SDSN Belgium, founded in 2019, is an independent network organisation of educational institutions, research centres, businesses and knowledge institutions. We pool scientific and technical expertise and find practical solutions to problems related to sustainable development. Combining science with a socio-ethical perspective is at the forefront of our activities and research.
The mission of SDSN Belgium is to mobilize Belgian scientific and technological expertise, and strengthen capacity to promote practical solutions for sustainable development. Our projects, programs, events and initiatives seek to encourage innovative sustainable development solutions in Belgium and worldwide, to galvanize research, education and action on sustainable development and to raise awareness about the Sustainable Development Goals. IMDO is the hosting institute of SDSN Belgium.
More thematically, SDSN Belgium focusses on five transversal pillars to help achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement:
- Sustainable chemistry
- Sustainable energy
- Climate Action
- Education for sustainability/sustainable development
- Translation of SDGs into organizational processes
Jeffrey Sachs on the launch of SDSN Belgium