On 23rd September 2024 

Prof. Sofia Scataglini 

Sofia Scataglini is an Biomedical Engineer and a Visiting Professor at Antwerp University in Digital Human Modelling (DHM) and wearable for ergonomics, health and wealth. Sofia Scataglini is recognized with the title of European Ergonomist (Eur.Erg.), CREE.Sofia Scataglini is a member of the Scientific Committee of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) and chair of the IEA Technical Committee on Digital Human Modeling and Simulation.Sofia is the founder of the Digital Human Modeling by Women group (DHMW), which is dedicated to promoting women in STEAM around the world. Sofia organizes congresses related to applied human factor, ergonomics, and digital human modelling (DHM).She is also an active editor and writer and reviewer of book and journals, scientific grant focusing on sensors, medicine, health and care, modelling and simulation, standardization, ergonomics, biomechanics and design.Sofia Scataglini is involved in different TC groups for standardization such as National (NBN), European (CENELEC) and international levels (ISO and IEC) for Ergonomics, Wearable, Smart textiles, PPE and clothing. Her research activities focus on research and design of products, systems, environments, and services for the health, care, and well-being of people using Co-Design and User-Centered Design methods combined with Ergonomics.  

Prof. Xuguang Wang 

Xuguang Wang is a research director at Université Gustave Eiffel (formerly French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks, IFSTTAR). He obtained his PhD in solid mechanics from Ecole Centrale de Lyon in 1991 and his HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) from University Claude Bernard – Lyon 1 in 2008. He joined INRETS in 1991 and has been working on digital human modeling for ergonomic simulation since then. He was one of main investigators of the European research project REALMAN from 2001 to 2004. He was the scientific coordinator of an EU funded project DHErgo (Digital Humans for Ergonomic design of products, 2008-2011), aiming to develop dynamic and musculoskeletal human models for ergonomic design of products. More recently he was a workpackage leader for the European project PIPER (Position and Personalize Advanced Human Body Models for Injury Prediction, 2013-2017). In addition, he has been involved in many national and industrial research projects especially with car manufacturers (Renault, Peugeot Citroën Automobile, Renault Trucks, Toyota Europe, etc) and seat suppliers (SAFRAN group). He organized the first IEA (International Ergonomics Association) Digital Human Modeling Conference in Lyon in 2011. He is associate editor of International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation since 2016. His current research concerns seating comfort, postural monitoring, automotive ergonomics, digital human modeling. 

Prof. Marco Mandolini 

Marco Mandolini is an Associate Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Sciences of the Faculty of Engineering of Università Politecnica delle Marche. His research concerns methods and tools for Product Design in the Mechanical and Biomedical fields. Topics deal with Design for X (e.g., Additive Manufacturing, Disassembly, Cost, Environment) and Extended Reality in Medicine and Healthcare. He authorises about 130 scientific publications in international journals and conference proceedings. He is a professor of "Product Engineering" and "Methods and Tools for biomedical products design", respectively, for master's degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering. 

Prof. Esteban Peña Pitarch 

Esteban Peña Pitarch holds a doctorate in the UPC. He has carried out his teaching work at the Technical College of Manresa (EPSEM), since 1988 and belongs to the department of mechanical engineering. He collaborates with the Institute of Industrial and Control Engineering (IOC), UPC, since 2008, in the robotics division. His research is focused on rehabilitation and simulation of stroke survivors, the creation of medical devices and the application of kinematics and dynamics to the human body by way of mathematical tools used in robotics. He manages a group with doctors specialized in physical medicine, rehabilitation, and engineers from a number of different fields. He is a professor and ex-dean of college Escola Politècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de Manresa (EPSEM) at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). His teaching expertise are in Kinematics and Dynamics, and Machinery Design for Undergraduate and Graduate degree for more than 30 years. He has two patents and more than 100 papers on international journals and conferences. 

Prof. Francesco Feletti 

Dr F. Feletti is an Italian doctor and radiologist professional, specialising in musculoskeletal and sports medicine conditions and imaging-guided interventional orthopaedic procedures. He is a Tenure-Track Researcher at the University of Ferrara and conducts his clinical activities as Dirigente Medico at the Arcispedale S. Anna in Ferrara. His main fields of research are diagnostics and sports medicine. He led many studies about diagnostics and intersectional scientific branches. Dr. Feletti's last scientific publications in sports medicine have focused on Olympic outdoor sports, including running, skiing, snowboarding, skateboarding, parkour, triathlon, and sailing. His research has practical implications for injury prevention and treatment, the analysis of athletic gestures through wearable measurement systems, and special considerations about training and rehabilitation strategies. Dr Feletti is co-founder and President of the International Society of Medicine for Outdoor Physical Activities and Extreme Sports, recognised by the Italian Ministry of Health.

Prof. Michael Skipper Andersen 

Michael Skipper Andersen received his Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and PhD in Biomechanics from Aalborg University, Denmark in 2004 and 2009, respectively. Following an employment as a software engineer at the company AnyBody Technology A/S, he was employed first as an Assistant Professor from 2009–2012, Associate Professor from 2012–2022 and later in his current position from 2022–present as Professor at Department Materials and Production, Aalborg University, Denmark. His research area is within musculoskeletal modelling and currently focuses primarily on applying these models within orthopedics. He has published more than 210 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and national and international conferences.  


  • Head of the Biomechanics Research Group 
  • Head of the Center for Mathematical Modeling of Knee Osteoarthritis 
  • Department of Materials and Production 


On 24th September 2024 

Prof. Umer Asgher 

Engr. Dr. Umer Asgher is a Neuroengineering researcher with Ph.D. Engineering in Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Brain Computer Interface (BCI).  Dr. Umer is an accomplished Engineering professional with over 10 years of experience in the intersection of academia, research, and industrial sectors. Dr Umer is an Engineer, and an academic researcher with background in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its Engineering applications. Seventy plus (75+) peer reviewed publications, patent, and Books in areas of Data science, Deep Learning, Bioinformatics and Brain Computer Interface (BCI) shows strong commitment to Engineering sciences and Technology.  Currently, Dr. Umer is serving as Research Fellow at Department of Air Transport, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) in Prague, Czech Republic. Dr. Umer collaborated in various Research Projects including European Commission Horizon 2020 project ENHANCE. His research focuses on the development of new BCI-technology for mental workload assessment-based models for humans to perform in advanced socio-technical environments.  Dr. Umer tried to develop a deep understanding of machine learning and AI techniques, specifically in the context of engineering optimization, robotics and neuroergonomics. 

Prof. Gregor Harih 

Gregor Harih is an Assistant Professor of Biomechanics, Mechanical Design, Industrial Design, Ergonomics, and Reverse Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor, Slovenia. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Modelling of Technical Systems from the same university, and his research interests lie in the field of ergonomics and biomechanics, where he focuses on the development of digital human models for ergonomic product design and the investigation of the various biomechanical systems using finite element analysis. 

In addition to his current role, he has also held several other positions, including Visiting Researcher at the University Rehabilitation Institute Soča in Ljubljana, Slovenia, where he worked on the research and development of new intelligent materials for prosthetic liners and rehabilitation gait devices. He was also a Post-Doc Researcher at the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor, where he developed a finite element digital human hand model for ergonomic product design. Furthermore, he spent time as a Visiting Researcher at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Tokyo, Japan, where he worked on the development of a full hand digital human hand model based on the finite element method. 

Dr. Harih's research contributions have been recognized with numerous honors and awards, including the Danubius Young Researcher Award for Best Researcher of the Danube Region in 2019, a Recognition Award for Research, Artistic and Educational Work from the University of Maribor in 2019, and a Recognition Award for Early Career Researcher from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor in 2018. He is a member of several committees and editorial boards, including the Technical Committee for Digital Human Modeling and Simulation of the International Ergonomics Association, and he also mentors junior researchers and Ph.D. students. 

Prof. Dan Hogberg 

Dan Högberg's research is about making user-centred information, e.g. ergonomics knowledge, relevant and easily available to product designers and engineers. These roles often need design methods and tools that facilitates the consideration of user aspects, along with other product/system requirements, in the complex time and budget constrained product realisation process. Central in Dan's research is digital human modelling (DHM) and how such technology can contribute in supporting designers and engineers to consider ergonomics/human factors proactively at virtual stages of the design process. Dan also conducts research in how sensors integrated into textiles can be used to evaluate ergonomics, including how the collected data can improve simulations in the virtual world. 

Dan is leader of the User Centred Product Design (UCPD) research group at University of Skövde. UCPD is one of several research groups within the research specialisation Virtual Engineering at the School of Engineering Science. The group's research is to a large extent carried out in close cooperation with industrial partners. UCPD has currently four focus areas: digital human modelling, anthropometry, industrial information design, and applications of smart textiles. 

Prof. Giacomo Palmieri 

Giacomo Palmieri is Associate Professor of Mechanics Applied to Machines at the Polytechnic University of Marche. He has research experience in machine mechanics, robotics and biomechanics. He is the author of more than 90 publications, 41 of which in peer-reviewed international journals, and 2 textbooks on fundamentals of mechanics and biomechanics. Main research topics are parallel kinematics machines, reconfigurable kinematics machines, micro-mechanics, dynamics of human motion, underwater robotics, collaborative robotics and human-robot collaboration. He is member of the topical advisory panel for Robotics, MDPI for the following topics: collaborative robotics; mechatronics and biomechanics; kinematic and dynamic analysis and synthesis of mechanical and biomechanical systems.  

Prof. Silvia Imbesi 

Silvia Imbesi has gained a Master's Degree in Architecture, and a Bachelor's Degree and Industrial Design in 2008 and 2012, respectively, from the University of Ferrara, Italy, and a Ph.D. in Inclusive Design from the Department of Architecture of the same university, in 2023. Since 2009, Silvia Imbesi has worked as a freelance architect and designer, collaborating with other professionals, companies, industries, and institutions to develop projects and design research. Starting in 2012 to date, she has been working with the University of Ferrara as a temporary professor. In her role of research fellow at this university, she participated in many academic research projects related to: Human and User-Centered methodologies, Inclusive Design of IoT-based Devices and Smart mHealth Systems, Design for the Elderly, and Design for Health and Wellbeing, among others. She attended many international conferences as an invited speaker and is the author and editor of more than 40 international scientific publications about innovative care solutions for fragile users and special populations.  

Dr. Simone Borsci 

Simone Borsci is an Associate Professor of Human Factors and Cognitive Ergonomics at the University of Twente, and coordinator of the research group of Human Factors, of the CODE Group of the Faculty of BMS. Simone is also the local coordinator of the UT for the Dutch Social Science and Humanities Sector Plan. He is also Honorary Senior Fellow in Human Factors for Health Technology for the UK NIHR MIC IVD London Diagnostics at Imperial College. Research interests: Human factors and ergonomics for medical and transport domains; Human AI and Robotics Collaboration, user experience, modelling of human behavior, health and disability service and product design, qualitative and quantitative research of applied psychology using multivariate and predictive statistical techniques.  

Prof. Riender Happee 

Riender Happee received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, in 1986 and 1992, respectively. From 1992 to 2007, he investigated road safety and introduced biomechanical human models for impact and comfort with TNO Automotive. He is currently a Full Professor with the Delft University of Technology, where he investigates the human interaction with automated vehicles focusing on safety, comfort, and acceptance. He investigates postural stabilization, motion comfort and motion sickness integrating biomechanical human body models and models of visual, vestibular and muscular motion perception.  

On 25th September 2024 

Prof. Redha Taiar 

Prof. Redha Taiar, Ph.D. Biomechanics now is a Professor at the University of Reims Champaign France. Head of the European Master of Biomechanics, Ergonomics and Clinical Research. Head of the University diploma of Podiatrics. Head of the University diploma of Ergonomics. Project manager in Middle East and Latin America. He is also head of the laboratory of Biomechanics at the University of Reims, vice head of department of Sport Science. Head of RTBE (redha Taiar Biomechanical Engineering) Society developed for Sport and medical advice for industry. Vice head of the congress of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Society (SOFMER) from October 2013 in Reims city. His researches focus on the industry engineering for medicine and high level sport. He is engineer for different industries like Arena for the high level sport and Sidas, Medicapteur for the medical development. For industry workers his last work was for the Notrax society Conception and validation of anti-fatigue mats. For sport his last works focus on the development of swimsuit for triathlon and swimming for Brazil Olympic Games (2016) and the suit fabrics for skiing Olympic Games at Sotchi in 2014. He is a specialist on Biomechanics of health disease and rehabilitation. 

Prof. Erik Brolin 

Erik Brolin is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Engineering Science at the University of Skövde. He received his MSc in Ergonomic Design and Production Engineering from Luleå University of Technology in 2009 and his PhD in 2016 from Chalmers University of Technology. His research interests include user-centred design and consideration of human diversity as well as computer-based methods and support systems for designers and engineers to consider human-related matters in design and development processes, e.g., the integration and use of digital human modelling., especially in DHM tools. He also interested and involved in standardisation of ergonomics and anthropometry on European (CEN) and global (ISO) level. 

Prof. James Yang 

Dr. James Yang is a professor and director for Human-Centric Design Research Lab at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas Tech University. He is SAE and ASME Fellow and IEEE Senior Member. His research focuses on developing human simulation models to address issues in engineering, sports, medicine, and among other fields. In the mean time, his lab is also conducting experimental work to validate the developed simulation models. His awards and recognitions include the US Fulbright Scholarship, the Arch T. Colwell Merit Award (SAE), the Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award (SAE), three Best Paper Awards from ASME, the Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship, the Chancellor's Council Distinguished Research Award (TTU), Whitacre Excellence in Research Award (TTU), Ed and Linda Whitacre Faculty Fellowship (TTU), and TTU Alumni Association New Faculty Award. His research has been funded by the US Army, DOE, DOD (DHA, USARIEM, USAMRDC), NSF, NIST, NPSF, NIOSH, and Honda R&D North Americas. He is associate editor for several international journals (IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, Ergonomics in Design, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation, International Journal of Robotics and Automation, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Service Industries) and editorial board member (International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Automotive Innovation). He also serves in technical committees for SAE and ASME. He was Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas Tech University. 

Prof. Ameersing Luximon 

Currently, Prof. Ameersing Luximon is Professor of Practice at Georgia Tech Shenzhen Institute, Shenzhen, China, and Adjunct Associate Professor at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA. He is also the President of the Hong Kong Ergonomics society (HKES) and Council member of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) and Asian Council on Ergonomics and Design (ACED). Previously, Prof. Luximon worked as Associate Professor in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is one of the inventors of i.Dummy, a robotic mannequin. He is the editor of the handbook of footwear design and manufacture (1st and 2nd Eds). He is active both academic and industry for more than 20 years. His research areas include Ergonomics and design, Digital Human modelling, Wearables, social Robots and Entrepreneurship. 


· Georgia Tech Shenzhen Institute, Shenzhen, China 

· Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. 

Michael Spitzhirn 

Michael Spitzhirn studied business administration with a focus on ergonomics and production systems and industrial engineering at Chemnitz University of Technology and then worked at Bundesdruckerei. From 2012 to 2020 he worked as a research assistant at the department of ergonomics and innovation management at Chemnitz University of Technology. His research topics have been digital work planning, virtual ergonomics as well as ergonomic process evaluations.  

Since 2018 he has been at imk Industrial Intelligence GmbH as a specialist for virtual ergonomics methods and coordinator for Research projects & ema education. As coordinator for research projects and ema education, he supports the development of ema Software Suite (https://imk-ema.com/softwaresuite.html), leads research projects (https://imk-industrial-intelligence.com/en/research-projects/) and is responsible for the education customers. As a specialist in virtual ergonomics methods, he carries out ergonomic and economic analyses, design and optimization of work processes. His tasks also include conducting training, user-friendly software design and the simulation and evaluation of work processes as well as human-robot interactions. 

Prof. Lars Hanson 

Lars Hanson is Future Factory manager at Volvo Construction Equipment and part time professor at Skövde University. Hanson was the project leader for the first IPS IMMA development project and have been involved in several IPS IMMA development/improvements after that. 

Prof. Vladimir Socha

V. Socha earned his M.S. degree in Biomedical and Clinical Technology from the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering at Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague, Czech Republic, in 2013. Subsequently, he completed his Ph.D. in Transportation at the Faculty of Aeronautics at the Technical University of Kosice in 2016 and was appointed as an Associate Professor in 2018 at CTU in Prague, Czech Republic. 

Since 2013, he has been serving as a research assistant at the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering at the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague. In 2016, he expanded his responsibilities by joining the Department of Air Transport at CTU in Prague, where he established and currently oversees the operations of the Laboratory of Human Factors and Automation in Aviation. Presently, he holds the position of Head of the Laboratory, Deputy Head of the Department of Air Transport at CTU in Prague, and also serves as the Deputy Vice-Dean for Science & Research at the Faculty of Transportation Sciences, CTU in Prague. His areas of research expertise encompass signal processing, automation in aviation, including unmanned aviation, aviation physiology, human-machine interface, biomedical and clinical technologies, as well as statistics and machine learning. He has authored more than a hundred academic publications, mentored numerous doctoral students, organized international scientific conferences, and collaborated with numerous national and international institutions in the field of human factors and aviation.