Level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 professional perspective

You receive a certificate from the University of Antwerp, Linguapolis, on condition that you have taken the reading, listening, writing and speaking exam. The certificate levels correspond with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

A Linguapolis Dutch course
provides a certificate with the following CEFR level if you have passed the exam
level 1
level 2
level 3
level 4
level 5

Level 5 higher education perspective

At the end of the course you will take the Interuniversitaire Taaltest Nederland voor Anderstaligen exam (ITNA). Those who took the ITNA exam will receive a Linguapolis certificate. Those who passed will receive an ITNA certificate.
*If you take the ITNA, you can also achieve C1 with very good results.

Resits & deferred exams

Those who qualify can register for a resit exam or deferred exam.