Assessment is at the heart of every student's life. That's why it's crucial to ensure it's done to the highest standards. But how exactly can we assess students in a way that ensures quality? What is the best assessment method? And what is the difference between formative and summative assessment? During this session we provide answers to all these questions.
Preparatory assignment
This session will be a flipped classroom meeting. We expect you to watch some screencasts beforehand (study time: 30 minutes). During the session we will go through the information in the screencasts, but we will mainly focus on actively working with them. We will not repeat the information contained in the screencasts and will assume that you have watched them.
Target group and language
This session was open to all UAntwerp teaching staff from all programmes and taught (sceencasts and meeting) in English.
Practical information
The session took place on Thursday 2 May 2024, 13.30 - 16.00, at the Stadscampus.
Learning materials
Download the slides we used during the session.