​​At Linguapolis you can choose between two different course types for level 5.

What’s the difference? ​​​

Level 5 

higher education perspective

Level 5 

professional perspective


General Dutch and preparation for higher education

You improve your overall language proficiency. In addition, this course prepares you for the Interuniversitaire Taaltest Nederlands voor Anderstaligen (ITNA). 

Working in Dutch

This course is designed for non-native speakers who work in Dutch or have this as a goal. We emphasise language skills that are essential for the professional environment.


  • Through video material and texts on various popular science topics such as psychology, medicine and economics you broaden your vocabulary. 
  • You revise and expand grammar.
  • You will develop your communication skills by discussing current affairs and social issues, giving presentations, etc. 
  • You will learn how to express your thoughts and ideas even more fluently, both orally and in writing.

​​To this end, we work with both the level 5 coursebook and the book Wijze Woorden.​

  • Not only will you expand your professional vocabulary, but you will also refine your general vocabulary.
  • We discuss current affairs and various aspects of working in Dutch: giving business presentations, speaking to colleagues, meetings, telephoning, e-mailing, etc. 
  • You revise the grammar you have already learnt and continue working on fluency and correct forms. That way, you can make sure you speak and write even more confidently and correctly.
  • You will learn the main differences between colloquial and written language, making chatting easier.​


90 contact hours

45 contact hours


Evening course: 2x/week - Stadscampus & live online
  • September-December
  • ​February-June
Evening course: 1x/week
  • October-January: Campus Drie Eiken
  • February-June: Stadscampus

Morning course: 4x/week - Stadcampus
  • ​September-October
  • November-December
  • February-March
  • April-June

Winter School & Summer School: full-time - Stadscampus*
  • ​January
  • June-July
    *As the ITNA is a real challenge, the Winter and Summer School (immersion course) is only recommended if you scored A, B or C (ECTS) for Level 4. If you scored lower or were tolerated, you participate at your own risk.