Representation an all levels

The Student Council is the voice of all students at our university and they represent the needs of every student. They are also responsible for the elections of the student representatives and the general organisation of student representation at our university. When they hear about student representation, a lot of students think about unaffordable or unreadable books, bad classrooms, impossible exam schedules etc. If that also is what you were thinking, you were definitly right!
Next to student represenation on a central level, you can also be active as a student representative in your faculty. This looks a little bit different in each faculty. Besides the usual faculty councils there are also some specific councils or consultation bodies where student representatives can be a member of, for example the 'Coordination Committee Master of Laws in the faculty of Law. If you have questions about counsils which are very specific for your faculty, you can always contact the student representative of your faculty, whom you can find in the student representative overview.
The spoken language and the language of the reports of most councils is Dutch. However, some councils are in English, such as 'the IOB Board and the Educational Commission' of the Institute of Development Policy.