Our university has nine faculties, a host of centres and institutes, several decision-making and advisory bodies and multiple central departments. With almost 6,000 members of personnel, the university is part of an extensive network that maintains close ties and works in tandem with society.
The faculties of UAntwerp

Governance structure
The governance structure of the university has three levels.
The central level
UAntwerp has a number of decision-making and advisory bodies. The rector is the university's highest academic official and represents the university academically.
Central governing bodies
The Board of Governors
The Board of Governors has 28 members. Consult the list of current members.
The responsibilities of the Board of Governors are:
- establishing guidelines for the orientation, organisation, coordination and quality control of academic education, scientific research and scientific services
- determining and approving the budget and the staff formation
- appointing the members of the Independent Academic Staff and Level A Administrative Staff.
The Executive Board
The Executive Board consists of:
- the rector, who is chairman
- the chairman of the Education Board, the chairman of the Research Board and the chairman of the Academic Council for Service to Society
- the general administrator
- one representative each of the Independent Academic Staff, the Assisting and Special Academic Staff, the Administrative and Technical Staff and the students.
The Deans are invited to the sessions of the Executive Board.
The Executive Board’s responsibilities include but are not limited to:
- preparing and implementing the decisions of the Board of Governors
- concluding agreements
- announcing vacant posts
- appointing the Assistant Academic Staff and the Administrative and Technical Staff
The Board of Administration
The general administrator and the administrators form the Board of Administration. Under the supervision of the Executive Board, the Board of Administration is responsible for coordinating and implementing the day-to-day management of the university at the administrative, technical, financial and social level.
Central advisory bodies
The Council of Deans
The Deans form a council chaired by the rector. This council advises the university administration on all strategic academic matters, either upon request or on its own initiative.
The Education Board
The members of the Education Board are:
- the chairman of the Education Board
- for each faculty: one representative of the Independent Academic Staff, who is also responsible for the education offered by the respective faculty, one representative of the Assisting and Special Academic Staff and one representative of the students.
The Education Board is the highest advisory body for all academic and administrative matters related to education and, in particular, education leading to a degree. The board is assisted by the Education Board Office.
The Research Board
The Research Board is the University of Antwerp's highest advisory body with regards to scientific research, policy on science and its funding.
In addition to the chairman, the Research Board has 20 active members and as many deputy members. The board is assisted by the Research Board Office.
The Academic Council for Service to Society
The Academic Council for Service to Society manages the university’s policy on:
- equal opportunities and diversity
- identity and mission
- lifelong learning
- corporate social responsibility
- strategic networking
- social, cultural and student-centred services
A steering committee has been set up for each of these domains, operating as mini thinktanks. They have no decision-making or operational role, but are expected to contribute to and reflect on policy. The council is assisted by the Academic Council for Service to Society Office.
The Innovation Board
The Innovation Board advises on the allocation of the industrial research fund resources. The board also acts as an academic advisory platform for the university’s policy on innovation and monitors its coordination.
The Innovation Board has 16 members who are selected by the Executive Board every four years. Eight members are employees of the University of Antwerp, four are part of the Antwerp University Association and four are representatives of the industry.
The Stuvo Council
The Stuvo Council is committed to the operation and organisation of student facilities. The seats of the council are divided equally. Half of the members are elected by and among the students, while the other half are appointed by the institution's management.
The Student Council
All programmes, faculties and sections of the university are represented in the Student Council. These representatives ensure that the students' voices are taken into account. They also defend the interests of UAntwerp students at higher levels, such as at the Associatie Studentenraad Antwerpen (ASRA), the Antwerps Studentenoverleg (ASO), the Antwerp University Association (AUHA) and the Flemish Union of Students (VVS). Internationally, the Student Council participates in the YUFE alliance.
Audit Committee and Internal Audit Office
The Audit Committee advises and supports the Board of Governors in exercising their supervisory role. The committee also monitors the Internal Audit Office, which performs audits to assess the suitability, effectiveness, quality and efficiency of risk management, internal monitoring and the governance system. The Internal Audit Office is an independent internal entity founded by the Board of Governors.
The intermediate level
The Deans are responsible for the academic and day-to-day management of the faculties. They chair the Faculty Councils and represent the faculty outside the university. For each programme, the faculty sets up an educational commission. Numerous centres and institutes also operate at the intermediate level.
Faculty Councils
The Faculty Council is composed of a number of professors and representatives of the assistants, administrative and technical staff and students.
The Faculty Council is the highest governing body of a faculty and determines its policies regarding education, research and services.
The Faculty Council advises the university administration on matters such as teaching regulations and study programmes, and is responsible for the appointment of lecturers, the formation of the examination board, etc.
Educational Commissions
Each faculty establishes an educational commission for the programmes or clusters of associated programmes it is responsible for, either at the intermediary or at the decentralised level.
The education committees are tasked with:
- developing targeted and consistent study programmes
- ensuring the involved units cooperate with regard to education.
This assignment means that they are primarily responsible for:
- the curriculum revisions
- the implementation and organisation of the study programmes
- the quality assurance of education, which includes monitoring the realisation of the course units.
Centres and institutes
University institutes
- Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts (ARIA)
- Antwerp School of Education (ASoE)
- Centre Pieter Gillis (CPG)
- Centre for Migration and Intercultural Studies (CeMIS)
- Centre for Health and Technology (CHaT)
- Institute for Environment & Sustainable Development (IMDO)
- Institute of Development Policy (IOB)
- Urban Studies Institute (USI)
Interfaculty and faculty centres and institutes
- Antwerp Tax Academy
- Centre for Maritime and Air Transport Management (C-MAT)
- Centro de Estudios Mexicanos (CMS)
- Institute of Jewish Studies (IJS)
- Linguapolis
- Ruusbroec Institute
More information on faculty centres and institutes can be found on the webpages of the faculties or in the research database.
The decentralised level
Departments, specialist associations and research groups operate at the decentralised level, along with interfaculty administrative and academic units.
- Library
- Communications
- Finance
- Infrastructure
- Education
- Research, Innovation & Valorisation
- Human Resources
- University and community:
Science for everyone
University fund
Study abroad
- Antwerp Doctoral School
- Acquisition
- Privacy and process management (DP²): Information security
- Legal and Corporate Affairs
- Environmental office
- Health and Safety
- Social, cultural and student services:
Student Information Point (STIP)
Student services and advice
Study budget and social facilities
Culture and leisure
Discover our research groups

Netwerk UAntwerp
The University of Antwerp does not operate alone. We have close ties with Antwerp University Hospital (UZA), Antwerp Management School (AMS) and other higher education institutions in Antwerp that belong to the Antwerp University Association. These relationships and our partnerships with the City of Antwerp and the port continuously create win-win situations. Our university is embedded in an extensive socioeconomic network, which ensures that we are engaged in intensive dialogue with society.