic Republic of the Congo (pdf)", Assises de la coopération belge au développement, May 5, 2009
Political Economy of the PRSP
- Molenaers, N. en Nijs, L. (2008) "The new aid approach and challenges for NNGOs: opportunities and constraints in Belgium (pdf)", EADI Working Group Aid Policy and performance/CIDIN Seminar 'Private aid and European governments', December 11, 2008.
- Molenaers, N. (2008) "The aid business in search of the Holy Grail (pdf)", UCSIA, Studiedag Education Projects, November 29, 2008
- Nijs, L. (2008) "Medefinancieringsmodaliteiten voor NGOs (pdf)", brainstoming sessie DGOS, September 10, 2008
- Nijs, L. en Renard, R. (2008) "Concertation acteurs indirects 2 juillet 2008: résumé de la discussion et pistes pour la concertation ultérieure (pdf)", tweede overlegmoment tussen indirecte actoren en DGOS, August 26, 2008
- Molenaers, N. en Renard, R. (2008) "Striking a balance: Belgian budget support in Uganda and Burundi (pdf)", debriefing for DGDC and BTC Brussels, June 19, 2008
- Renard, R. (2008) "Should Belgian aid be more focused? (pdf)", Staten-Generaal van de Belgische Ontwikkelingssamenwerking, May 13-14, 2008
- Renard, R. (2008) "De herziening van de wet van 25 mei 1999 (pdf)", Commissies buitenlandse betrekkingen Kamer en Senaat, April 29, 2008
- Molenaers, N. (2008) "De rol van de civiele maatschappij in de nieuwe hulpbenadering (pdf)", Broederlijk Delen, April 22, 2008
- Renard, R. (2008) "De Parijs Verklaring en de nieuwe inzichten in de ontwikkelingshulp (pdf)", UNICEF Belgium, April 15, 2008.
- Renard, R. (2008) "Trends in development cooperation (pdf)", IUC Policy Workshop, March 11, 2008.
- Renard, R. (2008) "The big push: does aid solve development problems? (pdf)", Interdisciplinary course 'Perspectives on development and cultures', February 12, 2008.
- Molenaers, N. (2008) "De nieuwe hulpbenadering: goed voor de ziel, slecht voor het lichaam? (pdf)", Rondetafel Federaal Parlement 'Het Belgisch beleid tegen de honger: duurzame landbouw in internationale financiële instellingen: welke rol voor België', January 17, 2008.
- Renard, R. (2008) "De Parijs Verklaring en de nieuwe inzichten in de ontwikkelingshulp (pdf)", VVN Vormingsseminarie over de Parijs Verklaring, January 8, 2008
M&E (including gender budgeting)
- Inberg, L. (2008) "Debriefing mission Rwanda. Participation in the Joint Health Sector Review, 24-26 November 2008 (pdf)". Debriefing DGOS, werkgroep begrotingshulp, December 12, 2008.
- Holvoet, N. en Inberg, L. (2008) "Monitoring and Evaluation at the Sector Level. Experiences from JSR in the education sector of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger (pdf)", DGOS werkgroep begrotingshulp, December 12, 2008
- Holvoet, N. (2008) “Effective Use of Gender Responsive Budgeting in the context of the Aid Effectiveness Agenda. Preliminary Findings (pdf)”, UNIFEM, Maputo, June 12, 2008.
OFO-opleiding Mei 2007 (covering the three themes)
Political Economy of the PRSP
- Molenaers, N. (2007) "Civil society and PRSPs. The role of participation in the new aid paradigm (pdf)", CIMIC Hogeschool Mechelen, Mechelen, January 29, 2007.
- Renard, R. (2007) "Why are donors increasingly funding the budget? (pdf)" DGOS seminarie begrotingshulp, Brussels, March 1, 2007.
- Molenaers, N. (2007) "PRSP: Background and Principles (pdf)" and "PRSP: Pitfalls and realities (pdf)", Course 'Poverty and Inequality', Maastricht Graduate School of Governance, Maastricht, March 26-27, 2007.
- Molenaers, N. en Renard, R. (2007) "Day1: The new aid approach (pdf)", "Day 2: thematic issues around the new aid approach (pdf)" and "Day 3: The Politics of New Aid (pdf)", 3-day seminar on the new aid approach for trainees 'attachés internationale ontwikkelingssamenwerking, Brussels, May 24-25 and 29, 2007.
- Molenaers, N. (2007) "No development without freedom! Or vice versa? (pdf)", Friedrich Evert Stiftung, Brussels, June 29, 2007.
- Molenaers, N. and Renard, R. (2007) "Policy Dialogue revisisted (pdf)", Journées des attachés, Brussels, August 31, 2007.
- Molenaers, N. (2007) "The New Aid Approach: Where do we stand today (pdf)", guestlecture at the UNICEF course, Maastricht Graduate School of Governance, Maastricht, November 8, 2007.
- Molenaers, N. en Renard, R. (2007) "Ontwikkelingshulp faalt! Is participatie het redmiddel? De rol van civiele maatschappij in de nieuwe hulpbenadering (pdf)", VLIR-UOS debate, Brussels, November 27, 2007.
M&E (including gender budgeting)
- Holvoet, N. (2007) "M&E in the context of new aid modalities. Focus on Performance Assessment Frameworks (PAFs) and Joint (Sector) Reviews (pdf)", DGOS Seminarie begrotingshulp, March 1, 2007.
- Holvoet, N. (2007) "Gendergevoeligheid van de Belgische Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (pdf)", Tweespraak 'Gender, grenzen, geweld', VUB, Brussel, April 27, 2007.
- Holvoet, N. (2007) "Cross-cutting issues in PRSPs: the case of gender (pdf)", Seminar on 'greening' PRSPs: the integration of environmental sustainability in PRSPs, DGCD, Brussels, May 30, 2007.
- Holvoet, N. (2007) "Gender en hulpbeleid (pdf)", Conferentie 'Gender en Ontwikkeling: onderzoek, vragen en mogelijkheden voor actie', June 1, 2007.
- Holvoet, N. (2007) "Evoluties in ontwikkelingsdenken en -beleid: nieuwe opportuniteiten voor gendergelijkheid en empowerment?! (pdf)", DGOS seminarie voor Commissie Vrouw & Ontwikkeling, June 21, 2007.
- Holvoet, N. (2007) "Engendering new aid modalities: why and how? The case of the EC (pdf)", Workshop for EC Gender Focal Persons, Brussels, November 5-7, 2007.
- Holvoet, N. (2007) "Gender Budgeting (pdf)", International Training Centre of the ILO, Turin, November 19-23, 2007.
- Holvoet, N. (2007) "Nieuwe hulpmodaliteiten vanuit een genderperspectief (pdf)", Course: 'Theorie, trends en thema's van ontwikkeling', Master in Conflict and Development, Universiteit Gent, November 30, 2007.
Fiscal and Budgetary Aspects of Aid
- Renard, R. (2007) "Day 2: thematic issues around the new aid approach (pdf)", 3-day seminar on the new aid approach for trainees 'attachés internationale ontwikkelingssamenwerking, Brussels, May 24-25 and 29, 2007.
Political Economy of the PRSP
- Molenaers, N. (2006) "Participatie en Civiele Maatschappij in het Nieuwe Ontwikkelingsparadigma (pdf)", course on 'Intercultural communication and management', Katholieke Hogeschool Mechelen, February 8, 2006.
- Renard, R. (2006) "SPA 2006 annual meeting. Reflections from the fringe (pdf)." Presentated at BTC lunch seminar, Brussels, February 24, 2006.
- Molenaers, N. (2006) "PRSP and The New Aid Paradigm: Principles and Problems (pdf)", ITG master Public Health, module 'development theory', Antwerp, March 7, 2006.
- Renard, R. (2006) "The Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP) approach (pdf)", Paper presented at the VLIR Seminar on University Cooperation for Development: Issues and Challenges, Brussels, March 28, 2006.
- Renard, R. (2006) "Les conditionnalités sont-elles nécessaires à l'efficacité de l'aide? (pdf)", CNCD Séminaire sur le financement du développement et les conditionnalités, Brussels, May 11-12, 2006.
- Molenaers, N. (2006) "Civil society and Poverty Reduction: why participation is not the answer (pdf)", International Conference: 'Reassessing civil society: the state and social capital', Norway, May 11-14, 2006
- Molenaers, N. and Renard, R. (2006) "PRSP: The What, Why and How" and "PRSP: Assessing the Results (pdf)", DGCD D3 2-day PRSP workshop, June 8-9, 2006.
- Renard, R. (2006) "The role of smaller donors in the new aid architecture (pdf)", BTC summer seminars for field personnel, Brussels, July 7 and August 25, 2006.
- Molenaers, N. and Renard, R. (2006) "Policy Dialogue (pdf)", DGCD Training Seminar, Brussels, September 1, 2006
- Molenaers, N. and Renard, R. (2006) "PRSP and budget support, The broader context (pdf)", DGCD/BTC Training Seminar, Brussels, September 27-28, 2006
- Renard, R. (2006) "The role of smaller donors (pdf)", IOB-UA Conference: 'Challenging the Poverty Reduction Paradigm, Antwerp, November 16-17, 2006.
- Molenaers, N. (2006) "Paris Declaration: what if we get stuck in a perverse equilibrium? (pdf)" comments on: Dijkstra, G. "PRS processes and harmonization & alignment: Reflections on aid effectiveness", IOB-UA Conference: 'Challenging the Poverty Reduction Paradigm, Antwerp, November 16-17, 2006.
- Renard, R. (2006) "Global Initiatives and the International Aid Architecture (pdf)", ITM Workshop 'Global Health Initiatives: a Country Perspective, Antwerp, November 22, 2006.
- Renard, R. (2006) "Nieuwe budgethulp: ontstaan en verantwoording (pdf)", Belgische Senaat, Brussel, November 27, 2006.
- Renard, R. (2006) "The art of funding projects without being selfish (pdf)", BTC seminar 'Implementing the 2005 Paris Declaration', December 18-19, 2006.
M&E (including gender budgeting)
- Holvoet, N. (2006) "Gender budgeting in Belgium. Findings from a pilot project (pdf)", Instituut voor de gelijkheid van Mannen en Vrouwen, Brussels, January 12, 2006.
- Holvoet, N. (2006) "Informatieve Nota M&E (pdf)", M&E working-group on budget aid of the Belgian DC, Brussels, January 27, 2006.
- Holvoet, N. (2006) "Gender budgeting: why and how. Usefulness in the context of programme-based aid (pdf)", Buget Support Network of EC Europeaid, Brussels, February 3, 2006.
- Holvoet, N. (2006) "Engendering Programme-Based Aid: Focus on Gender Budgeting (pdf)", Training Europeaid, Brussels, March 23-24, 2006.
- Holvoet, N. (2006) "Engendering Programme-Based Approaches to Aid (pdf)", DGCD Training Seminar, Brussels, September 1, 2006
- Holvoet, N. (2006) "M&E and the new aid paradigm (pdf)", DGOS & BTC Training Seminar, September 27-28, 2006.
- Holvoet, N. and Rombouts, H. (2006) "The denial of politics in PRSPs M&E: Experiences from Rwanda (pdf)", European Evaluation Society, International Conference 'Evaluation and Society: Critical Connections', London, October 5, 2006.
- Holvoet, N. and Renard, R. (2006) "Monitoring and Evaluation Reform under changing aid modalities: seeking the middle ground (pdf)", European Evaluation Society, International Conference 'Evaluation and Society: Critical Connections', London, October 6, 2006.
- Holvoet, N. (2006) "What PRS Monitoring and Evaluation could learn from evaluation theory and practice (pdf)", comments on: Booth, D. "The Political Economy of PRS Monitoring", IOB-UA Conference: 'Challenging the Poverty Reduction Paradigm, Antwerp, November 16-17, 2006.
- Holvoet, N. (2006) "National Development Strategies (in context of PRS) and budgets. Integrating a gender perspective (pdf)", UNIFEM Mid-Term Evaluation of the Gender Responsive Budgetting Programme in Morocco, Senegal, Ecuador and Mozambique, Rabat, November 27-29, 2006
Fiscal and Budgetary Aspects of Aid
- Renard, R. (2006) "Appui macroéconomique belge au Burundi 2002-2005 (pdf)", Friday noon meeting, BTC, Brussels, October 20, 2006.
Political Economy of the PRSP
- Molenaers, N. (2005) "NGO legitimiteit en verantwoording: bedekt onder de mantel van de solidariteit? Internationale kritieken op NGOs (pdf)", Coprogram workshop on 'NGOs and legitimacy', March 24, 2005.
- Cassimon, D. en Renard, R. (2005) "New aid modalities: Preliminary remarks (pdf)", DGOS Training on budget aid, September 1, 2005.
- Molenaers, N. en Renard, R. (2005) "A critical look at the new aid paradigm (pdf).", DGOS attachédagen, September 8, 2005.
- Molenaers, N. (2005) "Political Conditionalities and the PRSP (pdf)", DGOS attachédagen, September 8, 2005. The corresponding Informative note for DGOS: "Informatieve nota Politieke Conditionaliteiten en de effectiviteit van de PRSP".
- Molenaers, N. en Renard, R. (2005) "Participation in PRSP Processes: conditions for pro-poor effectiveness (pdf)", Paper presented at the 11th EADI General Conference, Bonn, September 21-24, 2005. The corresponding paper.
- Renard, R. (2005) "The role of smaller states in an emerging new aid architecture (pdf)", Austrian Development Agency: 'Harmonisation and alignment, challenges for new and old donors alike', November 24-25, 2005.
- Renard, R. (2005) "The role of a small donor in sector support (pdf)", BTC-Seminar on 'Project and budget support to strengthen SWAps in the education sector. December 19, 2005.
M&E (including gender budgeting)
- Holvoet, N. (2005) "M&E in the context of the new aid instruments (pdf)", DGOS attachédagen, September 8, 2005. The corresponding Informative note for DGOS: "Informatieve nota monitoring en evaluatie" en het bijhorende overzicht.
- Holvoet, N. (2005) "Gender budgeting in Belgium. Findings from a pilot project (pdf)." 5th Meeting of the Network of Gender Mainstreaming, Council of Europe, September 27, 2005.
- Holvoet, N. (2005) "Gender responsive budgeting: the case of Belgian DC (pdf)". Seminar 'Gender budgets and sustainable development', EC Relex Family Gender Help Desk, September 29, 2005.
- Holvoet, N. and Renard, R. (2005) "Monitoring and Evaluation under the PRSP: Solid Rock or Quicksand? (pdf)", Seminar 'Local development and rural livelihoods', ISS Den Haag, December 19, 2005.
Fiscal and Budgetary Aspects of Aid
- Cassimon, D. (2005) "Internationale Schuldverlichting (pdf)" DGOS Seminarie rond schuldverlichting, October 14, 2005.
- Cassimon, D. (2005) "Schuldverlichting en de Milleniumdoelstellingen (pdf)", Tweesprakencyclus Universiteit Antwerpen, December 12, 2005.