Classroom management

Below is a brief summary of what will be covered within this theme and an overview of all important dates.

Every lecturer, whether just starting out or with years of experience, has been there: despite all your good intentions, preparations and efforts, it is sometimes difficult to keep your students' attention. They talk, laugh and disrupt the class in all sorts of ways. This is not only annoying for you as a lecturer and for the students who are trying to pay attention, it also raises questions about the effectiveness of the class. While there is no magic formula for getting all students to pay attention, there are some guidelines that can help. These focus on both preventing and dealing with disruptive behaviour. Within this theme, we look at these guidelines in more detail and try to offer specific solutions to possible problems, based on literature and sharing experiences. 

  • Meeting: 3 October 2024, 13.30-16.30, Campus Drie Eiken
  • Deadline assignment: 30 October 2024

Registered participants will receive further information about 2 weeks prior to the meeting.

Want to participate?

Register below before 19 September.