Are you looking for ways to activate students? Need to give a lot of feedback, but don't know how? Do you want to be more confident in front of a group of students? Then ECHO has a thematic offer to help you with these questions and many others!

Target group and language

The ECHO offer for assistants is only open to UAntwerp staff and focuses primarily on newly started assistants. Only assistants who play a (purely) supportive role in teaching assignments can participate. Doctoral assistants, postdoc researchers and OP members who are fully responsible for their teaching assignments can participate in our lecturer training

The ECHO offer for assistants is mainly taught in Dutch. However, we regularly offer themes in English as well. There is also an English-language online learning environment open for all UAntwerp staff.

Thematic offer 

Our offer for assistants consists of professionalization sessions on various themes. You determine which themes you follow based on your teaching task. Some examples of themes are: Activating students, Assessment, Classroom management, Feedback, …

Each theme consists of two components:

  • a session
  • an application assignment (optional to complete)

When you register for a theme, you are expected to participate in the session (maximum 3 hours of contact time). Afterwards, you can choose whether to further explore the content in an application assignment focused on your own teaching practice. The total study time for both components is estimated at 10 hours.

You not only determine which themes you follow but also how many. You will receive a certificate of educational professionalization if you successfully complete (at least) six themes. Successfully completing means that you were present during the session for that theme and completed the application assignment. You can spread these six themes over several academic years.

Part of doctoral study programme?

Your participation in one or more themes/sessions may potentially qualify as part of your doctoral study programme. For this, we can provide a certificate. However, you must obtain approval from your supervisor or evaluation committee.


Registrations for the offer for assistants are open throughout the academic year. In the menu on the left, you will find the registration pages for the themes offered in the upcoming period.