In accordance with the participation decree of March 19, 2004, a Student Council was established with effect from the academic year 2004-2005 and is composed like this:

  • one student per faculty, elected by and among all students of the relevant faculty ( 9 );
  • five students, freely elected by and among all students ( 5 );
  • three students who are members of the Board of Directors, appointed by means of a tiered election, in which case the students involved are elected by the members of the Student Council ( 3 );
  • nine elected student representatives from the Education Council ( 9 );
  • eight elected student representatives from the Council of Student Services ( 8 ).

In addition to the members entitled to vote, the presidents of umbrella associations A.S.K.-Stuwer and Unifac are invited to any meeting of the Student Council in an advisory capacity. This is to strengthen the connection between the Student Council and the campus-related student associations.

Faculty Members

The ties with the student representatives within the study program and faculty are kept alive, mainly through the faculty representative. His / her / their responsibility is, among other things, to convene the faculty consultative body and to test policy proposals within the faculty to take that input with him to the Student Council. In addition, the faculty representative coordinates consultation moments on study program but non cross-faculty themes.

The member of the Education Council represents the students of his faculty in the Education Council, a university-wide council where the policy on education is determined throughout the university.

Council of Student Services

The Council of Student Services is an advisory board in which all matters related to student facilities are discussed. These are all kinds of topics that are not education-related. These largely coincide with the 6 fields of student services decree:

  • The student restaurants
  • Student housing
  • Social services that aim to provide assistance to students who are in a material or social problematic situation
  • Medical and psychological services
  • Mobility
  • Student activities with the aim of supporting or organizing initiatives by or for students on a social, physical, ecological or cultural level.

In this council, democratically elected students are in joint balance with the university. The rector is the chairman of this council. Moreover, a student always leads the council as vice-chairman, so our vote certainly counts heavily!

The Council of Student Services draws up a policy plan and an annual and multi-year budget for the operation and organization of the student facilities and submits them to the institutional board for approval. Within this framework, the Council of Student Services is responsible for the use of social benefits and income from the operation of student facilities. The Council of Student Services advises the institutional board on staffing he deems necessary for the operation and organization of the student facilities.

The Council of Student Services is composed jointly. Half of the members are elected by and among the students (mandate in the student council), the other half is appointed by the institutional board. The student delegation always consists of 4 students from the Stadscampus and 4 students from Campus Drie Eiken, Groenenborger en Middelheim.