The Office of the Student Council UAntwerp is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Student Council and in this sense leads and supports the Student Council in its decisions and policy-making. The Office makes the substantive and organizational preparations of the Student Council and implements its decisions. This team is managed by the chairman and vice-chairman of the Student Council and also consists of a secretary and six policy coordinators for the fields of education, participation, communication, social affairs, ethics & society and external relations.

The proper functioning of the Student Council requires a strong Office with committed students who want to make a broad commitment to a better university. The Office draws up a policy plan together and commits to its implementation. In order to achieve this, the Office tries to meet weekly to prepare for the next general meeting of the Student Council and to follow up on the decisions of the Student council.

The Office is always ready to answer questions, take comments to meetings or find solutions to any problems. You can address us on campus or send an email to!

Members of the Office 2024-2025

Laurens Verhaegen - President -

Bodine Gillis - Vice-president -

Yorn Maes - Coördinator of Education -

Stacey Osei - Coördinator of Ethics & society -

Julie Stockmans - Coördinator of Social affairs -

Kyara Pel - Coördinator of Communication -