Linguapolis believes in the power of language
Linguapolis believes in the power of language. Language is a tool: it creates opportunities, enhances talents and opens doors. Language is also something that can be learnt — which is where Linguapolis comes in.
Mission & values: who are we and what do we stand for?
As the University of Antwerp’s language institute, Linguapolis is aimed at highly educated language learners and users in the academic world and in professional contexts both in Belgium and abroad.
We are a dynamic, purposeful centre of expertise devoted to language-related training, development, applied research and coaching (‘lingua’). Our core competencies include Dutch as a foreign language, academic language use and language policy, language courses for highly educated adults, and language testing and assessment. In applying, sharing and consolidating our know-how, we can draw on our years of experience, academic foundations and passion for language.
As a meeting place (‘polis’) for scientific and practical expertise, and for supply and demand, we strive for close links between knowledge and its application, between our staff and clients, and among all of our activities. We aim to ensure specific added value, coherent content, long-lasting results and competence-building.
We adopt a multilevel perspective and a broad view of the world, attaching great importance to the societal context of our work and activities. Integrity, relevance, commitment and respect are key words in our involvement with all stakeholders.
Quality is a recurrent theme in all Linguapolis activities. Quality assurance entails the expert performance of each task on the basis of carefully considered choices, a critical approach to new trends and developments, regular analysis of customer service and satisfaction, an ongoing pursuit of increased efficiency and efficacy, and — finally — a stimulating HR policy that creates space for both professional and personal growth.
Vision: what do we strive for?
Linguapolis strives to be a reliable, trusted, expert partner for all stakeholders. We want to play a deciding role and develop into an internationally recognised reference centre that has a multifaceted, quality profile in our core competence areas.
Linguapolis aims to offer a supportive learning environment that meets the requirements of motivated, highly educated language learners. In order to achieve this, we have developed a range of products and services that is dynamic and market-oriented.
Linguapolis is committed to sustainable innovation: our approach is characterised by a long-term vision and an optimum relationship between investment and results. We are sensitive to changes in society and teaching, and integrate new techniques where relevant. The products we develop and the services we provide respond to the needs of a society that is becoming ever more diverse.
Linguapolis wants to be an inspiring workplace for all employees: we share knowledge and expertise, we promote open, honest communication, we monitor the balance between participation and management, and we stimulate individual professional development.