After 10 years at the helm of the European Environment Agency Hans Bruyninckx started as honorary professor in Global environmental governance at the University of Antwerp’s Institute for Environment and Sustainable Development and the Faculty of Social Sciences. His academic expertise lies primarily in the field of European and international environmental policy, studying the effects of globalisation on the global governance of environmental issues and sustainable development. From this perspective he has also studied global production and consumption systems, as well as issues relating to distribution and justice. He has taught courses on the topics of global environmental politics and global environmental governance in relation to the European Union (EU), publishing extensively on EU environmental policies and its role as an actor in global environmental governance.
Based on a decade of action experience in European climate and environmental governance, Hans Bruyninckx reflected,during his inaugural lecture, on the establishment of the European Green Deal and looks forward towards 2050.
Program - Monday October 16
- 16h30-16h40: Welcome and introduction by prof. dr. Gudrun De Boeck, chair IMDO
- 16h40-17h25: Inaugural lecture prof. dr. Hans Bruyninckx: “Climate neutrality by 2050? The European Green Deal and the logic of system transitions under pressure”
- 17h25-17h45: Q&A
- 17h45-18h45: Reception
Check this link for an impression of the evening