Are you looking for an exciting international experience? Interested in following courses in a wide range of European countries? YUFE Student Journey offers (online) courses from all YUFE universities, but also online language courses, summer schools and participation in international challenge teams that tackle concrete problems.
Experiencing new things is a critical part of the learning process. The YUFE programme allows you to go on an educational adventure, shape your own curriculum, and fill your student journey with unforgettable memories and valuable knowledge. Furthermore, most activities within the Student Journey are offered free of charge and will add international value to your degree.
Join the YUFE Community
As a YUFE Student, you enter a diverse, European learning environment that strives towards shaping the future of Europe. Discover divers activities.

YUFE Student Journey
The YUFE Student Journey lets you create your own learning path. You can create your own European curriculum and enrich your current academic degree programme.

YUFE Virtual Campus
YUFE's Virtual Campus offers existing academic courses and activities in addition to the students' university's degree programme.