Active pluralism in a nutshell

Actieve Pluralism

CPG was founded in 2003 as a centre of reflection, directed to the promotion of 'active pluralism of worldviews within the University of Antwerp'.

At present, active pluralism is directed to a respectful and critical dialogue wherein different disciplines as well as diverse religious, moral, and philosophical views can interact. More in particular, active plualism elaborates on the underlying religious and normative presuppositions of these perspectives, in order to understand the examined reality.

Multi- and interdisciplinarity

In its activities, Centre Pieter Gillis aims to gather different perspectives and disciplines, in order to enter into dialogue - with particular attention for the interaction between human, social and exact sciences. This could lead to a more profound insight in the research theme, to further reflection, and to the stimulation of an openness for other perspectives and approaches.