Who is the module's target audience?

The module is (only) open to academic staff at the University of Antwerp and is primarily aimed at recently appointed ZAP members (i.e. lecturers and senior lecturers). Doctoral assistants, postdoc researchers and OP members can participate if they are fully responsible for their teaching assignments. Members of staff who play a purely supportive role in teaching assignments can participate in ECHO’s offer for assistants.

What is the assignment for the Design Your Course module?

During the Design Your Course module you will work on the (re)design of the teaching methods, the learning resources and/or the (formative and summative) assessment of one of the course units for which you are responsible. The sessions at the beginning of the module and the learning materials provided will give you the necessary input.

Can I work on (re)designing two course units during the Design Your Course module?

No. You should focus your work for the Design Your Course module on (only) one of the course units for which you are responsible.

When will the course unit that I will be working on as a participant in the Design Your Course module ideally be delivered?

For the 2024 edition of the Design Your Course module, it is best if you work on a course unit that you will (re)teach in (preferably the second semester of) the 2024-2025 academic year (or one of the following academic years).

Is it a problem if I work for the Design Your Course module, Edition 2024 on a course unit that I teach in the first semester of the academic year 24-25?

This is not a problem. You will probably be able to implement minor changes that you work out during the module (assignment) immediately in term 24-25; major changes (e.g. with implications for the description of your subject in the Course Information) can be incorporated the following year.

Can I work on a Dutch course unit for the Design Your Course module, English edition 2024?

Of course you can; you will be able to work on your module assignment in Dutch. However, all group meetings during the module will be in English.

Can I attend the introductory sessions of the Design Your Course module online?

No, due to the nature of the introductory sessions, this is not possible. However, you will be able to access the learning materials from the sessions afterwards in the ECHO Teacher Training Program Blackboard environment.

I am unable to attend one of the scheduled introductory sessions. Is this a problem?

This is very unfortunate for the smooth start of your module assignment, but not insurmountable. You will be able to consult the learning materials for the sessions afterwards in the ECHO Teacher Training Program Blackboard environment and contact ECHO if you have any questions.

Are the other modules of the ECHO lecturer training (i.c. 'Geven van Onderwijs' and 'Meebouwen aan de Onderwijsorganisatie') also offered in English?

No, only the Design Your Course module is occasionally organized in English. It is equivalent to the Dutch-language module 'Ontwerpen van Onderwijs'.