UAntwerp and AUHA expressly encourage competence-based learning and student-centred education. In the realisation of this educational vision, academic staff and teaching staff play a crucial role. As a result, they must be supported and stimulated in the development of sufficient educational competences.

ECHO aims to foster this competence development by organising a system of educational professionalisation initiatives for academic and teaching staff that is based on a well-thought-out vision of learning and instruction. ECHO staff also ensure that they themselves remain up-to-date on the relevant educational literature and carry out educational research that supports this professionalisation objective.

ECHO’s activities therefore fall into two main areas:

  1. Professionalisation of teaching staff
    This is achieved by providing courses and disseminating didactic information.

  2. Carrying out practice-oriented action research
    In cooperation with the educational programmes of UAntwerp, ECHO carries out practice-oriented action research. The aim is to gather practical and directly applicable knowledge that can contribute directly to improving a specific educational practice.