1. Joint PhD application (by PhD student)

PhD candidates who meet all the requirements for a joint or double PhD can start up the joint PhD procedure by emailing a complete application file to JointPhD@uantwerpen.be.

The application file needs to reach us at least 1 year before the draft thesis is submitted. The complete procedure (from the initial application up until the signed contract) takes time. Applications must always be submitted and signed by the PhD researcher in question.

An application file contains the following documents:

  1. a completed and signed Joint PhD application form (incoming/ outgoing), including a motivation for the joint PhD and a planning schedule for the (at least) 6-month research period at UAntwerp or the partner institution(s);
  2. signed confirmation from all supervisors (template available): the supervisors confirm that they support the application and that they will supervise the research during the joint PhD. The supervisors can all sign the same confirmation page or they can sign on different pages;
  3. in case of 3 or 4 supervisors, a motivation must be included in which the PhD candidate or the supervisors elaborate on why all supervisors are crucial to the PhD research, hereby referring to the relevant expertise of all supervisors concerned.

    Please note: The faculty needs to explicitly approve the 3rd (and 4th) supervisor (cf. general UAntwerp PhD regulations, art. 15);
  4. in case of an incoming joint PhD, a detailed CV must be included (with an overview of studies as well as research-related and professional activities);
  5. in case of a BOF-financed outgoing joint PhD with another Flemish university, explicit prior permission of the Bureau of the Research Council must be obtained and included in the joint PhD application. In order to receive permission, a motivated request must be submitted via bof@uantwerpen.be, explaining the long-term advantages for the University of Antwerp (cf. BOF regulations, art. 17);
  6. in case of Chinese candidate PhD researchers who had their prior education in the People's Republic of China and who hold a CSC scholarship (China), the confirmation of their CSC scholarship must be included. If the joint PhD application is approved by the faculty/institute, the Antwerp Doctoral School will register the PhD researcher with the Flemish government. This way, the PhD researcher can be exempted from the APS procedure.

2. Drawing up the joint PhD agreement (by Antwerp Doctoral School)

In case the faculty approves the application, a joint PhD agreement is drawn up between the universities and the PhD researcher. The negotiations are always conducted by the Antwerp Doctoral School. The PhD researcher and the supervisor(s) will be notified when input is expected from them.

3. Signing the joint PhD agreement (by all parties)

The joint PhD agreement must always be signed by the PhD researcher, the supervisors and the representatives of all universities involved. The legal parties of the contract are the (vice-)rectors and the PhD researcher.

The defence can take place 6 weeks (at the earliest) after the contract is fully signed. 

4. If applicable: drawing up an amendment or restatement (by Antwerp Doctoral School)

If the situation changes and an amendment or restatement needs to be drawn up, please notify us as soon as possible by sending an email to JointPhD@uantwerpen.be.

The Antwerp Doctoral School will, in consultation with the other parties, draw up the amendment or restatement. This will then need to be signed by the same parties that signed the original joint PhD agreement.