This interuniversity seminar series targets PhD students, young researchers at the beginning of their academic career from all Doctoral Schools, and postdoctoral researchers. The course is also open to supervisors and other interested academic personnel.
The 10th edition will take place on 18 and 25 April, and 2 May on alternating locations (Ghent University, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, UAntwerp).
'In recent years, numerous scholars and university personnel have expressed concerns about the changing professional environment in which they work. During this course, we want to make researchers more aware of the context in which they find themselves, and encourage them to play an active role in the development of contemporary academia. We will address themes like mental health, knowledge production and labour in research through a combination of workshop activities, presentations and discussions.'
The full programme can be found here.
Registrations are open.
Enrolment is free of charge for UAntwerp PhD researchers. The no show policy applies.
To gain comprehensive knowledge of current debates on a series of topics related to today's role of academic research, such as publication policies and strategies, research ethics, intellectual property regimes, mental health issues, working conditions, etc.;
To have a critical understanding of the contemporary political economy of academic research environments and academic knowledge production more generally;
To acquire critical insight into and awareness of the relationships between academic institutions, markets and society/democracy, and of current responsibilities and societal role of academic research;
To formulate critical arguments and engage in interactive debates;
To translate the obtained awareness and insights into action in their personal academic environments.