On Tuesday 16 May, 14h-18h, the Institute for Environment and Sustainable Development (IMDO) gladly invites you on its thematic research day on financing, protecting and valuing nature.
What exactly are "Nature-Based solutions" and how did they so recently become in vogue as strategies to address climate and ecological breakdown? Could Nature-Based solutions be the way forward? If so, how can they help our cities, agriculture, water systems and natural areas become climate-proof? How can they address the economic and political drivers of ecological loss and damage? What are the dangers, challenges and opportunities of Nature-Based solutions?
IMDO puts research in the spotlight and invites academics and policymakers to jointly look ahead.
- 14h00: Welcome
- 14h10: Key note by Cecil Konijnendijk (honorary professor, University of British Colombia): “Nature based solutions: towards a Forest City”
- 15h00: Research presentations and Q&A on ‘financing, protecting and valuing nature’
- Nature Smart Cities: A business model for greener cities (Wito Van Oijstaeijen)
- Innofins: financing blue green measures (dr. Sylvie Van Damme)
- ePEStemology: Assessing the power asymmetries and value frameworks underpinning payments for ecosystem services (PES) (prof. dr. Gert Van Hecken)
- 15h40: Pitches poster presentations
- 16h00: High level panel on governance and implementation of nature based solutions with:
- Moderator: dr. Vincent Bellinkx (UAntwerp)
- Bernard De Potter (Administrator-General Flanders Environment Agency – VMM)
- Cathy Berx (Governor Province of Antwerp)
- Ignace Schops (Chair BBL Flemish umbrella organization for environmental NGO’s and director National Park Hoge Kempen)
- Tom Coppens (Professor urban development and vice-dean faculty of design sciences, UAntwerp).
- Moderator: dr. Vincent Bellinkx (UAntwerp)
- 16h45: Formal closure
- 17h00: Reception
Location: City Campus, Klooster van de Grauwzusters, Lange Sint-Annastraat 7, 2000 Antwerp
Time: Tuesday May 16th 2023, 14h-18h