Below you will find an overview of courses within UAntwerp that can contribute to your doctoral training programme, supported by the Antwerp Doctoral School (ADS):
- A toolkit for entrepreneurial minds: the basics of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Valorisation
- (Teaching) Assistant Training
- Bachelor and Master Courses
- CalcUA
- Classic and Modern Methods of Epidemiology (micro-credential)
- Certificate Laboratory Animal Science
- Dive-into-PhD
- Dive-into-Business
- Dive-into-Projects
- Language Training
- Nature Masterclasses online platform
- Science for everyone
- Statua: Center for Statistics at the University of Antwerp
A toolkit for entrepreneurial minds: the basics of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Valorisation
Discover the essentials of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Valorisation in this self-study course, developed in collaboration between experts of the Campus Development Office, the Valorisation Office and the Department of Education. Through six chapters, you will learn the basics of IPR, patents, and the valorisation process. If you are looking for a comprehensive introduction, this course is perfect for you.
You can access the course via BlackBoard after log-in or search for UA_IPREAC.
(Teaching) Assistant Training
The Centre of Expertise for Higher Education (ECHO) from the University of Antwerp organizes a training for new assistants. Participants are supported when developing competences regarding the preparation, implementation and testing of their courses.
For more information about this training, see this webpage.
Bachelor and Master courses
Did you know that it's possible to add Bachelor and Master courses to your doctoral study programme?
- You have not received credits for these courses before.
- You can only choose Bachelor or Master courses from a different research domain than your own bachelor/first cycle.
- You need to receive written approval from your supervisor before enrolling in a Bachelor or Master course.
- Enrol by contacting the lecturer or secretariat responsible for the administration of the course concerned.
- Mention specifically that you would like to add the course to your doctoral study programme and add the written approval from your supervisor.
- The student administration of the faculty will place the course under your doctoral enrolment. This way you will see the timetable information in SisA and you will receive access to the course in the BlackBoard learning environment.
- Enrolment is free of charge and it is not necessary to contact the Registrar's Office for a credit contract. Consequently you won't officially obtain the credits and won't sit the exam.
At the end of the course, you should receive an attendance certificate from the lecturer concerned (or the secretariat) for the contact hours of the course. You can use this to add the activity to your doctoral study programme file.
Need the Blackboard learning environment? If access to the Blackboard learning environment is required, the teacher can add you to the corresponding course in BlackBoard.
Secretariat responsible for the administration of the course concerned.
Please note: If you wish to obtain credits, you need to enrol separately in a credit contract and will need to pay the tuition fee required for this course. In case of questions, contact the Registrar's Office via their Helpdesk.
CalcUA is the core facility for high performance computing at the University of Antwerp.
CalcUA offers, next to its compute infrastructure, following services
- Linux and HPC training for researchers
- "Tips and Tricks" sessions
- Assistance and support for computationally intensive research
CalcUA’s infrastructure is integrated into the Flemish Supercomputer Center (VSC).
Classic and Modern Methods of Epidemiology (micro-credential)
This course introduces the student to the basics of epidemiology. The course starts with an overview of the history and recent and new developments in epidemiology. Then, it covers in depth the measures of occurrence and association, and the concepts of causality and systematic error. Last, the main study designs used in epidemiology are discussed. In particular, the general concepts in relation to cohort, case-control and trials are explained.
Open to PhD researchers in an appropriate research field (medicine, biomedical sciences, pharmacy…).
More information on this page.
Certificate Laboratory Animal Science
As part of their PhD or professional job, researchers may need to run animal experiments. This is only possible when you have a certificate that states you have the know-how and are up to date with, amongst others, the legal requirements. The University of Antwerp offers 3 FELASA-accredited courses that provide you with a license from the Flemish and Walloon region. For more information, see Laboratory Animal Science.
The courses are taught in English and all course material is provided in English.
Are you looking for information, advice or support on Business & Valorisation?

This pillar focuses on the creation of impact through the valorisation of research. The basics programme 'Dive into Business' is a customized offer to meet the valorisation needs of researchers. It supports researchers in creating impact through translating their research to society. This impact can either be economic, societal, or both.
The course fits in with the competence profile for PhD students and counts as a valid activity in the doctoral study program.
It should be stressed that these courses are an unique opportunity for self-development as well.
Registration for the basics programme is open. Please be aware that there is a limited number of places!
More information on Pintra.
Research, Innovation & Valorisation Antwerp (RIVA)
Campus Middelheim
Middelheimlaan 1
2020 Antwerpen
Interested in research? Then a PhD might be something for you! Join Dive-into-PhD!
Are you a master student and interested in research? Are you considering a PhD after your master degree or do you want to learn more about what this entails? Or are you graduated and/or did you start your PhD already, but are you looking for additional support?
Then Dive-into-PhD is something for you!

Before the start of the new ‘Dive-into-PhD’ training programme you can consult an Introduction webinar on Blackboard. This is specifically interesting for master students who want to know more about what it is to do a PhD.
If you are really interested, the Dive-into-PhD training program can be further pursued.
Subscribe now for the training programme
Research, Innovation & Valorisation Antwerp (RIVA)
Campus Middelheim
Middelheimlaan 1
2020 Antwerp
Are you looking for information, advice or support on Research & Proposal Writing?

What are the different steps involved in project writing and how can I find funds for my project?
Dive-into-Projects includes basic training on research and proposal writing, as well as specific courses, workshops and guidance (Deep Dive-into-Projects).
More information on Pintra (after login).
Research, Innovation and Valorisation Antwerp (RIVA)
Campus Middelheim
Middelheimlaan 1
2020 Antwerp
Language training
Linguapolis: the language institute of the University of Antwerp
Linguapolis organises and offers:
1. Academic English and Academic Dutch
- Giving Presentations in English: free, check the course offer of the ADS
- Writing Academic Papers in English: free, check the course offer of the ADS
- Communicating effectively in an academic context: free, check the course offer of the ADS
- Snellezen: free, check the course offer of the ADS (only in Dutch!)
- Academic English: to pay, refundable through educational credit
- individual writing coaching: to pay, refundable through educational credit
- language tests: to pay
- basisvaardigheden Academisch Nederlands: free
2. General language courses
- Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish & Dutch as a Foreign Language: to pay, refundable through educational credit.
3. Individual writing coaching
For more information, consult the Linguapolis website.
4. Online Language Cafés
In an Online Language Café, you meet other language learners online at a fixed time. Guided by a native speaker, you spend an hour talking about a country’s culture, current affairs and society – in the language you want to be fluent in! The weekly sessions will start in November 2023 and are open to anyone who wants to practise and maintain a language. There's a wide range of language, from Arabic to Swedish. Check out the offer here.
Contact Linguapolis:
Tel. +32 3 265 48 03
Altissia: online language courses
This academic year, UAntwerp will be offering Altissia’s online language courses again. With the mobile app, you can now work on your language skills anywhere and anytime.
Be sure to watch the guided tour video for the app version and/or the PC version.
On Altissia’s platform, you can study as many as 23 languages! The extensive range of languages includes: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Romanian, Czech, Polish, Slovak, Slovenian, Croatian, Finnish, Swedish, Danish, Estonian, Greek, Turkish, Latvian and Lithuanian.
The language levels are based on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR A1 to C1). All language levels are offered, but not for all languages. You can study the following languages up to level C1: Dutch, English, French, German, Spanish and Italian; Portuguese up to level B2. The other languages are offered at a beginner level.
Target group
The Antwerp Doctoral School purchased 120 subscriptions for PhD students from the Universiteit Antwerpen. New subscriptions will become available each year from October 1st.
- (Re-)enrol as a PhD student for this academic year.
- Do you have a student account AND a staff account? Then you can register for free by using your staff account.
Do you only have a student account? You need to tick on the student registration form that you are a PhD student. You pay 10€ which you can reclaim through the educational credit. - Your registration is only definitive as soon as you have logged in for the first time to the online platform.
You can activate your account as from October 1st.
We will apply the ‘first come, first served’ principle. So be quick to subscribe!
Your subscription is valid until 30 September.
Nature Masterclasses Online platform
What to expect?
UAntwerp researchers have access to the Nature Masterclasses platform. The content of this platform is aimed at researchers from all research domains and thus is also suitable for researchers in social sciences and humanities. It is definitely an added value to take courses from the Nature Masterclasses course offer to improve your professional development and research skills!
Nature Masterclasses provides professional development training for researchers delivered by Nature Portfolio journal editors, experienced researchers, funders and professionals.
Researchers gain access to a variety of courses with over 60 hours of learning, such as:
- Avancing your scientific presentations
- Data analysis
- Effective collaboration in research
- Finding Funding Opportunities
- Persuasive Grant Writing
- Scientific Writing and Publishing
- ….
- Online videos, learning activities and workshops offering one-to-one interaction with experts.
- As a researcher you can select the courses and individual modules you are interested in and for the right stage in your career.
- You can decide when and where to learn, at a time that's convenient for you.
How to get access
Go to
On the Register page, click ‘Your institution’ and select Universiteit Antwerpen from the drop-down menu (or: start typing ‘Universiteit Antwerpen’ and select from the options that will appear).
You will be requested to confirm your e-mail address if you are logging in for the first time. For more information on the registration, see this user guide.
Launch event
In January, the Antwerp Doctoral School hosted an introduction session. Rewatch the launch event (after login):
Science for everyone
The University of Antwerp attaches particular importance to training through lectures and other popularizing activities for a broad audience. For this assignment all university scientists are being involved.
The Science Communication team focuses on support and training of both PhD researchers, postdocs and independent academic personnel (ZAP) with regard to the communication about their research. Their offer includes a wide range of non-diploma or certificate-oriented trainings and activities for anyone with an interest in science whether they are young or old, as well as a number of activities and also support initiatives that emerge in the different faculties or departments. In this way, the University of Antwerp seeks to engage the general public in science and to show the impact science has on our daily life.
Some initiatives are the "Let's Talk Science!" summer school on science communication, PRESS>SPEAK and PRESS>SPEAK>INSPIRE.
- Summer school Let's Talk Science is a joint initiative of all Flemish universities. Every year at the beginning of July, PhD students and post-doctoral researchers are immersed in science communication and communication skills.
- PRESS>SPEAK: To make clear, in a short but powerful way, what your research is all about…. Not a simple task, especially when your audience has very little prior knowledge on the subject! However, this is exactly what newspapers, newscasts and radio broadcasts are looking for. Furthermore it could help you introduce colleagues with different expertise to matters long familiar by you. Or maybe you would just like a little extra practice on giving a clear and effective presentation on a complex subject? Through a presentation and writing contest titled PRESS>SPEAK we are challenging young scientists (PhD researchers and postdocs) to make their first steps towards a broad but intimate audience consisting of colleagues, family, friends and fans.
- PRESS>SPEAK>Inspire offers to all UAntwerp scientists a networking and inspiration opportunity to acquire new insights and ideas for engaging in science communication. Experienced professors as well as PhD researchers and postdocs can participate and be inspired with regard to science communication, guided by peer counselors and experts from in- and outside the university walls.
Team Science Communication
Campus Middelheim, M.A.220
Middelheimlaan 1
2020 Antwerp
Tel. +32 3 265 31 27
Statua: Center for Statistics at the University of Antwerp
StatUa is the officially recognized core facility for statistical data analysis at the University of Antwerp. StatUa services include, but are not limited to:
- Statistical assistance for researchers
- Organization of the StatUa day and other events
- Statistical training for researchers via short courses, in collaboration with the Antwerp Doctoral School
StatUa is partner of the Flanders training network for Methodology and Statistics (FLAMES).