1. What is an entry test?

An entry test consists of a written test and an oral test to help us check your level. 
The written part tests your knowledge of the language. The results of this test are compared to the learning objectives at the beginning and end of the different levels.
In the oral part you will have a conversation in the target language. By asking you questions about yourself, your motivations and expectations, the language adviser will check which level of speaking you have.
The results of both parts are put next to each other, compared and analysed. This process enables Linguapolis to place you in the appropriate level.
The results of the entry test are binding. You can only start in the level that was determined during the entry test. The result of the entry test remains valid for one year.
The entry test is included in the course fee.

2. Who can register without an entry test?

  • If you start in level 1 or level 1+2 of a language, you have no previous knowledge and can enrol in a course without an entry test.
  • If you have passed a course and have a certificate that is not older than one year, you can register for the next level of that language without an entry test.
  • If you have not passed a course or have not finished it, you can enrol for the same level (up to one year after the end of the 1st course) without an entry test.

3. Who must take an entry test?

You must take an entry test:

  • if you are a new Linguapolis student and if you already have some knowledge of the language through previous study or experience, or
  • if you have a certificate from another language school, or
  • if your Linguapolis certificate was issued more than a year ago

4.  Who can take an entry test?

  • The earliest possible date - for students who can’t or don’t want to take a resit or deferred exam - to do an entry test, is 6 months after having finished the course. The entry test is inextricably bound up with a registration and therefore cannot be taken separately. If you did not pass or did not finish the course, you may of course retake your level (without an entry test).

5. How much does the entry test cost?

  • You don’t have to pay separately for the entry test. This service is included in the registration fee.  
  • The entry test is inextricably linked with your registration. This also means you cannot take the entry test separately.
  • You can only take an entry test after full payment of the course registration fee.
  • If you have taken an entry test but cannot start because there is no place available in the appropriate level, your registration will be cancelled. In that case, we will refund the registration fee minus the administrative costs (35 euros) for the entry test.​

6. When do I get practical info about the entry test & where can I find it?

  • ​You will receive the practical info and instructions about the entry test in the confirmation email, immediately after registering for a language course (with entry test!).

7. When do I have to take the entry test?

  • The practical arrangements depend on the language and can be found in the confirmation email. It is always important to do the entry test as soon as possible. Some languages/levels fill up quickly!

8. Why is the entry test important?

  • The entry test is included in the registration fee and a key feature in Linguapolis’ striving for quality. It is a service to make sure you start in a level suited for you. The entry test is led by experienced language advisers. By organizing the test professionally Linguapolis can guarantee a quality course taught at a high pace.